lunes, 19 de julio de 2021

Healing: Tired of waiting for breakthrough?

Been there, done that, tried that? This message is for you.
Healing Class

You've waited long enough...

Push past your disappointment and start a new journey to healing today.

"A woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years and have endured much at the hands of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was not helped at all but rather had grown worse—after hearing about Jesus, she came up in the crowd behind Him and touched His cloak. For she thought, 'If I just touch His garments, I will get well.'" (Mark 5:25-28)

Dear Wanda,

Imagine for a moment, you've had a debilitating disease for 12 years.

Not only that, but your disease has made you an outcast. You are under the ultimate "lockdown" and when you do venture out, you have to warn people to stay away because you are "unclean."

You've done everything to find a solution. Your entire life savings have been poured into treatments. You've gone to all the specialists…

And NOTHING has changed.

Or how about this situation. Your daughter is deathly ill. You know her time is ticking away when you hear about a treatment that has worked wonders for others. It's your last, and frankly, only hope.

That's the situation we see unfolding in Mark, chapter 5.

Jairus' daughter is dying, and he sends for the Miracle-worker to come to his house. He's healed others, surely, He will heal now.

But on the way, Jesus is delayed. A woman had broken every restriction to push through the crowd and secretly touch the hem of Jesus' garment.

Immediately, she feels healing virtue and she is completely whole. Jesus feels it too. He stops to ask, "Who touched Me?"


Jairus' daughter dies.

Where do you find yourself in this story?

You may be the woman who has tried EVERYTHING. Whether your issue is medical, emotional, spiritual, you've been there, done it, prayed it, fasted it…and spent all you had in the process.

Or perhaps you are Jairus. Jesus is out healing everyone else, but your promise along with your hope has died in your arms while you waited.

In either case, I can only imagine the discouragement, frustration, confusion… and yes, even anger, you may feel right now.

If that is you (or someone you know), there is HOPE for you today!

If you've experienced disappointment or delay in the past, the truth remains that Jesus came to heal you, restore you, and set you free from the enemy.

I know, you've heard that, been there, and done that...

But what if the missing key is simply a different approach to experience the abundant life Jesus promises?

That is what Lee and Cindi Whitman are offering in their upcoming class, Living in Hope, Healing, and Freedom.

They share that many of the patterns we experience today are rooted in a web the enemy planted in our lives or even our family line. Frequently, to get truly free, each of the enemy's tethers has to be dealt with simultaneously in order to cut off legal access to our lives.

Using an integrated approach that deals with the four common areas the enemy uses to hold us captive, Lee and Cindi have seen Jesus come heal and deliver in situations that seemed beyond all hope time and again:

  • People with life-long addictions that no amount of prayer or counseling could touch, set permanently free
  • Marriages so broken that the divorce papers were already drawn up to sign, restored.
  • Life-long infirmities lifted
  • Broken hearts from unimaginable abuse healed…

You name, it, Lee and Cindi have probably seen it and can truly say, "Nothing is impossible for our God."

I know delay is frustrating...

But Jesus is on the way. There's no situation too hard or too far gone for Him to restore. Jairus' little girl was resurrected back to life. I believe God can restore you, too.

You've been waiting long enough. Click here to sign up for Lee and Cindi's powerful course, Living in Hope, Healing, and Freedom to start your restoration journey to wholeness today.

LIVING IN HOPE, HEALING, & FREEDOM Class with Lee & Cindi Whitman

Are you battle-weary or losing hope that you will ever overcome? Is there a cry deep inside of you for breakthrough?

Are you currently experiencing…

  • destructive family traits that cause hurt or frustration—but you feel powerless to stop
  • sin patterns you can't overcome
  • repeated cycles of negative relationships with family or friends
  • chronic issues with finances or your health
  • the thought, "This must be as good as the Christian life gets this side of heaven!"
  • a struggle with fear, doubt, and insecurity or the feeling that you are just "surviving"the inability to change in spite of many efforts
  • the inability to change despite many efforts
Healing Class

If you answered, "Yes!" to any of these, then you won't want to miss the Living in Hope, Healing, and Freedom class.

This life-transforming class will walk you through each of the four key areas that hinder permanent healing and freedom.

By addressing these areas with an integrated, biblical approach, you will be empowered to:

  • receive God's hope in your hopeless places
  • experience Jesus' healing for deep personal hurts and wounds
  • apply God's truth to bring freedom where you have been held captive
  • find restoration for your soul

It's time for you to EXPERIENCE the fullness of life and joy that Jesus purchased for you!


Register for Lee and Cindi's upcoming class by 11:59 PM Eastern July 20th and you will automatically receive a digital download of RTF founder's powerful book Healing and Freedom.

Have you wondered why all of your problems did not instantly go away the moment you accepted Jesus into your life?

In Healing and Freedom, you will discover how the Integrated Approach, pioneered by Restoring The Foundations founders Chester and Betsy Kylstra, is vital to unlocking deep and permanent healing and freedom for yourself and your family.

Get this powerful companion to the Living in Hope, Healing, and Freedom class when you register before the end of July 20th.

Book Bonus

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to live fully in hope, healing and freedom!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Finding Healing Replay
Legal Ground 1
Legal Ground2

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You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for things you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'd be happy to help.

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