The key that unlocks your divine assignment...
Recognizing Your Mantle The Key That Unlocks Your Divine Assignment Free LIVE webinar with Beverley Watkins and Dr. Faisal Malick on Tuesday, May 9 at 4 pm Eastern Everyone who registers for this webinar will receive access to the study guide and replay.
"Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, "Where is the LORD God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over." (2 Kings 2:14, NKJV)
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Dear Wanda, Do you know what your mantle is?
If you want to fulfill your divine assignment, understanding your mantle is key. One of the most dramatic events in Bible history is found in 2 Kings, chapter 2 — the story of the prophet Elijah and his protégé, Elisha, on the last day of the senior prophet's assignment on this earth. Though Elijah tried multiple times to send Elisha another direction, Elisha refused to leave… …he was determined to follow to the end and receive all he could from his anointed mentor. Just before the fiery spectacle that swept Elijah away into Heaven, Elisha's parting request was that a double portion of Elijah's spirit would be upon him. There was, however, one condition. Elijah said, "You have asked a hard thing. However, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you…" Elisha stayed. His prayer was answered. | |
And immediately he picked up the mantle Elijah had dropped, struck the waters of the Jordan River, and they parted for him to cross on dry ground… a feat his mentor had just performed earlier that same day. You might say Elisha stepped into some very big shoes — he would now take on the assignment of being the prophet of Israel and carrying the responsibility he had watched Elijah shoulder… …now he wore the mantle. While all mankind has a God-given vision, you have an assignment from God that is your unique role in God's vision. And your assignment carries with it a corresponding mantle, or seat of authority. There's no question… each of us wants to fulfill our individual divine assignment. Understanding and identifying your mantle is a key to doing just that! | |
In this webinar, Beverly Watkins and Dr. Faisal Malick will unwrap for you the concept of the mantle and how it can powerfully impact your destiny in the Kingdom. A mantle is not an impartation, an anointing, or a spiritual gift… …so, what is it? The answer to that question, as well as the following topics, will be discussed in the free webinar with Beverley and Dr. Malick. | |
In this session, you will learn: - Five foundational principles to understand mantles
- How to recognize a mantle and how it functions
- The primary purpose of a mantle and how it is tied to authority
- How in the absence of God's vision, demonic mantles and corporate opposition thrive
- Why it is a prophetic season to understand your mantle
- How to stop chasing other people's mantles and discover your own
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BIOGRAPHY Dr. Faisal Malick, is a seasoned pastor, a prolific author, an accomplished entrepreneur, and a well-respected keynote speaker with a multifaceted calling to leaders. A former devout Muslim, he had a profound encounter with God in which he recognized Jesus is the Son of God. He now has a strategic mandate to reach the Muslim world and has established a thriving church (Covenant of Life Ministries), launched a leadership network (Plumbline Network), founded an educational institute (Plumbline Institute), and built a film and broadcast studio (Malick Media Group). Faisal lives in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. | |
Beverley Watkins, is a recognized Seer Prophet and apostolic voice with specialized, practical knowledge on legislating in the Courts of Heaven. She is an author and international speaker, activating and equipping believers in their roles as kings and priests of God. She also works closely with leaders to develop strategies for reforming the seven mountains of culture in order to see nations fulfill their destinies. Beverley and her husband, Robin, have relocated from Johannesburg, South Africa where they led Global Impact – a non-profit company that empowers the Ekklesia for the reformation of nations, to British Columbia, Canada, where they now serve alongside Faisal Malick and his team. | |
SHARE Sharing is THE KEY to having God's fresh living waters flow through you continuously. This message will empower and equip you in your unique role in God's vision to powerfully impact your destiny in the Kingdom. Every believer will benefit from this practical but powerful message! Please invite your family and friends to register for this life-changing global broadcast by forwarding this email or sharing via social media using this link:
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