lunes, 30 de enero de 2023

Craig Hill: Enforcing God’s Covenant Word in Adversity (LIVE Feb 7)

As an Ambassador, NOT a Warrior
Empower 2000

Enforcing God's Covenant Word in Adversity

(As an Ambassador, NOT a Warrior)

Learn to become a Kingdom ambassador that enforces God's covenant in a fallen world!

Free LIVE webinar with Craig Hill on Tues, Feb 7 at 4 pm Eastern

Everyone who registers for this webinar will receive access to the study guide and replay.

"David said to the Philistine, 'You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'" (1 Samuel 17:45)

Dear Wanda,

We live in a fallen world, which means as we speak there is a battle taking place on the earth for the destiny of individuals, families, nations, and more.

When confronted by the atrocities of our present age, it can be easy to start wondering:

  • Is God actually in control?
  • Is our experience of life on earth just?
  • Is God distant? Does He care?

These are all well-meaning questions that believers and unbelievers alike are asking.

After all, there is an overabundance of sin, evil, and injustice on the earth — and it can sometimes appear that God has fallen silent or has failed to act.

But in the face of extreme adversity, God's covenant is as alive as ever — and it speaks a louder word.

The truth is…

  • God IS sovereign, but He is NOT in control.
  • He cares, but He is not responsible for the sin, evil, and injustice of this world.

Then how do you bridge the gap between the true reality of Heaven (purity, goodness, and justice) and the devastating circumstances on earth?

The missing link here is YOU.

YOU carry the authority to enforce the reality of God's covenant here on earth.

To begin unleashing God's covenantal promises, you need a paradigm shift that will transform you into a Kingdom ambassador.

Covenant webinar

Join Craig Hill as he explores the Lord's covenantal history with mankind, answers tough questions regarding the sovereignty of God, and equips you to release God's Covenant Word in times of trouble.

If you are ready to confront adversity as a Kingdom ambassador by enforcing God's covenantal healing, freedom, and victory, you won't want to miss this free webinar with Craig Hill.

In this session, you will:

  • Explore God's covenantal history with mankind — from Adam to you
  • Understand what a covenant is and how it operates
  • Recognize 3 important conditions to experiencing the fullness of your covenant
  • Learn the critical differences between warriors and ambassadors
  • Unpack the sovereignty of God — and what it means for you
  • Discover the one thing God lacks on earth
  • Identify Satan's strategy to create disappointment in God
  • Learn to become a Kingdom ambassador that enforces God's covenant in a fallen world


Craig Hill is the founder of Family Foundations International (FFI), a Christian ministry dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families become people of influence and build a godly heritage for multiple generations by restoring biblical foundations of marriage, family, and finance.

Craig has trained permanent FFI ministry teams in more than fifty nations around the world, conducting over 2500 marriage and family blessing weekend experiences each year. He has written 15 books, including the best sellers, The Power of a Parent's Blessing and Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know. Craig and his wife Jan have been married since 1977 and have two married sons and three grandchildren.

Craig Hill


Sharing is THE KEY to having God's fresh living waters flow through you continuously.

This message from Craig Hill will redefine how you approach times of adversity and equip you to enforce God's covenant word in the earth today.

Every believer will benefit from this practical but powerful message!

Please invite your family and friends to register for this life-changing global broadcast by forwarding this email or sharing via social media using this link:

Sharing is the key

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to enforce God's covenant as a Kingdom ambassador in a fallen world!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000

Covenant webinar

If you would like to change your contact information or update the types of emails you receive, please visit our Email Preferences Center.

You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for classes you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'll be happy to help.

Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2023

Invitation to historic Web3 Summit starting today

Blessings to walk through the open door to unlock blessings and favor!
Empower 2000

Invitation to historic Web3 Summit starting today

Jan 25-27, 2023 at Oral Roberts University (both in-person and virtual)

Dear Wanda,

I am here in Tulsa, Oklahoma for the first-ever Christians in Web3 Summit [] taking place at Oral Roberts University on Jan 25-27 and being hosted by Forum12.

