sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021

The Prophetic Dream that Changed My Family

Three days ago (Wed Sept 15), I woke up very early in the morning with a profound dream...

Every family needs a deliverer!

The Prophetic Dream that Changed My Family

Now it came to pass the same night that the LORD said to him (Gideon), "Take your father's young bull, the second bull of seven years old, and tear down the altar of Baal that your father (Joash) has, and cut down the wooden image (Asherah) that is beside it; and build an altar to the LORD your God on top of this rock in the proper arrangement, and take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down." (Judges 6:25-26)

Dear Wanda,

Three days ago (Wed Sept 15), I woke up very early in the morning and heard clearly in my spirit, "Ask Dr. Francis Myles to speak about "The Battle of Altars", not "The Order of Melchizedek", for the Empower Disciples (ED) webinar."

Even though the ED webinar was scheduled for the next day (Thurs Sept 16) and the topic (The Order of Melchizedek) had been decided on two months earlier, I felt compelled to obey what the LORD told me, realizing it might be a big inconvenience to Dr. Myles and my team.

Within a few hours of emailing Dr. Myles, he agreed to the abrupt change, trusting the Holy Spirit working through me.

Since the webinar scheduled for Sep 16 was an Empower Disciples broadcast, I initially planned to only invite ED members. However, after Dr. Myles agreed to the change, I got a strong to invite my larger audience.


So at 11 am Eastern (an hour before the ED webinar began), I sent a promo email to 35,000 people inviting them to "The Battle of Altars".

Normally, I ask people to register for webinars. However, since I didn't have time to set up the registration page, I simply included a Zoom link in the email and told people they had to attend the live event to hear Dr. Myles' message. I said the replay would be available only for ED members.

Well, Dr. Myles' message was off-the charts, one of the most powerful and practical message about spiritual warfare I have ever heard. The response from the live audience was phenominal and I took extensive notes during the entire 90 minute live broadcast.

It was during the Q&A part of the webinar that I finally realized God had orchestrated circumstances so that this timely message was released globally on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.

In an email sent yesterday morning (the day after the webinar) to my customer support team, I wrote: "We are not making the replays for the ED webinar with Dr. Francis Myles available to non-ED members. If someone wants to watch the replay, encourage them to enroll at empowerdisciples.com."

Melodie responded, "Thank you for letting me know. I thought if they watched the replay they would definitely enroll in Empower Disciples or enroll in his upcoming class. That teaching was outstanding."

At 6:30 pm yesterday (Friday) evening, I laid down for a 90 minute nap, exhausted and frustrated after a barrage of spiritual attacks in the previous 24 hours. I had discovered important things that had not been done or had been done incorrectly or out of order by E2000 team members. Those were uncharacteristic oversights by our reliable and Godly workers.

Before laying down for my nap, I felt like my entire work day on Friday had been wasted. I only completed one task I had planned to do, and even that took two hours longer than expected because of a new and weird technology problem with software I use frequently.

Well, my 90 minute nap turned into a 3 hour nap. That's how tired I was. When I got up. I was led to immediately start reading more from "The Battle of Altars" book on my Kindle. As I began reading "Chapter 6: Overthrowing the Altar of Your Father's House", several things jumped out at me:

  • Every family needs a deliverer! God always raises a deliver in families.
  • Obeying scared! (I could identify with that because I've done it many times.)
  • Get ready for a push-back! When God sends you to bring down the idol and evil altar of your father's house, get ready for severe push-back.

O my gosh, when I read that, I realized what I experienced in the previous 24 hours after the profound webinar with Dr. Myles was push-back (intense spiritual warfare), precisely what Dr. Myles warned about.

But what came next in that chapter hit me like a ton of bricks, namely the section titled, "The Prophetic Dream That Changed My Family".

In that section, Dr. Myles shared a profound story about a prophetic dream his sister had in 2018 and the wake-up call that was for him. Dr. Myles writes:

"Ladies and gentlemen, when my dear sister Judy posted this prophetic dream on our family WhatsApp group, my spirit exploded into action."

As a result, he flew from Arizona to Zambia with his wife to visit the home where he grew up to tear down an evil altar that had been haunting him and his family for most of their lives.

Shortly after that, Dr. Myles began experiencing breakthrough after breakthrough.

I suddenly realized the prophetic dream that changed my family" occurred on Wed Sep 15 when God instructed me to host the webinar about "The Battle of Altars" on Yom Kippur.

I understood God had started a process to tear down the evil altars in my life, family, and bloodline.

The LORD told me emphatically to send a message to my followers titled "The Prophetic Dream That Changed My Family" and make the replay for "The Battle of Altars" webinar available to them as Melodie suggested.

So in obedience to Holy Spirit, that's what I am doing.

Don't miss this extraordinary supernatural encounter. Watch the replay and refer your friends. You will be glad you did.


If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Shalom, Shalom from the King of Shalom!

The Dreamer

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