jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021

Awakening story: When I read the phrase "Our only lasting hope..."

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You are invited to the
Hanukkah Awakening on Nov 29-Dec 1

Awakening the Nations to Their Destiny

3 Days of extraordinary revelation, impartation, activation, and worship

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12)
Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

Grace and peace to you multiplied, Wanda,

Early in the morning on Nov 16, I was inspired to email Jana Dunn, a good friend and passionate pursuer of the King, to invite her to come to the Hanukkah Awakening in person. While she had already registered to participate virtually, I sensed her physical presence makes a big difference in the corporate sound released.

Just a few minutes after sending my email to Jana, I received a PROFOUND email from her about a Great Awakening. While composing that, Jana had no clue I was emailing her. 

Here is what Jana wrote: 

Dr. Peck,

When I read the phrase "Our only lasting hope for America and the world is a Great Awakening. We are a catalyst for that, accelerating what God is doing in the earth", I felt the power of the Holy Spirit in that statement.

I heard the essences of these words when I was 19 years old, (am almost 61 now) and they came in such power, in revelation that it transformed my life, my prayer life, the way I lived each day into this very day.

In 1938 Dr George Washington Carver responded to Glenn Clark on the way to a meeting in Minnesota. He told Glenn Clark,
  • "There is going to be a great awakening in the world, and it is going to come from people up here, from people connected with you and me, from plain, simple people who know - not merely believe - but actually know that God answers prayer. It is going to be a great revival of Christianity, not a revival of religion. We can have religion and still have wars. But this is to be a revival of true Christianity. It is going to rise from the layman, from men who are going about their work and putting God into what they do, from men who believe in prayer, and who want to make God real to mankind." - The Man Who Talks With The Flowers by Glenn Clark

In 1939 Smith Wigglesworth spoke words to Lester Sumrall:
  • "After that, after the 3rd wave he started sobbing. I see the last day revival that's going to usher in the precious fruit of the earth. It will be the greatest revival this world has ever seen! It's going to be a wave of the gift of the Spirit. The ministry gifts will be flowing on this planet earth. I see hospitals being emptied out, and they will bring the sick to churches where they allow the Holy Ghost to move."
On October 1st of 1942 Rev Loran Helm from Parker City who was living in Shiedler, IN, at that time, met with Dr. Carver in Tuskegee, Alabama to give a word to him that God gave to Loran Helm in April of that year. The word given concerned this Great Awakening which God showed Loran Helm He wanted to bring to the earth, the words God wanted to be given to Dr Carver concerning this were,
  • "God is in search of a people that will trust Him with all their heart, totally and wholly depend upon Him… A people that will do always His will in the Word, in the leading of the Holy Spirit… That will do always what He wants and will love Him with all their heart. That will obey everything He wants them to do. A people that He can trust to come into their lives with the Kingdom of God." - A Voice In the Wilderness 
I have heard Loran Helm speak of this many times - that God is in search of a people that He can pour His Spirit into, that He can trust to do His will and not their own.

In Loran Helm's Bible he was using in the 1940s there was a clipping from a magazine called The Pentecostal Evangel dated December 11, 1948 Number 1805.  I have a copy of this magazine. Each time I get it out to read, my heart and spirit are stirred, encouraged and I know the power of God will do what He has prophesied through men and women. The clipping Loran Helm kept in that Bible was about The Promised Outpouring. I feel the Spirit now as I read the words I have underlined and highlighted. 

The first Awakening at the Cornerstone I attended was in 2018. Lauri Kritzer called to ask if I was coming. As she spoke, twice God spoke within me the utter importance of going and then a third time once the phone called had ended. 

One morning as I observed you with Reimar Schultze I asked the Lord who you were. He showed me your life is a GATE to the world.

I bless all who are called to see the world through you, bless each that is called that the world may hear them through you. May your life be blessed, may you be healed and strengthened. May the Lord encourage you and come with comfort. 

May God anoint in power these (Awakening) meetings you are hosting at the Cornerstone Inn at the end of this month.

By the way, this meeting is around the same dates of Loran Helms first Waiting on God in 1966. Those dates were Nov 28-30, 1966 - I believe they were held in Elkhart, Indiana.

With much prayer and great esteem, 

Jana Dunn
Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

The upcoming Hanukkah Awakening is the most significant event Empower 2000 has ever hosted. 

Holy Spirit is inviting you.

To make a wise decision about this uncommon opportunity, follow these 3 simple steps:
  • Inquire of the LORD, "Father, is this Awakening something you desire for me participate in?
  • If He says "Yes", then ask "Am I to come in person or participate virtually?"
  • Do what He says!
More than anything else, God demands our obedience.