On Jan 9, the Holy Spirit told me, "This is a historic event at a historic place and extremely important for the future of E2000 and the Kingdom of God."

Because you are connected to E2000, this is extremely important for you.

When I was driving from home to the Global Apostolic Networking Center in Culpeper, VA on August 18, 2022 (8-18; Deuteronomy 8:18) to host Eric Skeldon on the first Kingdom Warriors webinar, I heard clearly in my spirit, "Joseph, Web3 is the most significant advancement in technology in your lifetime!!!"

Some of the speakers at this conference that I know include Jason Fleagle (Chief Growth Officer for Forum12 and Summit organizer), Eric Skeldon (Kingdom Warriors), Eli Regalado (INDXcoin), Timothy Morgan (Giver Marketing), Sebastian Harris (PublcSq), and Dr. Coylette James. Apparently, a few members of the Green family, who own Hobby Lobby, will be there seeking to make investments.

According to the Forum12 website, "Forum12's mission is to build the Kingdom of God by positioning the Church on the cutting edge of technology and equipping and empowering Christian projects around the world. We partner with Christians and organizations around the world to bring one billion+ people to Jesus by pioneering new ways to better connect with people and share the Gospel."

This morning I felt inspired to invite YOU to participate in the Summit. I realize this is very short notice, but many times God works that way.

I would love to see you in person at the event, but even if you can't come, you can register for the virtual event and replays,

Participating in this extraordinary event will open your eyes of understanding to new wine skins to expand your influence and impact.

Walk through the open door and see what God does!

This event will be non-stop experiences, networking opportunities, excellent talks, panels, workshops, performances, and especially great FOOD!

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to walk through the open door to unlock blessings and favor!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000

If you would like to change your contact information or update the types of emails you receive, please visit our Email Preferences Center.

You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for classes you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'll be happy to help.

Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

Replay & highlights from I Speak to the Earth webinar

This revelation is a GAME-CHANGER for the body of Christ.

I Speak to the Earth: Unlocking God's Divine Resource Center

'Overthrowing the Evil Altar of the King of Fallen Time' BONUS teaching expires today!

"O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD!" (Jeremiah 22:29)

Dear Wanda,

Yesterday's live teaching with Dr. Francis Myles was packed with biblical truth and jaw-dropping testimonies about a concept that most believers know little to nothing about — speaking to the earth from a place of God-given authority.

Dr. Myles' revelation on this is a GAME-CHANGER for the body of Christ.

The highlights I've gathered to share with you won't be able to do this incredible message justice — you need to hear Dr. Francis Myles' powerful story of deliverance from a witch's curse and his miraculous escape from death for yourself.

Further, this webinar is bursting at the seams with breakthrough testimonies from others who spoke to the earth and saw debts cancelled, inheritances unlocked, prosperity released, healing and deliverance received, and lands cleansed & restored.

If you missed the live broadcast, you definitely won't want to miss this replay!!! If you were able to join live, I am certain you'll benefit from revisiting this message to mine out even more revelatory treasure.

Here are just a few highlights from Dr. Myles' teaching:

  • God was the first one to speak to the earth (Genesis 1:11-12).
  • The phrase "bring forth" reveals the true assignment of the earth.
  • The earth has the capacity to bring forth resources, blessing, and prosperity.
  • The earth is not an inanimate object — it is very much alive!
  • God created the earth as a living creature that can hear and respond to a voice.
  • The evidence of hearing is not hearing — it is accurate response.
  • A lot of the things that you think are inanimate are alive to God (Luke 19:40).
  • After creating Adam and Eve, God transferred authority over the earth to mankind. This means that the earth was given over to the children of man (Psalm 115:16), including believers and unbelievers alike.
  • Those caught up in witchcraft and new age practices understand this but utilize their authority to accomplish things outside of the will of God.
  • The earth was not designed to do wickedness. It is longing to hear from the anointed but the anointed don't have this revelation, so the earth is forced to carry out the demands of the ungodly.
  • YOU are what the earth is waiting for (Romans 8:19).

