sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021

With Expectation comes Manifestation

Wouldn't it be great to be surprised when someone wasn't healed...

With Expectation comes Manifestation

I used to be surprised when someone got healed.
Now I'm surprised when they're not!

So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. (Acts 3:5-8)

Dear Wanda,

One thing I love about Dr. John Burpee is his transparency. Despite the tremendous gift the Lord has released in him, John ministers and speaks without hype or flash. He is real and doesn't hesitate to share the journey the Lord has taken him on to develop a lifestyle of the miraculous.

He did just that in this week's webinar, "Align Your Life for the Miraculous," where he shared some of his personal journey into a ministry of miracles.

He said that at the beginning of his ministry, he was seeing about 2% of the people he prayed for healed. While he was praying from a place of faith, he had such low expectations that he didn't even check with people to see if anything had happened. He hadn't yet learned to speak with authority or command sickness and disease to go. He wasn't walking in alignment for miracles (yet).

Then one day, the Holy Spirit led him to start asking people he prayed for, "What's going on?" He said he was shocked when people would reply, "I'm healed!"

With expectation comes manifestation.

Now, instead of 2%, he sees 90% of the people he prays for instantly healed!

Just like that gentle nudge to check ask people what was happening when he prayed, the Holy Spirit has led John to discover fail-proof, simple, biblical principles that when applied will transform your life and open up the flow for miracles.

The beauty of John's message is that it's not about you. It's not even about miracles. It's about the freedom and ease that come when you discover who you are in Christ, allow the Holy Spirit to uncover and set you free from false mindsets, and step into a lifestyle of alignment with God that naturally releases His supernatural power for miracles, signs, and wonders.

  • Do you want to go from surprise when someone is healed, to surprise when someone is NOT healed?!
  • Do you want to break free of fear and doubt and move into confidence and expectation for God to move EVERY time you pray?
  • Do you want to be mentored in the miraculous by a man who sees miracles every day?

Then start your journey by watching the replay of "Align Your Life for the Miraculous" today.

Milestone to the Miraculous Class with John Burpee

You were created for miracles, healing, and supernatural breakthrough!

Imagine what it would look like if you…

  • Stopped for coffee and healed the barista's broken arm
  • Prayed with your next-door neighbor and delivered her from life-long depression
  • Followed a nudge from the Holy Spirit and led someone in your grocery store to Jesus

There are simple Biblical principles that when applied will revolutionize your faith and launch you into a life of miracles.

Milestones Class

This class is about coming into alignment with God's Word and His ways to supernaturally fulfill your God-given purpose.

If you want to learn to engage, receive, and demonstrate the Kingdom of God by releasing salvation, miracles, signs, wonders, deliverance, and empowerment on earth as it is in heaven, you won't want to miss this class.

This course will inspire you to go into all the world, take territory, and advance the Kingdom of God.

In this class, you will learn how to:

  • Walk in your God-given purpose and identity in Christ
  • Break off a religious spirit and manifest the kingdom of God
  • Receive healing and release it to others
  • Guard your mind and mouth and activate your faith for signs and wonders
  • Conquer the spirit of fear and take territory

Milestones to the Miraculous Book Bonus

Milestones to the Miraculous will take you on a personalized journey of discovery that goes beyond miracles. John Burpee's passion is to bring every person he reaches into an experiential knowledge of God and His purpose for their life.

You will not just learn the simple, biblical principles necessary to live a life aligned for miracles, but you will learn how to live a life aligned with destiny and purpose.

Book Bonus

You can receive this invaluable tool shipped at no cost to you anywhere in the world when you sign up for John Burpee's class, Milestones to the Miraculous by midnight, May 30 (Eastern).

  • Discover your identity and your God-given purpose.
  • Align with God's Word and His ways.
  • Receive and release miracles.

As you go through each chapter, you will find yourself getting set free of a religious mindset and coming into all of what the Kingdom of God offers. You will also learn to operate from your spirit and to hear God's voice. As you come to the end of this book, you will know how to engage, receive, and release the Kingdom of God. Releasing salvation, miracles, signs, wonders, deliverance, and empowerment on earth as it is in heaven.

We'll ship this book to you free wherever you live in the world. To receive this bonus, you must sign up by May 30.

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to flow in the miraculous!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Miraculous Replay
Kingdom Principles

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(540) 445-1463

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