viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

My simple prayer for the upcoming elections

Also included is a prayer of repentance and healing for the USA.

Pray for mercy and forgiveness!!!

Never has there been so much at stake and so much spiritual battle over an election in the USA since 1776! Please join us to intercede and pray together!

If My people... (2 Chronicle 7:14)

Dear Wanda,

Simplicity is one of my core values. So is uncommon journaling.

On the morning of October 27, I heard this simple prayer in my spirit and wrote it in my journal:

"Lord, have mercy on America. May You bless America with the upcoming elections so that America may bless You."

Today I was compelled to share this prayer with you and ask you to share it with others.


During 2020, Craig Hill, founder of Family Foundations International, has become one of my top mentors. Here is an important message and prayer Craig shared with his followers:

God has promised, "If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

On October 28, I felt compelled to write the following prayer and ask the Family Foundations International leaders around the world to join (my wife) Jan and me in praying this prayer of repentance and turning from our United States national allegiance with the agendas of demonic spirits, evil altars, and wicked ways.

Let's ask God to heal of our land and to raise up a massive ground swell of believers who will pray and go to the polls and vote for Elijah/Jehu candidates nationally, in their states, and locally.

Will you please join us even if you don't live in the United States to pray for the body of Messiah to awaken, pray, and vote in the USA? Our national destiny is at stake!

Here is the prayer Jan and I are praying and felt compelled to share with you:

Father, we repent of the materialism and apathy that has consumed Your people in our nation for decades.

Forgive us!

We repent of our apathy toward those in our society who are still being treated with discrimination and injustice, and for not using our influence to promote true justice.

Forgive us!

We cry out for mercy, and as Your people, we break our alignment with the altars of Baal and Molech in the United States, which alignment has allowed the murder of tens of millions of our unborn children, and the tacit acceptance, approval and promotion of wide-spread sexual immorality in our society.

We repent of electing state and national representatives in the past, who in alignment with these demonic spirits, have promoted and funded the destruction of marriages and families.

We repent of abdicating our role and responsibility as parents to educate our children, and instead we have allowed the ungodly education and brainwashing of our own children with a godless, socialist agenda through public school curricula aligned with these demonic principalities of Baal and Molech.

Father God, forgive us!

Yahweh, we repent of electing in the past national and state representatives who have promoted an anti-Israel agenda, and have worked to support and actively fund those who hate Your people, and wish to destroy and eradicate Israel.

Father forgive us!

Abba, we ask you to raise up this week an unprecedented ground swell of voters in the United States who will cast their votes to soundly defeat every candidate who aligns with these ungodly altars, or aligns with the spirit of Jezebel seeking to hide behind corrupt "puppet kings" and to further this agenda of Baal in our nation.

We pray that this ground swell of voters will elect nationally and in every state and city, Jehu and Elijah candidates, who will cast down the spirit of Jezebel and whose policies and platforms align with Your moral standards and with Your Kingdom values expressed in Your Word!

Father we, Your people, humble ourselves and repent of these demonic alignments. We turn from these wicked ways, and ask You to raise up a mighty spiritual army of believers and those aligned with Your purposes to vote for and elect by a wide margin Jehu/Elijah candidates nationally and locally this week and on November 3rd. Amen!

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to spread the message and prayer!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not



Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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