Dear Wanda,
Do you wonder where we stand in today's prophetic timeline?
James Goll points us straight to Psalm 83:3–4, where we read a chilling declaration:
"They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones. 'Come,' they say, 'let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence.'"
This Scripture is being fulfilled before our very eyes. The world is witnessing blatant acts of hatred...
Yet amidst this chaos, God's purposes remain unstoppable!
James Goll declares that man's evil schemes will be exposed, and just as in Esther's time, Haman will be hung on his own gallows.
But that's not all—James also prophesies a global rearranging of governments and the birthing of multiple movements of the Holy Spirit!
How incredible is it that you're alive in this prophetic hour?
God is raising YOU up as a light and a hope solutionist!
But to step into this divine calling, you need to sharpen your spiritual discernment, grow in your prophetic gifting, and prepare for what's ahead.
That's why I'm thrilled to invite you to James Goll's "Discerning the Times & Seasons" course. This powerful program features 8 prophetic leaders who will help you:
- Discern today's prophetic timeline with clarity,
- Realign your assignment with God's fresh purposes, and
- Equip you to walk boldly in God's grand design for your life.
PLUS, if you enroll by tomorrow, you'll also receive FREE access to James Goll's 15-lesson bonus class, "A Radical Faith."
Don't miss this opportunity to align with what God is doing in this critical hour.
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