viernes, 8 de octubre de 2021

5 tell-tale symptoms of unforgiveness

And why they matter!

Why is it so Hard to Forgive? with Craig Hill

Do you recognize any of these patterns in your life?

"O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love
for all who ask for your help." (Psalm 86:5)

Dear Wanda,

As Craig mentioned in his webinar this week, everyone experiences hurt, betrayal, or injustice at the hands of another person. Most of the time we can tell you exactly when and how it happened and the impact it had on our life.

Our level of passion in the retelling is a good barometer of whether we have been able to truly forgive! When the event is just an event and we can recall it without an adrenaline rush or emotional surge, we know it's a done deal. If not...

Well, that's what Craig Hill's course is all about.

In addition to any obvious offenses that keep popping back onto your emotional radar screen, there are other indications that you have lingering unforgiveness in your heart.

Do you recognize any of these patterns in your life?

  1. A hardened heart–this simply means you have put a wall around your heart to keep you safe from further hurt.
  2. Frequent anger–outbursts of rage and anger are often tied to deep wounding as a child.
  3. Thoughts of revenge–when you hold onto your right for vengeance, you are actually blocking God from dealing with the other party and restoring your life!
  4. Sarcasm
  5. Avoiding conversation or intimacy–this is another powerful protective measure that results from unresolved offenses from the past.

These 5 common symptoms of unforgiveness indicate a bitter root at work in your heart. The problem is, this bitter root doesn't just hold onto past injustices and imprison you to your past. It serves as a poison that impacts every relationship and area of your life! I can assure you, that's not God's destiny for you.

We can all forgive as an act of our will, and sometimes this is all that is needed. But where there is deep pain, gross injustice, or lasting consequences it can be hard to forgive. God doesn't expect you to just press through and let go of the offense.

He does want you to experience His power to heal, restore, and recover all that was lost. The key to unlocking this treasure is to forgive from the heart.

But how?

To start, I encourage you to watch the free replay of Craig's powerful webinar, "Why is it so Hard to Forgive." It is the BEST teaching I have ever heard on forgiveness (and believe me, I've heard a lot of great messages). This session alone will give you a good start on releasing forgiveness from the heart.

Then, I recommend signing up for Craig's upcoming class, "Forgiveness from the Heart." In this 8-lesson class, Craig will delve deeper into each of the issues he touches on in the webinar and will help you deal with the root issue behind all unforgiveness so you can walk in the total freedom and wholeness God intends for you.

Click here to watch the free replay of Craig's webinar now.

Forgiveness from the Heart class with Craig Hill

Have you ever made an effort to forgive someone, only to find a new layer of bitterness or wounding that needs to be dealt with?

You are not alone—many people face this same battle to forgive injustices against them.

Through personal experience and years of walking alongside the painful journeys of others, God opened Craig Hill's eyes to four key components keeping our hearts locked in pain and bitterness.

The enemy wants you to harden your heart to the love and grace of God through offense, injustice, betrayal, and the heartbreaks of this life. God's solution is to heal the hurt, pay the debt, and restore all the enemy has stolen …if you will let go and let Him change you through forgiveness.

Forgiveness Class

In this class you will learn:

  • Why forgiveness from the mind doesn't work
  • What blocks forgiveness from the heart
  • How to effectively deal with offense
  • The power of Jesus' blood to pay the debt owed you
  • God's remedy for heart pain, bitterness, anger, and brokenness from betrayal and injustice
  • How to disarm defense mechanisms and tear down idols to open the way for God's grace and power to redeem what the enemy has stolen
  • ​Keys to overcome your past and soften the hardened soil of your heart into good ground to receive and extend God's unconditional love, forgiveness, and freedom ​
  • How a soft heart of fertile soil will quickly improve every relationship in your life

If you want to experience the radical power of forgiveness and walk in the freedom of God's love and grace, you won't want to miss this class!


Register for Craig Hill's upcoming class by midnight Eastern tomorrow (Oct 9th) and you will automatically receive this signed book shipped free anywhere in the world.

Since most Christians intend to live life in the Spirit, when we walk in the flesh, it is usually by deception. Deception, by its very nature, is hidden to the person in whom it is working.

Many times God's intentions for our lives are thwarted by the serpent in our own flesh raising up to deceive our mind, compelling us to walk in its ways and fulfill its plans.

This book is designed to expose the hidden ways of your flesh and to set you on a course of freedom to walk in the Spirit and experience God's ways and plans for your life.

Discover your true identity in Christ.

Book Bonus

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to be an agent of reconciliation, healing, and restoration!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Forgiveness Replay
Consquences 1
Consequences 2
Consequences 3

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