Dear Wanda,
As we closed out last week's webinar with Dr. Francis Myles, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask Dr. Myles to pray a prayer to give people courage and remove any and all barriers holding them back from enrolling his powerful upcoming class.
I sensed there were many people watching whose hearts burned within them to learn more, but they couldn't see how they could afford the time or finances to take the class. That may even be your situation right now.
Before praying, Dr. Myles shared this profound conversation he had had with the Lord:
"One of the biggest challenges I have with My sons and daughters in the realm of provision and supply is their consciousness."
"What do you mean?", he asked.
"My people are money-conscious instead of Heavenly Father-conscious."
The Lord went on to explain, "Whenever my people have something they need, their first question is 'Can I afford it?' That means they are not even thinking, 'Can my Heavenly Father supply this?'"
Ouch! That hurts...
But it is so true. How many times have you considered something that you felt was from the Lord and your first thought was, "I can't afford that?" Your second thought may have been to pray for provision, but the primary consideration even then was still finances.
I am not advocating for anyone to be fiscally irresponsible, but I do know that when the Lord calls, He provides.
What I love about Dr. Myles is HOW SIMPLE, YET TRANSFORMATIONAL his teaching is.
With just this one illustration, he was able to uncover the spirit of Mammon holding so many of us back from stepping into all God has for us.
I was so blessed with the testimony he shared to punctuate this point:
A woman in his congregation desired to go on a tour he was leading to Israel. The tour coincided with the nation of Israel's 70th birthday. She came to him and said, "Oh, I would love to go on the tour and have my 70th birthday on the soil of Jerusalem! ...but I can't afford it."
He was about to reply when the Holy Spirit said, "Remember what I taught you? Rebuke her." Dr. Myles said, "Why are you consulting money instead of consulting your Heavenly Father? If He wants you to go... He can give you the $3,600 to go to Israel." That shifted her focus and her prayers. A few weeks later, someone walked up to her and said, "I want to give you an all-expense-paid trip to Israel!" Her Heavenly Father provided!
I encourage you to raise your expectation and change your perspective. Whether it is belieiving for finances to take this course or there is another burden the Lord has laid on your heart to pursue, break free from the enemy's lie, today.
Shift your starting point from, "I can't...," to "My God can supply."
Time and again, I have seen Him answer when we listen, obey, and let Him fill in the details of provision.
I challenge you, if your heart is burning to learn more about the Order of Melchizedek, seek the Lord about whether you should take this class. I know it will change your life, reorder your priorities, and launch you into a new dimension of faith.
If the Lord is directing you, I encourage you to sign up for the Order of Melchizedek today.