sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

Sabbath Inspiration: The Spirit of Conviction with James Goll

The pointing of the finger of blame and shame at society first must be put away!

Prepare for sobering times!

The pointing of the finger of blame and shame at society first must be put away!!!

"And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" (John 16:8, NKJV)

Dear Wanda,

On April 29 after an extraordinary week, the Holy Spirit woke me up very early in the morning to compose this message for you and thousands of others in the Body of Christ around the world.

On January 21, the day after the Presidential Inauguration in the United States of America, James Goll delivered a profound and sobering message titled "The Spirit of Conviction".


James was the very first speaker for Empower Disciples, a brand new membership program initiated by Empower 2000.

Like many others, I was stunned by what had transpired in the prior year:

  • Forced lockdowns and intense fear around the world secondary to the viral pandemic
  • Widespread, destructive riots across much of the USA
  • The 2020 election fiasco with massive changes to voting procedures and regulations
  • The U.S. Supreme Court's unwillingness to hear cases related to alleged voter fraud and violations of the U.S. and state constitutions
  • The U.S. Capital breach on January 6
  • The censoring of Christians attempting to take a stand for truth

I desperately needed a fresh and accurate perspective on what God is saying and how to respond and James provided that.

Below are some highlights from James' teaching. I encourage you to invest the time to watch the video replay of this timely message for the Body of Christ.

The replay will be available for 7 days.


John 16:18 (NASB) - "And He, when He comes, will convict the world regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment"

John 16:18 (TPT) - "And when he comes, he will EXPOSE sin and prove that the world is wrong about God's righteousness and his judgments."

Convicted = Exposed (TPT), Convinced

5 characteristics of class revival

  1. When the Holy Spirit comes with conviction
    It doesn't take debate. It takes conviction, a deep work of the Holy Spirit.

Conviction comes in 3 areas:

  • Sin
  • Righteousness
  • Judgment to come

Righteousness is a gift, but we need to grow in righteousness.

There is positional truth and experiential (outworked) truth (e.g. I am healed)

Judgment to come

  • Some see this only as the final judgment
  • A synonym is a verdict along the way

On January 5, 202, James had a dream encounter:

  • James was in a dream and heard himself prophesy three times.
  • He woke up sitting up in bed awake hearing himself prophesy: "The Spirit of conviction will be released upon the body of Christ and across the land. And the Spirit of burning will expose corruption."
  • (In 2021) there will be Conviction released and a Great Unveiling of 3 things: a) Corruption, b) Chaos, and c) Confusion

Prophetic Dateline with Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Bishop Bill Hamon, and _____ Green

  • James shared a dream about "bad blood" in the Body
  • There is a lot of toxic atmosphere in the Body
  • James saw bad blood going up his arm
  • ARM = Apostolic Restoration Ministry
  • Let's be careful of our speech and attitude

Another dream

  • I was outdoors preaching in a way I have never heard myself preach. The settings was like the great awakenings of the past (e.g. Kentucky or Tennessee).
  • Preachers of righteousness must arise in this hour to confront the moral decay in the church.
  • The pointing of the finger at society first must be put away (Isaiah 58:9 - The fast God has chosen ) These preachers of righteousness will restore an ancient foundation in my house."

There is so much world in the church.
The Holy Spirit's job is to perfect a bride without a spot or wrinkle. He is to present us in righteousness.


Abba (Father), thank You for loving me (us) so much that You gave Your only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16). May Your Spirit of conviction come upon me (us) to reveal hidden sin, pride, and hardness of the heart. Forgive me for times when I point my finger at others to blame them for woes in our society. Make me aware when I do that and help me to stop. Let Your Great Awakening start in me and my heart. In Jesus' precious name, I pray. Amen and hallelujah!



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Blessings to activate the anointing of God in your life!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not


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