Grace and peace to you, Wanda,
How many times have you heard someone ask, "If God is so good and so powerful, why do so many bad things happen?"
You may have thought this yourself.
Well, it's not because God isn't sovereign or fell asleep on the job. It has to do with one often overlooked verse in the Genesis story of Creation.
After creating the heavens, the earth, and all the plants and animals, God created man in His image and said, "Let them have dominion."
As Dr. Francis Myles so brilliantly shared in last week's "Idols Exposed!" webinar, God didn't say, "Let us have dominion." He said, "Let them."
With these two words, God established the Law of Dominion and deliberately excluded Himself and every other celestial being (angels, Satan, and demons) from interfering in earthly affairs without the legal permission of mankind.
Now God didn't just create us and send us on our merry way. He desired partnership with His sons and daughters and created an interface where we could meet with Him and invite Him to work in the earthly realm.
That meeting place is what the Bible calls an altar. It is the only legal landing strip for a spirit without a physical body to enter and operate freely in the world of men.
Therefore, whenever you see a spirit operating in the earthly realm, it is evidence that there is an altar. You can't have one without the other.
Since mankind is the legal guardian of earth, the human who attends that altar is either a priest unto God, or a servant of the demonic entity using the altar. In either case, the altar is a gateway and invitation for the spiritual realm to operate in the earth.
This is the spiritual connection between God, idols, and altars!
It is also why Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza's teaching is so crucial in this hour. If you haven't noticed, LOTS of bad things are unfolding around the world. There may be some unpleasant things unfolding in your life even as you read this email.
God desires to partner with you to shut the door of the enemy's access to your life, your family, and our world!
With great power comes great responsibility. You have the opportunity to change the course of your life and the life of your future generations.
Jesus entered the world in the flesh of mankind in order to deal with sin once and for all. He paid the price of your freedom and redeemed your life from the hand of the devil.
Will you take the step to appropriate His precious blood to cleanse your temple, heal your soul, and prosecute the idols and evil altars in your life and bloodline?
If you're ready for breakthrough, healing, and complete freedom, then Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza will show you how in their upcoming class, "Idols Riot: Prosecuting Idols and Evil Altars from the Courts of Heaven."
Click here to sign up and start today!
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