miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2024

Replay of “Kingdom Economics”

It's time to stop living in lack!

God desires for you to step out of lack and into abundance

Say, "I am the government of God on Earth."

BONUS: Choose one previous E2000 course for FREE - Expires tomorrow!

"Jesus replied, 'You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it." (Matthew 16:17-18)

Dear Wanda,

Wow, wow, wow!!!

If you caught Benji Alexander's live masterclass yesterday, you know exactly why I call him one of the most extraordinary visionaries and Kingdom thought leaders around.

Listening to God speak through Benji during this powerful, Spirit-led session on Kingdom economics was beyond inspiring.

He didn't just talk about money; he shared God's heart for you to produce wealth that serves your divine calling and fuels the Great Commission!

Benji laid out the vision for creating wealth—not merely for profit, but to build a future that fulfills the assignments God has placed on your heart.

Imagine a life where your resources are so abundant that they become tools to transform lives and fund the assignments God has for you!

Here are just a few unforgettable highlights from his masterclass:

  • The church, or Ekklesia, is more than a religious institution; it's Heaven's government on Earth, called to bring God's order and impact to every sphere of life.
  • God's heart is for multiplication and creation of wealth!
  • The poverty mindset is often associated with the spirit of mammon. Poverty does not make you spiritually mature! It is spiritual immaturity, evidence that mammon is ruling over you.
  • You are empowered by God to rule over finances, create wealth, and use resources for Kingdom advancement, not just survival.

  • There are more powerful ways to create wealth than just trading time for money.
  • God's heart is for wealth to be created from intimacy with Him!
  • Overcome two common lies about God's promises in wealth creation—"it's not possible" and "it's not possible for me"—by stepping into your identity as a son or daughter of God.
  • You can overcome poverty mindsets and enter into God's infinite possibilities for wealth creation.
  • Ruling over wealth is a sacred assignment; believers are called to govern finances as God does, speaking things into being and stewarding resources for future impact.
  • To disciple nations, substantial resources are essential; Kingdom wealth creation fuels this mission!

Friend, God is calling you out of lack and oppression, away from the grip of the spirit of mammon, and into glorious freedom where you reign over money!

It's time to start dreaming with God, to take your place in ruling over finances and partnering with Him to bring His influence into every area of your life.

If you missed the live broadcast, don't wait—catch the replay! This insight is exactly what you need to fund your God-given dream and start seeing it come to life.

Get ready to embrace God's boundless vision for wealth and start creating the future He's calling you to build!

Kingdom Wealth Secrets: Heaven's Governance, Wealth Creation, and Leadership with Benji Alexander

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Kingdom wealth and embrace God's vision for financial stewardship?

Kingdom Wealth Secrets is a powerful 3-lesson workshop with Benji Alexander designed to help you discover how to create legacy wealth, steward resources wisely, and lead with Kingdom impact.

Step into a future where your finances empower you to disciple nations and amplify God's light in a world in need!

BONUS: One Free E2000 Course

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As a special reward, you're invited to choose One Free Empower 2000 Course of Your Choice!

This limited-time offer lets you dive deep into transformative teachings, powerful insights, and life-changing strategies—all at no cost to you.

Whether you're looking to expand your spiritual journey, sharpen your leadership skills, or unlock new perspectives, this gift is designed to support and empower you.


Heavenly Father, I believe that it is not Your will for me to live a life of lack. Forgive me for any time that I have served mammon, even unintentionally, by settling for financial poverty. There are assignments You have given me to do to further Your Kingdom, and I believe that You wouldn't have called me to do these things if You could not provide the resources! Thank You for abundance—for providing me with more than enough to fund and fuel these missions. I declare that financial lack and oppression have no more power over me or my destiny, in Jesus' name! Amen.

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to step out of lack and into freedom!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000

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