miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2021

Replay for If God is in control, then why? with Craig Hill

This timely message is more important than ever in this season of immense shaking.

If God Is in Control, Then Why? with Craig Hill

A fresh perspective on how God sees injustice and the role we play

"I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You." - (Job 42:2)

Dear Wanda,

Wow! What a fresh perspective on how God sees injustice and the role WE play in enforcing His word on earth!

In this webinar, Craig took us way beyond the basic questions many wrestle with regarding disappointment, loss, and suffering to a powerful revelation of the covenant we have with God.

Here are some things Craig said that stood out for me:

  • This is one of the most important webinars I have ever done and Empower 2000 has ever hosted.
  • The goal for this webinar is a paradigm shift from victim or warrior to ambassador!
  • If God is in control, then He is responsible for the evil that happens.
  • Control implies responsibilities. One who is in control is responsible for the outcome of that which he controls.
  • Why do we pray? "Father, what is on your heart?"
  • God is sovereign, but He is not in control.
  • God honors His Word above His name.
  • God has always related to man by covenant.
  • When Jesus rose from the dead, he took back authority from Satan and gave it back to man.
  • While the enemy no longer has authority, he operates with whatever authority we give to him.
  • Satan's strategy: If Satan can destroy the image of God in your heart because of injustice, then he can lead you to be disappointed with God (blaming Him).
  • Definition of covenant: A unilateral, unconditional, irrevocable promise that shall not be broken.
  • The Word is settled in heaven, but the battle is on earth.
  • I don't believe you can understand the book of Job until you understand covenant.

2020 and 2021 have been marked by immense shaking and an unprecedented rise of evil among the nations. This timely message is more important than ever in the clash of kingdoms unfolding in the earth now. By the end of this teaching, you will be armed and ready for battle!

If you didn't watch the live broadcast, Click Here to watch the replay now. Craig's message is so good and so important.


First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who enrolled in Craig Hill's upcoming class in the past 24 hours. This is such a timely message, and I know it will equip you to navigate this season with understanding as well as giving you the tools to help others walk through disappointment into victory.

This 10-lesson class officially starts on Wednesday April 14. Once you enroll, you will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the first three pre-recorded video training sessions.

If you want to walk confidently in the power of your covenant authority with God and defeat the giants in your life, you won't want to miss this class.


In this class by Craig Hill, you will learn:

  • The provisions of the covenant you have with God by the blood of Jesus
  • Why many Christians remain defeated while having God's power available to them
  • 3 things that must be true in order for your covenant to benefit you
  • Keys to access the covenant promises of God available to you
  • Strategies to change your mindset from that of a tourist to that of an Ambassador wielding the full authority of the Kingdom of God ​
  • Covenant perspective for understanding the book of Job ​
  • How to defeat your Goliaths with the confidence of David


If you register for Craig's upcoming class by midnight Eastern on April 1, you will automatically receive Craig Hill's insightful teaching - Why Pray?

Scripture tells us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:16). We are to wait on God, find out what is on His heart, and declare it.

Have you ever wondered why God would want us to pray if He knows His will and He is the one who ultimately brings it to pass? In this teaching, Craig explains what it means for God to be sovereign but not controlling. You will be empowered to exercise your delegated authority on Earth and partner with God to release the plans of Heaven in your life.

Why Pray Teaching

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to gain a fresh perspective on how God sees injustice and the role you play!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

If God is in Control
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen


Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

martes, 30 de marzo de 2021

The #1 dilemma causing people to disregard Christianity (Live tomorrow)

Understand why bad things happen to good people so you can...

Dear Wanda,

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This question is the #1 dilemma that causes people to disregard Christianity, and even causes many believers to question their own faith.

When Craig Hill was in university, he was challenged by an unbeliever who asked, "If your God is so loving and so powerful, then why were my parents shot to death and my sister raped by an evil man who broke into our home at night?"

This was the first of many times Craig was confronted with this sort of question.

In all likelihood, you been confronted with the same question numerous times in your life.

Simply saying "God is in control" is a cop-out.

Craig understands and teaches keys about God's sovereignty and how He has delegated authority to man.

There is a battle taking place on the earth for the destiny of individuals, families, and nations. That includes you and your family.

It is crucial for you to be equipped with essential truths about God's covenant and His desire to partner with you as His ambassador on earth.

God desires to empower you to partner with Him, so you can:

  • unlock God's operating system to understand the Bible
  • pray with boldness and power
  • change your perspective on past disappointments
  • renew your confidence and trust in God
  • activate God's power in the blood of Jesus to destroy the works of the devil

If this appeals to you, then Craig and I invite you to join us for his free webinar on Wed March 31 at 1 pm Eastern titled "If God Is In Control, Then Why?"

In this webinar, Craig Hill will teach:

  • 4 positions about justice and God's responsibility for evil on the earth
  • How government by control and sovereign authority are different (and why it matters)
  • Satan's strategy to discredit God to man through injustice
  • Why covenant authority empowers you to partner with God on the earth
  • Your role as God's ambassador on the earth

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to understand why bad things happen to good people!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

P.S. Don't miss this LIVE global broadcast!

Everyone who pre-registers for this webinar will receive access to the study guide and replay. You can even register after the event is over.

Craig Hill webinar


Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021

Passion For Souls!

