miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2021

Day 3: Say "Goodbye" to procrastination + just a few hours remaining

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Just a few hours left to claim your I Was Busy, Now I'm Not book bonus!

Day 3 of 5: Last week, Holy Spirit instructed me to relaunch my "I Was Busy Now I'm Not" class at the start of the new year at a deep discount. Today is Day 3 of the 5-day special offer.

Grace and peace to you, Wanda,

You know that one thing that you keep putting off doing? The project looming over your head that would be such a relief to finish. The nudge in your spirit to get moving on the dream that could radically change your life…

..but you procrastinate.

Well, here's my personal invitation to learn how to say "Goodbye" to procrastination–FOREVER.

That's right. Forever! This is not another time management strategy to be tried and tossed after a few miserable weeks. It's not the latest, greatest productivity tool to add to your collection.

The simple and practical steps I share in "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" are an eternal, biblical solution that addresses the root of procrastination and sets you free to do the things that matter most!

But time is running out.

The 5-day special discount for my "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" class ends on Friday, Dec. 10th…

…And the first bonus, a PDF copy of my signature book, I Was Busy, Now I'm Not, EXPIRES in just a FEW HOURS.

If you're ready for More Time, Less Stress, and Greater Impact, stop procrastinating!

Sign Up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" and get a jump start on fulfilling God's purpose for your life in 2022!

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class


I Was Busy, Now I'm Not bookDoes your time seem to be in short supply? Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed?

Jesus said the entire Bible can be summarized in one word—LOVE. Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Learning to be a good steward with your time, your most valuable resource, will improve your relationships and help you prosper in all areas of your life.

If you are ready to find time for what matters most, then this book will help you. This book teaches how to simplify your complicated life, make time for what matters most, and live your big dreams!

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class


I Was Busy ClassJoin the thousands of Christians who have changed the way they think about time, and start pursuing the dreams and desires God has placed within you today.

This life-changing course consists of 8 Lessons + 4 LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions where you can get feedback, coaching, and small group support in your journey to freedom!

Here are the topics covered in this course:

  • Lesson 1: Redeeming the Time: Simple Solutions for Success in Life
  • Lesson 2: Sacred Time–Sacred Place
  • Lesson 3: Applying the Power of Less
  • Lesson 4: Developing Your One-Year Growth Calendar
  • Lesson 5: Setting SMARRT Goals
  • Lesson 6: Uncommon Journaling for Divine Destiny
  • Lesson 7: Conquer Fear
  • Lesson 8: Living on Purpose
Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class

I'd love to have you join me on this Great Adventure!

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to put an end to procrastination!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor 
Empowering Dreams 
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

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