Whoever captures the key influential positions in society governs the culture!
Whoever captures the key influential positions in society governs the culture! Jewish people comprise only 2% of the US population, yet their impact is disproportionately huge.
Thus says the LORD: "Stand in the ways and see, And ask for the old paths, where the good way is, And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)
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Dear Wanda, During his recent webinar "The Jewish Key to Generational Prosperity and Influence", Craig Hill shared some interesting stats from the book "The Jewish Phenomenon" by Thomas Silbiger. According to Silbiger, Jewish people comprise only 2% of the US population, yet Jewish people comprise: - 40% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans (all billionaires)
- 25% of all American Nobel prize winners
- 30% of all American Nobel prize winners in science
- 20% of all professors at leading US universities
- 40% of the partners at leading New York and Washington, DC law firms
- Jewish people own many of the major movie studios in Hollywood.
- Jewish people are the scriptwriters and producers for many Prime Time TV shows
Question: How does this tiny group of people (only 2% of the US population) influence our culture so powerfully? Answer: They have in their culture a key practice that most Christians don't know or practice, namely generational transfer of vision, values, and mission! According to crossexamined.org, WE HAVE A PROBLEM IN AMERICA! - 70-75% of Christian youth leave the church after high school (see research from the Pew Research Center and USA Today)
- Between 35 million and 42 million youth raised in Christian homes will disaffiliate from Christianity by 2050.
- The religiously unaffiliate population the USA will double from 17% to 35% (to 50–70 million people) by 2050.
- Instead of our children prospering and being key influencers in society, many Christian children and grandchildren are rejecting the values of their parents and missing their destiny.
- WHY are children doing this? Most of us don't understand or practice the Jewish key to generational prosperity and influence.
To reclaim our culture for Jesus, it is essential for us to understand and follow the Ancient Path of the Bible that Craig teaches about. It's time for Christians to educate ourselves and get on board with God's plan to disciple nations, starting with our own family and community. | |
THE FAMILY BLESSING BLUEPRINT Craig Hill officially starts his new LIVE 12-lesson class this week. Thank you to the many people who have already enrolled and the many more who will. I am confident all of you will see a signficant return on your investment, presuming you complete the assignments.
Craig's first LIVE Q&A is scheduled for February 16. Lessons 1-4 of Craig's class are already available on the Teachable member site. This course will give you advanced spiritual principles, strategies, and daily habits to restore relationship and launch your children and grandchildren into their accelerated destiny track to become godly, responsible, productive adults. I encourage you to visit the registration page, scroll down about 2/3 of the way, and watch the video testimonies under the Testimonials section. They are amazing.
Craig is a master at teaching about creating a culture of blessing and imparting that to others. He has made a big difference in my life and family in the past year.
I invite you to join me on this life-changing, epic adventure.
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In The Family Blessing Blueprint course, you will learn... - Why blessing is so powerful in preparing your children to prosper and succeed in life
- How to implement four key habits that will establish a biblical culture of blessing in your home
- How to empower your children to be top influencers in society
- How to win the hearts of your rebellious teenagers and rebuild a relationship of respect and honor
- How to create and maintain a culture of blessing in your marriage
- How to implement God's system of discipline in your home so you don't lose the hearts of your children in teenage years
- When and how to conduct a Christian rite of passage ceremony to release a boy to be a man or a girl to be a woman
- How to bless your family in the seven critical stages of life
- Eight negative life patterns that result from a lack of blessing in childhood and how to turn them around
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If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com. Blessings to be intentional to pass on a legacy of family blessings! Joseph
Joseph Peck, M.D. The Time Doctor Empowering Dreams Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not | |
Unsubscribe Empower 2000, Inc 10313 Walker Rd Culpeper, Virginia 22701 United States (540) 445-1463 | |
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