Uncommon obedience leads to uncommon blessings by God - ALWAYS (Deuteronomy 28).

We are officially starting the Awakening with the "best shofar sounder" in the world (according to leading Jewish rabbis) sounding his shofar from a very historic location in Israel, along with numerous other Shofarim Watchmen from around the world harmonizing with shofars in the Key of D (David). These are men and women from all over the USA, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and more. 
Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to hear and respond to the sound of the LORD!


P.S. If finances are a hindrance to you participating in this profound, world-changing gathering, then watch the 5 minute video by Dr. Francis Myles about "Provision and Supply" near the bottom of the enrollment page. That addresses both the spirit of poverty and the orphan spirit. 

Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor 
Empowering Dreams 
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Hanukkah Awakening
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domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021

Story: The first Hanukkah Awakening

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You are invited to the
Hanukkah Awakening on Nov 29-Dec 1

Awakening the Nations to Their Destiny

3 Days of extraordinary revelation, impartation, activation, and worship

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined. (Isaiah 9:2)

Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

Grace and peace to you multiplied, Wanda,

By now you know Empower 2000 is hosing the Hanukkah Awakening on Nov 29 - Dec 1, both in-person and virtually, which promises to be our most strategic event to-date. 

But how did we get started hosting Awakening events and in particular the Hanukkah Awakening? And what's been some of the fruit of that? 

Well, in my email sent 5 days ago titled "90% of life is...", I shared the God story about my very first visit to the Cornerstone Inn in Nashville, Indiana for a Dream Gathering in May 2017. 

As a result of that gathering, I got connected to Reimar Schultze, a Holocaust survivor who walked closely with God for more than 50 years. Meeting Reimar, hearing his stories, receiving his counsel, and reading his books had a profound impact on me and my outreach. 

A year later (May 23, 2018), I hosted a free TIME webinar leading into the relaunch of my "I Was Busy Now I'm Not" paid class. On the day of the free webinar, I was led to offer the Prophetic Chambers led by Melodie VanAlstyne as a bonus. It turned out that date was Melodie's 40th spiritual birthday. 

While my time class was very good, the weekly Prophetic Chambers were explosive. People's ability to hear God's voice and their confidence to share that shot through the roof. And a strong community bond was formed. 

As result of that, we launched two new Legacy Dream Teams (LDTs) in Aug 2018. Those were so powerful, we decided to host a "dream gathering" at the Cornerstone Inn on Dec 3-5 to allow members of the LDTs and Prophetic Chambers to meet in person. 

However, God was expanding the tent pegs. 

On Sep 14, I called the Cornerstone Inn (CSI) to book my room and spoke to Lauri Kritzer, a key staff person and the lead intercessor for the CSI. We had a very inspirational conversation. 

The next morning (Sabbath) when I woke up, I was turbo-charged and received numerous profound downloads. The Holy Spirit told me emphatically, "Joseph, this (upcoming event) is The Awakening, not the Dream Gathering." He also said, "Fire, Fire, Fire - Fires of revival - Have bon fires at the barn each night."

While I didn't know anyone who had a barn in Brown County (surrounding Nashville), Indiana, God did, When I called Lauri that morning to share my downloads, she told me she had a big barn at her home and would be glad to make that available with bon fires for the Awakening. And as it turned out, her barn was the exact same one I had noticed on social media a few weeks earlier, not realizing that was hers or even in that area. Amazing. 

That first Awakening was free for participants. While I was expecting about 30 people, more than 60 showed up.

As it turned out, the first day of this Awakening (Dec 3) was the first day of Hanukkah. We didn't plan it that way, but God certainly did. 

What happened at the first Awakening was extraordinary. I could write a book about that. Perhaps, I will sometime in the future. 

Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

This first Awakening at Hanukkah was an ICEBREAKER event. 

The Holy Spirit rained down on the participants and community, breaking the frozen ice of generational strongholds. That included me. 

A few weeks later on New Year's Eve (Dec 31, 2018), Glenisaah Stauffer, the lead intercessor for E2000, hosted a prophetic presbytery to speak life and vision into me and E2000 for the upcoming year

Two days later, I was led to reconnect with John Garfield, an apostolic leader and friend in Washington state. And John was led to refer me to Beverley Watkins, a lady in South Africa, to possibly launch a class about the Courts of Heaven. 

Three weeks later, I hosted Beverley on a free webinar launching Experiencing the Courts of Heaven. It turned out that was the biggest, most successful class launch in the history of our company. And the profit generated from that allowed me to hire new and skilled workers for E2000 to grow the organization and our impact. 