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Targeted Prayer

Targeted Prayer

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

As we are about to enter into the Passion Week, we are focusing our Targeted Prayer theme to correlate with this precious time approaching Easter. So, we are Targeting our Prayers towards a Passion for Souls! People are the most open to the Gospel of the Kingdom around the Church calendar when celebrating Easter and Christmas. So let's "pray to the Lord of the harvest" for souls from March 25th through Easter Sunday, April 5th. Sounds like a great prayer target to me!

I also want you to take advantage of our Tools for the Harvest resources which are FREE and easy to access at our website: godencounters.com. There is a treasure chest of great materials available for your use any time you desire. Take a look and see! Click here to find the Tools For the Harvest and receive our free resources for Evangelism, Discipleship, and a Firm Foundation. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Now onto a Prayer Passion for Souls!

Praying for a Harvest of Families,

James W. Goll
GEM Staff and Team

Prayer Passion for Souls

With James W. Goll

Passion for Souls

"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
to send out workers into his harvest field."
Matthew 9:38 NIV

It is so important to keep the main thing, the main thing. God always has eternity on His mind and we must have the Gospel of the Kingdom on our minds and hearts at all times as well. We need an infusion of a Passion for Souls! How else are we going to see the Billion Soul Harvest, especially of Youth and beyond, come in?

I remember an encounter I had while ministering at Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, California when the seer realm opened up before me. I saw these huge glowing letters right in front of me: "S. H. O. P."  I wondered what it meant. Instantly the Holy Spirit said, "It's time for the Salvation House of Prayer."

Yes, the time is Passion for Souls! It is time to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for Souls!

Seven Practical Ways of Praying for Souls

I need very practical guidelines to help me in my prayer life. Here is a list of seven practical ways to pray for souls who are not yet saved or for those who need a particular kind of help at the moment.

  1. Ask God to Soften Their Hearts
    You can pray specifically for the condition of someone's heart to change. You can pray for God to remove the stones from a heart and to replace it with softness and receptivity. Prophetically, Ezekiel wrote:
    "And I will give them one heart [a new heart] and I will put a new spirit within them; and I will take the stony [unnaturally hardened] heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh [sensitive and responsive to the touch of their God]." —Ezekiel 11:19 (AMP)
    Hearts can become hard for lots of reasons, but you can stand in God's presence and ask for a change.
  2. PrayAsk God to Send a Spirit of Conviction
    You can pray for the Spirit of Conviction to be released into the heart of the person you are praying for. Remembering John 16:8, you can say, "I call this one before You, and I ask for a spirit of conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come."  Let him/her know Your loving kindness and Your mercy. Convince him/her of eternity. Convince him/her concerning life and death and of the realities of heaven and hell. Convince him/her of the need of a Savior."
  3. Ask God to Send a Spirit of Revelation
    Ask God to send a spirit of wisdom and revelation upon these souls, to open their minds and hearts. It takes revelation to really know you need to be saved. It takes revelation to know who Jesus is. Some people begin to have their hearts awakened and then they go out into the world trying to find God. They need revelation to understand that it's Jesus they're looking for.
    Pray for them:
    "…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe." —Ephesians 1:17–19 (NASB)
    God may send a spirit of wisdom and revelation, whether through dreams in the night, visions, or angelic visitations. Just pray for it!
  4. Ask God to Bring His Word to Remembrance
    We learn in John 14 that the Holy Spirit is the Helper, and that He will bring God's truth to a person's remembrance:
    "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." —John 14:26 (NASB)
    God is looking for co-laborers and this is could be today's assignment for you.

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Scripture Based Prayer

Lord, I especially bring my family members and my friends to You right now. I bless them in Jesus' great name. I call on You to soften their hearts and to release a spirit of conviction upon them. I pray that you will reveal Your goodness to them and draw them to repentance. Bring to their remembrance all the good words from You that they have heard from their childhoods even until this moment. Dispatch laborers to cross their paths, people who will move in power and kindness. Also release demonstrations of Your amazing love to them. I want these souls to be part of Your eternal family. It's all for Your sake, and it's all in Jesus' holy and wonderful name. Amen and Amen!
P.S. This article was adapted from James Goll's book, Prayer Storm. You can order your copy of this book today to learn more about how to effectively pray for your family. 

Buy Now

Audio and Video Message

Praying for Your Family Into God's Family

With James W. Goll

Many of us didn't grow up in a Christian family and have siblings that are not saved. Some have children that are not walking with the Lord. What can we do? We can always be good examples. But is prayer more effective? James brings us an engaging teaching on how we can effectively pray our families into the Kingdom of God. Watch it and pass it on to others.

Watch the Video
Listen to the Message
Featured Resources

The Feeler

By James W. Goll

This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God's Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits. With consecrated gifts and senses, you can reach out to the body of Christ and to the world at large in both spiritual and practical ways.

Soft Cover Book - Only $16

Hard Cover Signed Edition - Only $27

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Prayer Storm - Curriculum Kit

By James W. Goll


This class lands you directly inside the exciting worldwide call to consistent, persistent prayer. You will be immersed in stirring up your own personal prayer storm that involves four expressions of prayer for: revival in the church, the greatest youth awakening ever, Israel – and for all the descendents of Abraham, and God's intervention in times of major crises.

Curriculum Kit - Regular price $215 - Sale Only $99
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