Dear Wanda,
At the beginning of yesterday's webinar, I asked participants to enter their location and top healing question into the chat.
First, I was BLOWN AWAY by the diversity of nations represented in yesterday's webinar! We had viewers in Japan, India, Malaysia, Romania, New Zealand, Australia, UK, France, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Jamaica, Canada...twenty-two in all.
Plus we had participants from 29 different U.S. states and most of the Canadian provinces.
Second, I was touched by how many people responded that they were either trained or received ministry through Restoring the Foundations.
If anything attests to the effectiveness of this ministry model, it is the sheer number of people who have already gone through the process who joined yesterday's webinar. Many shared that this ministry approach to healing brought them breakthrough and lasting results.
And finally, what both breaks my heart and spurs me on in hosting free, online resources like this webinar are the questions viewers asked.
It would be safe to say that 95% of the questions ran along the same theme, "Why haven't I experienced the healing promised in the Bible?"
The pain and desperation pouring out from these questions were palpable. While there were many variations of the details, one thing is clear, many sincere, faith-filled, Holy Spirit-led believers are struggling with physical infirmities, emotional hurts, cycles of oppression, addictions, or sin issues and can't get free.
Some of you are praying for yourselves, others have been praying for a loved one. Many of you shared you have been praying, believing, and waiting...for years!
If this is you, then PLEASE, take time to watch the replay of Lee and Cindi Whitman's powerful webinar, "Finding Hope, Healing, and Freedom."
There is an answer to your cry. There is a solution for your pain. There is a way forward into freedom.
While Lee and Cindi were only able to touch the tip of the iceberg in their 60 minute session, I believe the teaching they release will answer some of your "why's" and infuse you with fresh hope as well as next steps towards breakthrough.
As I mentioned yesterday, the best part of yesterday's webinar is that Jesus, the Hope-Giver, was there. Let your spirit take a fresh drink of His healing presence, and expect to meet Him as you watch the message that is at the heart of the gospels and the Father's love.
Jesus came to heal, save, and deliver. Don't settle for anything less than His promise. Click here to watch the replay and start your journey to wholeness today.
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