sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2021

James Goll: 10 purposes of prophetic revelatory encounters

Did you know that what you do with current revelation determines your future?

Your Invitation to a Lifestyle of God Encounters: Understanding Supernatural Experiences with James Goll

How you respond to prophetic revelation is key to receiving more!

"In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts." (Daniel 7:1)

Dear Wanda,

Wow, wow, wow! The wealth of wisdom James shared in "Your Invitation to a Lifestyle of God Encounters" webinar is RICH.

Some of the nuggets he dropped could be an entire course in themselves.

How about this one? Be a DOER of the word, not a HEARER only.

What do you do when you encounter God?

It is exciting to hear the latest and greatest revelation from God, but the purpose of encounter is not simply so we can have spiritual goosebumps!

God expects us to respond. Take action. Make a plan to move on the word or revelation in order to fulfill its PURPOSE.

Here's another nugget–What you DO with supernatural revelation will determine what God will share with you in the future.

If you want more, steward what you've got. Faithful in little releases the MORE.

So what is the PURPOSE of these encounters? Here's what James shared during his recent webinar:

10 purposes of prophetic revelatory encounters:

  1. Dreams and visions are used to reveal God's promises.
  2. Supernatural encounters often give direction, especially at major turning points.
  3. Revelatory experiences give warnings.
  4. Dreams and vision give instruction.
  5. In the Spirit of revelation, God can deal with man in a special way.
  6. Prophetic activity predicts the future.
  7. Prophetic gifts give courage.
  8. Dreams and visions are a major way God communicates to His people.
  9. Revelatory grace draws us into worship.
  10. Prophetic encounters cast new light and grant new perspective.

Have you had any of these types of encounter? If so, did you recognize the purpose, respond, and obey?

If you would like to learn more about how to understand, steward, and increase in supernatural experiences, then you will want to watch the replay of James' webinar today.


You were created for God encounters!

The Spirit of God is awakening the Bride of Christ across the globe to fervently send forth a passionate plea, "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!"

But before He comes "for" you in His great second coming, He is first coming "to" you with His manifested presence and glory realm.

The veil between heaven and earth is growing thin with increased supernatural activity and demonstration of God's manifest power. Like John on the Isle of Patmos, God is extending an open invitation, "Come up here, come up higher" to all who will heed His call.

Supernatural Encounters

There are keys to the supernatural which develop your faith for encounters with God while also giving you lessons for wisely stewarding His manifest presence.

Through grounded scriptural teaching, lessons from church history, modern testimony, and personal experience, this class will help you welcome the supernatural and cultivate a lifestyle of God Encounters like never before.


Get James' powerful book, The Seer, shipped free anywhere in the world when you sign up for his upcoming class by September 12th.

Join James W. Goll on an exciting and insightful journey into the visionary world of the seer!

The prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life are fed by two mighty streams: the prophet, whose revelation is primarily verbal, and the seer, whose revelation is more visionary in nature. While the role of the prophet is familiar, less is known about the seer dimension.

Book Bonus

To many people, these visionary prophets remain mysterious, other-worldly and even strange. In this book you will discover the prophetic power of dreams, visions, and life under the open heavens.

The Seer will move your heart and stir up your hunger for intimacy with God, because "the seer's goal is to reveal the Man Christ Jesus!"

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to step into God Encounters of your own!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Supernatural Replay
Purpose 1-3
Purpose 4-7
Purpose 8-10

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