martes, 19 de octubre de 2021

What you are putting together is HUGE

It was James Goll who referred me to Marcus about possibly doing a free webinar and class with him.

A Revival of Loving Your Enemies is Coming

It was James Goll who referred me to Marcus about possibly doing a free webinar and class with him.

Free LIVE webinar with Marcus Young on Tuesday, October 19 at 1 pm Eastern

Everyone who registers for this webinar will receive access to the study guide and replay.

Grace and peace to you multiplied Wanda!

Yesterday morning during my sacred time I was inspired to listen to Lesson 1 of Marcus Young's upcoming class "Love Your Enemy" to prepare for Marcus's free webinar later today.

As I listened to Marcus teach and took notes, I got so excited - I mean like glow-in-the-dark excited.

Then the Holy Spirit told me to send Marcus an email letting him know what he is doing is HUGE for the Kingdom of God.

Here is what I wrote in my email sent yesterday morning:

Hi Marcus,

This morning I watched the Lesson 1 video for your upcoming class "Love Your Enemy". That is a wonderful and practical teaching. I like the good questions you ask and the beautiful prayers you pray. You are a great speaker. I like your background. The quality of the video is excellent. What you are putting together is HUGE. This will amplify your legacy tremendously. Before you had a simple book without much detail and messages within you. Now you have professional videos, study guides, PowerPoints, and transcripts.

Congratulations on a job very well done.

I am looking forward to your free webinar tomorrow at 1 pm Eastern (Noon Central).

The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.(Numbers 6:24-26)

Shalom! Shalom!


P.S. I am so thankful that James Goll referred you to us. I know he has tremendous love and respect for you.

This free webinar was birthed out of referral from James Goll who loves Marcus and realizes the world needs what he has to offer in this season of great turmoil and division.

When James made the referral me, I wondered if many people would be interested in a class about loving their enemies.

However, because I have much respect for James, I felt it was important to meet with Marcus to learn more about him and hear his stories.

When I met with Marcus on Zoom, my spirit leaped for joy. I began to see how his message can be used to reform politics, racial divisions, and so much more.

On behalf of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to Him, I've written this email to invite you to register for Marcus free webinar today at 1 pm Eastern.

Now it's up to you to respond. You will be glad you did.

You can even register after the live webinar is over to receive access to the replay.

For over 27 years, Marcus Young has been demonstrating the power of radical love to unleash God's power and presence in some of the darkest situations on planet earth. including drug cartels, human trafficking, and working with insurgents and child soldiers. He has even seen these enemies transformed into Kingdom disciples through this powerful strategy from heaven.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Who your enemies really are
  • How loving your enemies sparks revival
  • The DNA of God's sons and daughters
  • The spiritual authority released in the two greatest commands of Jesus
  • How the beauty of God can be revealed even in extremely dark cultures
  • How loving your enemies will change you and the atmosphere around you

Marcus will stir your faith with stories of loving the unlovable, impart wisdom gained from the front lines, and give you keys to join in the coming revival of love right where you are.

If you long to be a person with the authentic spiritual authority that comes from radical love, you won't want to miss this session.

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to join in the coming revival of love!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not


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