In May 2019, we hosted another in-person Awakening. The impact and fruit from that was enormous, even more than the previous Awakening. 

As a result of the May 2019 Awakening, I joined Melodie, Lois Koss, Glenisaah, and others on a two-week prophetic mission trip to Egypt and Israel in June 2019. I think our small group included people from about 12 other nations. And wouldn't you know it, God arranged for us arrive in Egypt on the first day of Shavuot (Pentecost). Amazing! You can't make this up people.
Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

I'm not sharing these God stories to simply entertain you. 

No, Holy Spirit is inviting you to get involved with the upcoming Hanukkah Awakening. 

Choose to come in person or participate virtually. 


90% of life is SHOWING UP at the right place, at the right time, for the right reason, for the glory of God.

As the LORD if He desires for you to participate in the Awakening. Then do what He says. 

Stop making excuses. God has so much more for you. You have barely tapped into the many possibilities. 

We are officially starting the Awakening with the "best shofar sounder" in the world (according to leading Jewish rabbis) sounding his shofar from a very historic location in Israel, along with numerous other Shofarim Watchmen from around the world harmonizing with shofars in the Key of D (David). These are men and women from all over the USA, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and more. 
Click to register for the Hanukkah Awakening

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to hear and respond to the sound of the LORD!


P.S. If finances are a hindrance to you participating in this profound, world-changing gathering, then watch the 5 minute video by Dr. Francis Myles about "Provision and Supply" near the bottom of the enrollment page. That addresses both the spirit of poverty and the orphan spirit. 

Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor 
Empowering Dreams 
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Hanukkah Awakening
Copyright © 2021 Empower 2000, All rights reserved.
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Empower 2000
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, VA 22701-8352

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Understanding your dreams (Live with Sandie Freed)

Few understand the mysterious, otherworldly, and even strange language of dreams.

What Is God Saying to You in Your Dreams?

You are designed to hear God's voice in the night!

Join Sandie Freed for a Free LIVE webinar
Tuesday, November 16th at 1:00 pm Eastern

Everyone who registers for this webinar will receive access to the study guide and replay.

Grace and peace to you multiplied, Wanda,

Could God be trying to tell you something in your dreams?

Everyone dreams! But few understand the mysterious, otherworldly, and even strange language of dreams. Even fewer realize that their dreams could be a message from God.

Far too often dreams have been discounted as the result of a bad meal or written off a "junk mail" from our jumbled soul.

But God often uses dreams and visions to speak—revealing your future, imparting direction, exposing the enemy, and anointing your destiny.

Wouldn't you like to know what He is saying to you?

You can! There are keys you can learn that unlock the mysteries of your prophetic dreams and visions.

Did you know...

  • 1/3 of your life is devoted to sleeping?
  • Over one-third of the Bible is directly related to dreams and visions?
  • Dreams can be a place of powerful encounter?
  • Divine dreams have the potential to radically transform your life?

You are designed to hear God's voice in the night!

Dream Webinar

Your dreams don't have to remain a mystery. You can learn to hear and understand what God is saying to you (and to others) as you discover the unique language God uses to speak to you in your dreams.

Whether you are a dreamer who wants to learn more about understanding your God-dreams, or this is all brand new, you don't want to miss this Free webinar with Sandie Freed!

Packed with scriptural references, contemporary testimonies, and practical foundations for unraveling the mystery of God's dream language, this session will open your eyes to how God uses dreams to speak to you today.

Expect an increase of dream encounters following this powerful webinar!

In this session, you will learn:

  • The purpose of dreams and visions
  • The biblical foundation for divine encounters and direction in dreams and visions
  • 6 primary categories of dreams and their purposes
  • The difference between New Age and Godly Prophetic interpretation of dreams and symbols
  • To cultivate intimacy with God as you learn to hear His voice in dreams and visions
  • A basic framework to begin interpreting your dreams
  • How to receive an impartation of dreams, visions, and spiritual encounters


Dr. Sandie Freed is an apostolic-prophetic leader, author of more than 14 books, and international minister. Sandie's gift is setting the captives free. She is the founder of the Freedom Revolution. Sandie and her husband, Mickey co-pastor Lifegate Church in Texas.

Dr Sandie Freed

Sandie has a genuine love for the Lord and teaching and equipping the saints. She has a heart for helping people fulfill divine purpose and destiny. She is a gifted coach and often utilizes prophetic ministry and prayer to empower individuals toward change. Sandie is also a gifted businesswoman and has a keen insight as to how to help you move forward with business and in your spiritual life.

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to understand your God-given dreams!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Dreams Webinar

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