Dear Wanda,
How many times have you thought, "If only Jesus were here like He was in the Bible!"
I've got news for you. HE IS!
When you pray in tongues, the Spirit of Christ in you is speaking through you––not with your words or your ideas, but with God's commanding presence. Selah.
Think about that!
Not only is the Holy Spirit your Helper, giving you inner nudges and speaking to your hear to teach and guide you.
But His Voice, God's Voice, is released through you, praying and interceding PERFECTLY, when you speak in your spiritual language.
At times, those tongues sound a little different, feel a little more intense, and shift into a different mode. You may have experienced this personally, or noticed it when someone else is praying.
This is warfare tongues. It is not casual, but targetted, intense intercession.
Death Assignment Cancelled
In his webinar this week, Apostle Donald Lee shared about a night that he and his team were praying for the next day's mission work in El Salvador.
Without any particular knowledge on their part, he and his intercessors began to war in the Spirit. He said his language changed and he started to move and act out his prayer in battle-like motions. After some time, the intensity lifted. They ended their meeting and went to bed.
The next day, Donald was in a horrific car accident. The emergency services were astonished when Donald, his driver, and team walked away without a scratch!
The Lord showed him and his intercessors that the warfare tongues the previous night cancelled the assignment of death the enemy had placed on Donald as he carried the glory of the gospel to the people of El Salvador.
God is a "Man of War"
When we engage in warfare tongues, the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, is speaking, breaking and nullifying attacks of the enemy.
That means, God, the "Man of War," Himself is binding demonic assignments and commanding angelic help from heaven!
That in and of itself should be incentive to pray in tongues like Paul – more than anyone else.
If you want to learn more about warfare tongues and get fired up with more powerful testimonies click here to watch the replay of Tongues: Your Key to Walking in the Power of God.
If you've already watched the replay and are hungry for more. Then you will want to sign up for Apostle Donald Lee's upcoming class: Tongues: Power and Blessings today.
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