Dear Wanda,
This Thursday is the National Day of Prayer, and I cannot tell you what a special privilege it is to host my good friend, Rev. Bill Cook, founder and CEO of America's Black Robe Regiment on a LIVE global broadcast on this significant day.
For those unfamiliar with Rev. Bill or early American history, "Black Robe Regiment" was the name King George III gave the American clergy during the Revolutionary War. While modern historians have all but obliterated the crucial role of the Church in the formation of America, President John Adams noted that it was patriotic pastors that "effected a revolution in the hearts and minds of the people" and fanned the flames of liberty that through the most powerful weapon in the colonial forces—the pulpit!
Rev. Bill launched the Black Robe Regiment of Virginia in September 2012 at Patrick Henry College, believing pastors were the key to restoring Liberty in America and turning America nation around. The events in recent years have only highlighted the urgency of the hour and Black Robe Regiments are forming in more and more states, including Western New York, Michigan, California, Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and others.
As a result of this state expansion, they adopted the name America's Black Robe Regiment (ABRR) to accommodate the formation of groups in other states.
The vision of America's Black Robe Regiment is a company of patriot pastors in every state and local political jurisdiction in America, asserting their own and the vital leadership and influence of their flocks in civil government, for the purpose of securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
They believe being the "salt of the earth," makes the Church "curator" of its temporal domicile, a role that encompasses local government.
The prevailing eschatological view of our age, however, has caused the Church to relinquish local, state, and national governance to the "children of disobedience" leading to disintegration of law and order and ultimately, the civil society.
The unregenerate children of disobedience on the other hand, reflexively steal, kill and destroy, their behavior being actuated by the prince of the power of the air.
Come join Bill and me on this life-changing, life-giving broadcast to hear encouraging news about this significant move of God, as well as simple things you can do to be a catalyst for transformation in your own local church and community.
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