  • When you speak to the earth, you must speak clearly & precisely, and you must make sure what you are asking is within the counsel of the Word of God.
  • You are under the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit, which means He can show you what to ask for. This is a partnership with Him.
  • The earth is an integral part of EVERY destiny. It is a destiny helper that was designed to be a blessing to you, never a curse!
  • Breakthrough comes through speaking to the earth.
  • The earth is a divine resource center! The earth is FULL of everything you'll ever need to fulfill your destiny.
  • There is no lack in the earth. Lack only exists in your mind/belief system.

  • The earth is a witness to injustice and iniquity. When the land has iniquity on it, it does not produce the way it should produce (Leviticus 18:25). You can remove iniquity through repentance and cleansing of the land.
  • Hindrances in purchasing or selling a house can be overcome by speaking to the land.
  • The earth has a mouth (Genesis 4:11) and therefore can swallow and vomit. It can swallow what is coming against your destiny, and it can vomit what God has already done for us, a blessing of destiny.
  • Some miracles take longer than others. It's important to cultivate FAITH, PATIENCE, and THANKSGIVING to inherit the promises of God. Don't give up!

This teaching is truly a gift to believers everywhere — I can't wait to hear how this revelation blesses you and helps you walk in your God-given calling.

If you are ready to learn how to wield your authority on earth to experience all that Jesus paid for and fulfill your destiny, I strongly encourage you to click here to watch the replay of "I Speak to the Earth: Unlocking God's Divine Resource Center" today.

I SPEAK TO THE EARTH Class with Dr. Francis Myles

Have you ever felt like there was a blockage preventing you from fulfilling your destiny?

Have you noticed how some people seem to achieve their callings with ease, while others struggle just to survive?

What if I told you that speaking to the very earth beneath your feet is not only biblical, but a crucial element to walking out the prosperous destiny God has prepared for you?

This is because God created the earth as a living entity to bring forth fruit, and He gave it to mankind to exercise dominion.

New agers understand this concept well, but because they operate in counterfeit spiritual authority, most Christians avoid (or condemn) the concept entirely.

I Speak Class

But this authority we've been given is extremely powerful, and when used with Godly wisdom, it can transform your life, the land to which you are called, and the people surrounding that land.

As children of God, we must learn to reclaim our God-given authority over the land and speak to the earth to bring it in submission to God's plans and purposes — for His glory!

In his upcoming class, Dr. Francis Myles will biblically unpack the concept of speaking to the earth, why it is deeply connected to your individual destiny, and how to partner with God to see miraculous breakthrough in your life, region, and nation!

Overthrowing the Evil Altar of the King of Fallen Time BONUS teaching with Dr. Francis Myles


Time is not your god — it's your instrument.

Time — a created structure to house the days, years, and seasons — is neutral territory. However, most Christians aren't aware of their God-given dominion and authority over time, and the enemy knows how to use this to his advantage. As a result, your time has been compromised, and is in need of God's redemption.

While God has given authority to man, His power lies in the realm of the spirit. Where do you go when you need divine power to back your authority? The altar — that ancient gate that separates the world of spirit from the world of flesh.

Teaching Bonus

In this fascinating teaching, you will learn how to redeem the time by stepping into your authority, receiving God's power, and overthrowing the altar of the king of fallen time.

This bonus expires at 11:59 pm Eastern tonight (Jan 25).


Lord, thank You for revealing one of the eternal mysteries of Your Kingdom through this message. Thank You for hiding things in Your Word for us to discover and explore. Thank you for packing the earth so full of resources so I don't have to live in lack. I pray that You would open my eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying through this revelatory teaching. I want to better understand my authority in You so I can wield it with wisdom and strategy for Your glory! Holy Spirit, show me how to partner with You to speak to the earth and fulfill my destiny.

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to unlock God's divine resource center to fulfill your destiny!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000

Free Webinar Replay
The foundation for life
God first spoke to earth
The earth is not dead
Land and iniquity

If you prefer not to receive further emails related to Dr. Francis Myles's current "I Speak to the Earth: Releasing Prosperity to Fulfill Your God-Given Destiny" class offer, please click here.

You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for classes you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'll be happy to help.

Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463