Greetings, grace, and peace to you Wanda,
Two little words...
"You're pregnant"
...unleash an array of emotions from excitement, joy, anticipation to fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, hopelessness, anger, or confusion.
If the pregnancy is unplanned, the mother is faced with an overwhelming decision–"Do I keep the baby, have an abortion, or give it up for adoption?"
The mother's decision will impact her life (and the life of her baby) forever.
Many women with unplanned pregnancies do not want to get an abortion, but they feel like they don't have any other options.
We are excited to launch our first Justice Network webinar so we can help educate, equip, encourage, and empower YOU with resources to offer support and resources to women facing the toughest decision of their life.
Jim Wright, Founder and President of Birthmother Ministries Inc. (Birthmothers®) has a passion to help women face unplanned pregnancies.
We invite you to join us as Jim shares about a healthy alternative to abortion that offers support and resources to not only the mother but for the father and other family members as well.
In addition to working with pregnancy care centers and agencies, Birthmothers also work with local churches to establish teams that minister to pregnant women in their communities. Their motto is "A Friend loves at all times.™"
As America grows closer to abolishing Roe v. Wade and more and more states are limiting abortions, there will be an influx of children in need of adoption. We need to be ready with open arms and loving hearts to receive these precious babies. Part of this preparation is getting rid of old mindsets concerning adoption.
Many people wonder if adoption is the right choice for them.
- Mothers of unplanned pregnancies are hesitant to place their baby up for adoption
- Couples often fail to pursue the adoption process because they feel they won't be able to love a child that's not their own biological child.
- Fear of the unknown and believing the worst-case scenarios are powerful hindrances to the adoption process.
If you would like to learn more about adoption, ways you can help and support women in crisis pregnancies, and first-hand testimonies of families who have gone through this process, then you will not want to miss this free webinar.
Join us Monday, January 31st at 10:00 AM Eastern to hear Jim Wright along with Beth Domsten and Shelli Miller share how God beautifully takes broken pieces and weaves them together in a beautiful tapestry.
This webinar will offer hope and healing to many.
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