martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

Amazing Replay and Highlights from Craig Hill’s webinar + Bonus expires tomorrow

Wow! If you want to flow in miracles, this message is for you...

Speak the Word! Releasing God's Authority
for Influence and Impact with Craig Hill

Prepare for a massive release of God's power through His Body in the earth!

"And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." (Matthew 28:18)

Grace and peace to you multiplied, Wanda,

Wow! Craig Hill's webinar, "Speak the Word! Releasing God's Authority for Influence and Power" was amazing.

I am still buzzing from excitement! Craig said this teaching is the KEY to unlocking a flow of miracles in your life. After listening to his message, I am already hungry for more.

This is the best teaching on Kingdom Authority I have ever heard. With profound simplicity, Craig unpacked layer upon layer of kingdom principles behind miracles, God's power, and the way Jesus ministered in the earthly realm.

Have you ever prayed "in Jesus' name" and wondered why nothing seemed to happen? You'll want to watch the replay!

More than just miracles, Craig addressed God's refining process in our lives so we can carry miracles, flow in God's anointing, and fulfill His destiny for your life.

He also gave mind-blowing answers to questions you may have about people who abuse authority or bring injustice. Again, this content is just too good to adequately summarize.

If you can lay hold of this message, it has the potential to radically change your perspective on moving in God's power and authority.

Even more so, I believe that the message Craig delivered is a NOW word for the Church to prepare for a massive release of God's power coming to His Body in the earth.

If you missed the live broadcast, you won't want to miss this replay. If you were able to join live, I know you'll want to revisit this message again!

Here are a few highlights from Craig's teaching:

  • The very first thing spoken about Jesus being amazing was His Authority
  • The scribes were good teachers. But when Jesus came—He had authority in a way they had never seen
  • Jesus understood He was an ambassador sent from heaven to accomplish a mission
  • The key thing an ambassador has that others don't—is authority of the government, nation, or kingdom they represent
  • Jesus' authority released the power of heaven
  • As the Father sent Jesus, He sends you
  • You have been commissioned as an ambassador—to your family, your business, your community, and spheres of influence
  • If you don't understand authority and encounter the demonic, you will be in big trouble
  • Demons understand authority. They serve under a kingdom authority structure
  • Demons aren't deaf. It's not the volume of your voice, but the authority you wield that will cause them to obey and leave
  • Jesus didn't pray for the sick. He simply spoke words with Kingdom authority!
  • He spoke to the fig tree. He didn't pray about the fig tree
  • He spoke to the dead child. He didn't pray about the dead child—His words released power from heaven for resurrection life
  • We must learn to operate in authority that releases power
  • A lot of people have said things in Jesus' name and nothing happened. Understanding your role as a Kingdom Ambassador is critical to moving in miracles and power
  • God is the author of authority, but not all authorities are godly
  • You are a man or woman under authority, authorized to speak what the King authorizes. Not just what you want
  • Authority is revoked from those who don't understand how to abide under authority
  • People who have been wounded by authorities—parents, bosses, pastors, officers, etc.—may have a hard time abiding under authority because wounding can cause mistrust
  • Jesus did not walk his authority as God. He was the Son of Man—He operated under the authority given to man on planet earth
  • Jesus took back all authority from the devil and gave that authority to the Church. We are Kingdom Ambassadors commissioned to release God's power in the earth
  • God wants to authorize you to grow in authority
  • Authority (exhousia) is the right to govern or exercise power
  • Power (dunamis) is the capacity to accomplish an objective
  • Authority is a thing, not a person
  • All authority comes from God, but not all authorities are godly
  • God wants to use human authorities in your life to bring you into the confidence, power, and anointing God intends for you to carry
  • Genesis 1:26 is the Great Commission; Matthew 28 is the Great RE-commission
  • God delegated authority to Adam and Eve, but retained ownership and power in the spirit realm
  • Satan lost all authority when he fell from heaven, so he deceived Adam and Eve to relinquish their delegated authority to him.
  • Jesus redeemed authority and gave it back to the Church
  • The strategy of the enemy is to wound people so they will resist and not abide under authority
  • Before the Fall there was no death, sickness, injustice, or suffering... they came with Satan when he set up his kingdom on the earth
  • Because spirits cannot operate in the earth without human agency, spirits (the Holy Spirit and spiritual demonic entities) must operate through human agents to release spiritual power
  • God wants us to learn how to interface with Him to release His power through the authority He has given us
  • God releases power through Kingdom Ambassadors He trusts
  • God builds trust through establishing character boundaries in us using human authorities in our lives
  • God's power is like a river. When He wants to increase the flow of His anointing through you, He needs to establish character boundaries so that power accomplishes His purposes and does not overflow into a destructive force all around
  • Understanding authority is the key to allowing God's power to increase in your life

The mission of Empower 2000 is to equip you to fulfill God's destiny for your life. This message is an essential foundation stone for getting there.

If you are ready to operate in more of God's authority and power, then I encourage you to click here to watch the replay of "Speak the Word! Releasing God's Authority for Impact and Influence" today. You will be so glad you did.


Are you frustrated because your gifts and callings aren't being fully utilized? Do you want to move in a stronger anointing and power to impact the kingdom? Do you feel called to influence culture, the government, or the marketplace?

If you are ready to grow in impact and influence, then you must begin with understanding God's kingdom authority.

Today's prevailing culture is one that balks at authority. As a result, many Christians today have little to no understanding of kingdom authority and miss out on one of the most important tools God uses to develop your character, gifts, and anointing.

Authority Class

All of us experience a time-lag between our calling and commissioning. It is in this in-between period that God uses authority in your life to shape, train, and qualify you to operate in your own anointing and spiritual authority.

Craig Hill has learned first-hand the refining process God uses to promote, protect, and provide through abiding under the authority of those God put as leaders in his life.

In his candid teaching, you will learn the good, the bad, and the ugly as God worked this powerful principle out in his own life. In revealing the benefits of abiding under authority,

Craig doesn't shy away from the tough questions this sensitive topic brings up—what to do when you disagree, how to respond to authority, handling abusive leaders, and guidelines regarding what disqualifies spiritual authority, and finally, the right (and wrong) reasons for leaving a church and the proper way to do it…

If you want to confidently walk in kingdom authority, discover the keys that will grow your influence and impact, and be empowered to fulfill your destiny, then you won't want to miss this class!


Are you living your life on this earth as an ambassador or a tourist?

A tourist speaks for himself and conveys his own opinions. Furthermore, when he speaks, his opinions don't count for much in the nation he is visiting. His only authority is his own, and he will always be depending on his own power and ability to provide for his needs and honor his words.

An ambassador has a completely different perspective. He conveys no personal opinion but only those of the One he represents. He spends his time carrying out the assignments and policies entrusted to him. He depends on the One he represents to provide for his personal needs and to stand behind the words he speaks.

Teaching Bonus

It's time for believers to make a paradigm shift from tourist to an ambassador where you receive the word from heaven and deliver it in full confidence that God's kingdom will enforce the word being delivered.

This is God's desire for you. Craig unpacks this message with such clarity shedding light on some of the misconceptions that have kept you in a tourist mindset and share practical application on how you can move into your ambassador authority.

This bonus expires at 11:59 pm Eastern, tomorrow (Jun 1).

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to walk in God's Kingdom authority and power!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000

Free Webinar Replay
King's Power
Authority vs Power
Authority Source
Delegated Authority
Grow in authority

If you don't want to receive any more emails related to Craig Hill's current "Understanding Kingdom Authority: How to Become a Person of Influence and Impact" class offer, please click here.

You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for classes you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'll be happy to help.

Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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