jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

What Do You Do When Feeling Overwhelmed?

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God Encounters Ministries

Ever Feel Overwhelmed?

By James W. Goll

May 20th, 2021

www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604

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From the Desk of James W. Goll

Greetings! In the Great Name of Jesus

Has the increasing speed of change in our society left you feeling overwhelmed? Do you sometimes wonder what could possibly happen next? In January of 2020, I declared that 2020 was a dress rehearsal of things yet to come. How do we navigate life in this turmoil? In today's article, I remind us where we can find true peace and security, independent of the society that seems to be falling apart.

BundleDo you want to learn how to further develop your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and what place your emotions have in that process? My newest book, The Feeler, provides a remarkable biblical perspective on emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God's voice. Learn how to appropriately respond to your emotions and feelings rather than simply reacting to the challenges at hand. 

Click here to order your copy of The Feeler today! And when you order The Feeler from God Encounters Ministries, you will also receive 12 bonus video devotionals, one to go along with each chapter of the book! 

Have you discovered the GEM Media section on our website? In my weekly INSIGHT Program that airs every Thursday, Rachel Tucker and I recently shared on "Handling Sensitivity." Be sure to check out the video in our link below. And in my weekly God Encounters Today Podcast released on Tuesdayssee below for my latest episode, "Ever Feel Overwhelmed?" that corresponds with today's article. All of these equipping tools and more for GEM Media are available at GodEncounters.com under the Media tab. Check it out and share with others! 

Thank you for your generous support of God Encounters Ministries. With the help of your prayers and participation, this ministy equips the body of Christ and sends the Gospel throughout the earth.

Blessings to Each of You!
James W. Goll and the GEM Team

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James Goll's Blog

Ever Feel Overwhelmed?

By James W. Goll

Ever feel overwhelmed with life, society, and dysfunctional relationships, let alone the foreboding knowledge of coming wars and rumors of wars? Along with many other prophetic voices, I declared that 2020 was a dress rehearsal of things yet to come. To describe the emotional impact of the last several months, I would call it: "living life in a pressure cooker!"

So how do we navigate life in the midst of chaos and times of uncertainty? Sometimes we try to go it alone or we run away from the very people that we need. When we get overwhelmed, we may tend to become fearful or wrestle with feelings of rejection, as though we are looking from the outside, longing to be let in.

These are the very times we need to run towards community and not away from it. These are the very times we need to run to Worship and the Word, instead of callousing ourselves against it. I have felt rather overwhelmed at times this last year, and instead of running away from accountability and trusted key relationships, I have chosen to run to trusted leaders.

Run to Jesus, Our Older Brother

I run to Jesus! Who do you run to? Jesus is so much more than a doctrine, as the Son of God. Jesus is my Savior, my Friend and my older Brother. He is the one who has gone before me. I often go back to the old hymns I grew up on to help me find solace for my unsettled soul such as, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." I may sing it softly or I may loudly sing in declaration, "How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art!" But I sing it from my heart, because my heart needs to be connected.

Jesus announced to the world that He was the One who had come to set the captives free. Jesus was and is "despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief" (Isaiah 53:3, NLT).

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P.S. If you found this article encouraging, you will enjoy James Goll's recent release, "The Feeler". God speaks in many ways to his people, not just direct words or dreams, but also through feelings. God has feelings and created us with feelings too. He desires to communicate with His children though our feelings so that we may know our God and how He feels.
The Feeler is available in Softcover and Hardcover (we have a limited number of hardcover copies signed by James W. Goll)

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Handling Sensitivity

by James W. Goll

How do we handle being sensitive? Join me and my co-host, Rachel Tucker, for this week's episode of Insight where I share a dream I had about being highly sensitive and give wisdom learned along the way with Q&A at the end.

Watch the Video

Ever Feel Overwhelmed (Season 3, Episode 23)

by James W. Goll

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Have you ever felt like you were on the outside looking in? Have you or someone you know, wanted to be included and they just don't feel like "they belong?" Many sensitive people do get overwhelmed at times…..

Listen to the Audio

The Feeler:

Discover How Sensitivity Helps You
Discern and Act on God's Voice

By James W. Goll

The Feeler delivers a remarkable biblical perspective on our emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God's voice. We experience the love, joy, and presence of God with our feelings. Our emotions have an impact on our bodies, our level of holiness, our relationships, and our decisions. This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God's Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits.

When you purchase The Feeler from God Encounters Ministries, you will also be emailed 12 bonus video devotionals by James W. Goll, one to go along with each chapter of the book!

Order your copy today and receive 12 bonus devotional videos.

Signed Hard Cover Book – Only $27
Soft Cover Book – Only $16

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The Discerner - Curriculum Kit

by James W. Goll Goll

You may have thought—I know God speaks in many ways, but how can I be sure what I'm hearing is from Him? What pitfalls do I need to avoid so that I am not deceived?

Curriculum Kit
Regular $215 - Only $99

Save 53%

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James Goll's Itinerary

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If the ministry of James W. Goll and God Encounters Ministries has blessed you, please consider giving a financial contribution so that we may continue to serve you and others. Text GIVE to 615-214-7073, or call our office at 1-877-200-1604. Checks can be made out to God Encounters Ministries and sent to our office address or contributions may also be made online at godencounters.com as well. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law and a receipt for your donation will be mailed to you. Thanks for your consideration.
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