Dear Wanda,
Wow! The anointing in yesterday's webinar, "Why is it so Hard to Forgive?" with Craig Hill was so strong. I believe there is deep healing of heart wounds available for every person who watches the replay, whether you feel like you struggle with unforgiveness or not.
For starters, if you read the title of this webinar and thought, "Know that, done that," I promise you this message will surprise you. I've heard a lot of teaching on forgiveness, and this was absolutely amazing. Craig's message is full of pearls that will change your life.
What Craig reveals is that forgiveness is not a religious exercise, nor is it simply a decision of the mind. True forgiveness is initiated in the natural by our obedience but transpires in the supernatural as we allow Jesus to pay the debt of our offender, and exchange our pain, sorrow, and injustice for His love, forgiveness, and healing.
Sounds simple, right? And it is once you realize that the root of unforgiveness is fear.
Whether the offense against you was large or small, at the heart of your struggle to forgive is insecurity about your identity, your value, and your destiny.
I'm going to stop my explanation there because Craig does such a great job unpacking this truth with anointing and power! He doesn't stop with the diagnosis, but walks you through the steps to God's solution–identity repair!
Like I said in the beginning of this email, there is a powerful anointing on Craig's message and I believe there is healing and deliverance for everyone who watches the replay.
Here are some additional highlights from Craig's webinar:
- Forgiveness from the mind and forgiveness from the heart are two different actions.
- When you forgive from your heart, you may still remember the offense, but the sting of pain, bitterness, and anger is removed.
- Forgiving people is NOT letting them off scot-free.
- Forgiving people is NOT becoming a doormat.
- Forgiving people is NOT letting people abuse or harm you.
- Forgiving people is NOT burying or denying wrongdoing or offense.
- Many people use UNFORGIVENESS as a boundary to shield themselves from hurt.
- When there is an offense - someone needs to pay.
- Forgiveness is letting Jesus pay for the harm someone else has done to you with His blood.
- Unforgiveness in a sense is saying, "Jesus, your sacrifice was not enough to pay for this person's sin."
- There are two components to forgiveness–the injustice and the consequences.
- Jesus' blood covers the injustice.
- God's grace covers the consequences...if we will let Him!
- Unforgiveness is idolatry!
- Whoever you allow to determine your value or your destiny is in essence your god.
- Forgiveness is not predicated on the offender's repentance. It is between you and God–agreeing that no matter what, His blood and His grace are more than enough to cover the injustice you have suffered.
- Every time you are offended, it boils down to an identity issue (Insecurities regarding your value and future).
- There's a simple way to be free from fear and idolatry. Ask God these two questions: 1. Who am I? (What is my value to You? What is the future You have planned for me?). And then, 2. Who is my offender? You may be surprised by what happens when you allow God's love to heal you and then open your eyes with His love and compassion for your enemy.
- Time doesn't heal or erase the pain. Only forgiveness from the heart can set you free.
- Craig (and I) recommend everyone watch the replay of Dr. Francis Myles recent webinar, "Battle of Altars" to go even deeper in tearing down idols we or our previous generations have enthroned in our hearts. Click here to watch the "Battle of Altars" webinar replay. This is your season to get free!
Forgiveness is always a key part of walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, but I can assure you the timing of this webinar was orchestrated by the Lord for such a time as this.
The enemy is using offense, conflict, and division in an all-out assault weapon on us, our families, our churches, and our nations. It is crucial, now more than ever, to walk in the spirit of reconciliation Christ called us to. But it will take a company of believers who are healed, delivered, and anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in true forgiveness.
Please don't miss this opportunity to experience the power of forgiveness from the heart so you can be God's agent of healing and restoration in this hour. Click here to watch the replay today.
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