"Very timely word!!!" A.S.
"The Time Is Now! Stepping Over into Divine Fulfillment & Destiny" with Dr. James Goll "Very timely word!!!" A.S. "You have come to your royal position for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14) | |
Dear Wanda, The church is in desperate need of being equipped and armed with the strategies and resources required for our divine assignments in the Great Harvest. And the testimonies we've received since Jame's webinar is a resounding affirmation that God is actively preparing each one of you for this monumental task. This word is preparing us to receive prophetic secrets that will mark the onset of the Great Harvest. The overwhelming feedback serves as proof that this message is right on time! Dr. James Goll is empowering the church to rise up, become a "giant slayer," and get ready for spiritual breakthrough. Take a look at some of the inspiring testimonies we've received: - "Have to watch it again!" C.S.
- "James's faith is contagious and strengthens my trust in God & His Word." J.H.
- "James is right on point on what is happening in the world. I love getting the update." P.B.
- "Love how James shares from his heart." V.L.
- "Many great thoughts and inspirations. Biggest encouragement was to not despise small beginnings, or think that because my current apparent influence that I cannot make a huge impact by fulfilling the calling and dreams that God has given me." R.W.
- "The theme of Esther and Mordecai has been very present for me this whole last year, and much of what James shared was a confirmation." R.W.
- "My favorite parts were when James spoke about how the 10 spies said they 'became' grasshoppers in the enemy's sight...not that they already were!!! I had never seen that before, even though I've read it and heard the scripture many times. What a revelation!! Also when James prophesied over my life for this year." E.C.
- "Needing discernment on going through the right doors, and closing the old doors properly. And going through the new door and entering into His rest. That was really neat. I have never considered that before. AND not having inner perception that causes a negative projection releasing a negative presence. That one right there is HUGE. It's speaking to me about not being fearful when I leave my home and have to be out in the community where I live. Thank you Lord Jesus for this truth!!" T.N.
- "I greatly appreciated hearing James share what's on his heart and radar for things to come. I was especially touched by his heart toward the Prophets and the vast need for the Body of Christ to truly honor and bless those who step into this most challenging role." V.M.
- "I learnt lots - very helpful. Perhaps the most important was that 'Time with God is never wasted but time gained.' The time is now to step into destiny etc BUT the key is Matthew 11: 28-30-coming to Him and finding rest, so we will be in step with Him, equally yoked with Him- not running ahead but moving in sync."
- "My life matters. My doing, with all that is within me, what He has given me to do matters . Be at peace and enjoy His joy at us doing life together" G.M.
- "The whole webinar blessed me sooo much. There was so many golden nuggets that were spoken." A.S.
- "This spoke to me especially helping me to identify the season I am in. The Come to me section! My mind has been overwhelmed! He wants me to come and rest." C.A.
- "Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Put your hand on the plow, look straight ahead, keep the dream alive in your heart and don't give up. So encouraging to hear now for new ministry opportunities starting for me soon in a new community outreach center reaching out to the unchurched where I live. Very timely word!!!" A.S.
- "What James shared about prayer for the borders and what he is planning for prayer for the prophets. Very exciting!" L.K.
- "The most important lesson I learned is how James shared about perception can lead to projection and releases a presence. I never saw that scripture in that way. Wow!" N.W.
Trust me — you won't want to miss this timely message! The strategies that James Goll generously shared are enabling people to step into their "NOW" moment and enter into divine fulfillment. If you missed this broadcast, it's not to late to watch the replay! Be sure to take advantage of this while it's still available. Get ready to be catapulted into your divine role in the global Esther Movement! | |
Discerning the Times & Seasons: What are the Prophets Strategically Discerning? Your contributions to the Kingdom are invaluable. Every effort born from your heart plays a crucial part in God's strategic plans.
God is counting on you to tune in and discern the times with precision so you can fulfill everything He's assigned to you in this year.
Dr. James Goll is on a mission to empower you to accurately hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. That's why he's assembled some of the most renowned prophetic voices in the Body of Christ for an exhilarating 8-week prophetic forum. They're going to answer the burning question, "What are you strategically discerning for 2024 and beyond?" Through these live sessions, you will be prepared to: - Increase in each of the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit like never before
- Step into a supernatural lifestyle to represent His kingdom for such a time as this
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Get ready to comprehend the times with clarity and step into God's grand design for your life!
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BONUS BOOK "Praying With God's Heart: The Power and Purpose of Prophetic Intercession" by Dr. James W. Goll Shipped free anywhere in the world!
Are you seeking a deeper understanding of intercession and yearning to pray in a way that aligns with God's deepest desires? In this enlightening and practical guide, you'll learn to carry the desires of God's heart into your petitions. Join an emerging generation of believers stepping into a new realm of praying with authority and impact.
Sign up by Jan 14 to receive this incredible FREE bonus! | |
PRAYER POWER LORD, I desire to have a deeper understanding of the times we are living in today. Grant me the wisdom I need to discern these times and to fulfill the role that You have ordained for me. Thank You for this empowering message from Dr. James Goll! Show me the steps I need to take to further my impact and get ready for this Great Harvest. In Jesus' name I pray, amen! | |
If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com. Blessings to receive prophetic secrets that will mark the onset of the Great Harvest! Joseph Joseph Peck, M.D. Founder and President of Empower 2000 empower2000.com | |
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