sábado, 9 de octubre de 2021

Unforgiveness is idolatry? + Bonus expiring tonight

Any time you put more faith in someone else's ability to "ruin your life" than in God's power to fulfill it, you are in idolatry!

Unforgiveness is Idolatry? What?!!!

Any time you put more faith in someone else's ability to "ruin your life" than in God's power to fulfill it, you are in idolatry!

"So they sent this message to Joseph: 'Before your father died, he instructed us to say to you: 'Please forgive your brothers for the great wrong they did to you—for their sin in treating you so cruelly.' ...But Joseph replied, 'Don't be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.'"
(Genesis 50:16-17; 19-20)

Dear Wanda,

It's one thing to let go of injustice and allow Jesus' blood to pay the price. But what about the consequences?

If a drunk driver hit you and you lost your leg, your life would certainly be changed!

It's understandable for someone in this situation to struggle to forgive. Even if you could allow Jesus to cover this driver's sin, how do you account for the life-altering damage?

As Craig shared in last week's webinar, the consequences of another's actions, as painful as they may be, are not an issue between you and the offender.

The drunk driver in Craig's example would never be able to go back in time to replace your leg, no matter how long you held unto bitterness and rage.

Even when there is gross injustice and lasting consequences, the issue of forgiveness is between you and God.

In a nutshell, unforgiveness is idolatry.


That's right. Whenever you give power to anything or anyone besides God to define your life or determine your future, you are in idolatry.

The enemy wants to make us idolatrous by luring us to empower another person's actions to define our worth or destiny.

If someone "ruined your life" you are essentially declaring that person has god-like powers that exceed your Heavenly Father's.


We often relegate idol worship to an ancient practice involving golden calves, graven images, or shrines. But idolatry is when ANYTHING is exalted above God's plans, purposes, or power.

In Genesis, Joseph's brother's intended murder the day they sold him into slavery. Potipher's wife intended revenge when she falsely accused him and he was sentenced to prison. The Baker and the Cup-bearer forgot all about him after their dreams were interpreted. But none of these injustices hampered God's destiny for Joseph. Instead, they became the springboard for God to fulfill his call to lead and preserve a posterity for Israel.

If God could do that for Joseph, what could He do for you?

Take some time to reflect today. Is the Holy Spirit highlighting any idols in your life? Are there situations, people, events that still raise your ire - evidence you have exalted them above God's power to fulfill His plan and purpose in your life?

If this resonates with you, please take time to get free today. Watch the replay of Craig's amazing webinar and walk through the steps to freedom he will lead you through.

Unforgiveness is a universal problem with only one solution, the power of Jesus' sacrifice at the cross. If you want one message that will equip you to fulfill your destiny and empower you to minister to others, the revelation and anointing on Craig's upcoming class is invaluable.

Sign up today for "Forgiveness from the Heart" and go deeper in this powerful work of restoration and become an agent of healing and reconciliation for others.


Have you ever made an effort to forgive someone, only to find a new layer of bitterness or wounding that needs to be dealt with?

You are not alone—many people face this same battle to forgive injustices against them.

It is one thing to forgive someone in your mind, but quite another to extend grace from your heart.

You probably realize from first-hand experience that…

  • wounds don't just disappear
  • disappointment can't just be waved away
  • betrayals don't fade with time
  • abuse doesn't lose its sting

No matter how hard you will yourself to forgive, until these injustices are satisfied and the debt is paid, true forgiveness cannot flow from your mind to your heart.

So, what's the solution?

Forgiveness Class

A radical new approach to forgiveness that deals with the issues blocking forgiveness from the heart.

Through personal experience and years of walking alongside the painful journeys of others, God opened Craig Hill's eyes to four key components keeping our hearts locked in pain and bitterness. Not only does Craig address the roots of offense plaguing you now, but he will give you a whole new framework to keep your heart healthy and prevent strongholds from making a comeback.

The enemy wants you to harden your heart to the love and grace of God through offense, injustice, betrayal, and the heartbreaks of this life. God's solution is to heal the hurt, pay the debt, and restore all the enemy has stolen …if you will let go and let Him change you through forgiveness.

No matter the current state of your relationships, or how deep your pain from the past, you can be truly free.

If you want to experience the radical power of forgiveness and walk in the freedom of God's love and grace, you won't want to miss this class!


Register for Craig Hill's upcoming class by midnight Eastern tonight (Oct 9th) and you will automatically receive this signed book shipped free anywhere in the world.

Since most Christians intend to live life in the Spirit, when we walk in the flesh, it is usually by deception. Deception, by its very nature, is hidden to the person in whom it is working.

Many times God's intentions for our lives are thwarted by the serpent in our own flesh raising up to deceive our mind, compelling us to walk in its ways and fulfill its plans.

This book is designed to expose the hidden ways of your flesh and to set you on a course of freedom to walk in the Spirit and experience God's ways and plans for your life.

Discover your true identity in Christ.

Book Bonus

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to walk in wholeness and freedom!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Forgiveness is idolatry

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