domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

Character to Carry the Gift - A Core Value from James W. Goll

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Personal Update

A Core Value from James W. Goll 

— Character to Carry the Gift —

Day Fourteen: 21-Day Campaign Showing Support

June 13th, 2021


A Personal Message from James - 
The Parable of the Soil

Watch this video to hear James share his heart and learn more about how you can help support him through the James Goll Personal Support fund. He closes talking about one of Jesus' parables commonly known as, "The Parable of the Sower," and explains why he often teaches it as, "The Parable of the Soil."

Watch the Video

Greetings, In the Great Name of Jesus!

As we continue our 21-Day Campaign to raise Personal Support for James, we wanted to share with you more about the opportunity to continue giving past this 21-day timeframe. We are inviting you to become a Monthly Supporter for James.

Instead of keeping honorariums for himself when James speaks and travels at conferences and other events, he turns in those honorariums and the book sales to God Encounters Ministries. Through the recommendation of leaders that James is aligned with, he was advised to consider raising his own personal support. The "James Goll Personal Support Fund" is specifically designated to help underwrite James' salary for ministry.

As James has generously given, we want to generously provide for James. We are asking you to come alongside James each month to help ensure that he receives financial support as he continues to faithfully serve his calling before the Lord. Would you join us in showing support for James and consider becoming a Monthly Supporter?


As you pray and consider this, we wanted you to hear from our Executive Board Members of God Encounters Ministries and let them share why they feel this is a valuable investment:


Dr. Bill GreenmanBill Greenman - Vice President of GEM Board,
Founder and President of Purpose International Ministries

"James Goll has been my great friend, mentor, and ministry board member for over 30 years. His integrity is unparalleled. His work ethic is amazing. His perseverance: unstoppable. Add to that his powerful gifts as a prophet, teacher, author, and prayer warrior, and you have one of the most revered ministers of our time. None of that is hyperbole; it's just the truth. You will never err by supporting my friend, James Goll — he is good ground. Thank you for giving and supporting James today." 

Mark RoyeMark Roye - Treasurer of GEM Board,
Founding Director of Somebody Cares San Antonio, Founding Director of Blood -N- Fire Ministries San Antonio.

"For the last 25 years, I have had the honor to be in relationship with James Goll. He has been a mentor, leader, and visionary in my life. The impact of his life has such a wide influence on thousands of people. Your legacy in life is not just measured by how popular you are or how many books you have written, but in the impact your life has had on others. the present generation and the generations to come have been and will be deeply influenced for the sake of the Kingdom. When you invest in the ministry of James Goll, you are investing in generations to come."

David SlukaDavid Sluka - Secretary of GEM Board,
Acquisitions Editor for Chosen Books

"Almost 30 years ago, the Lord invited me not just to receive prophetically from James, but to be a friend. James is a gifted man of integrity and creativity. I'm grateful for what I have learned and received from James, and my personal investment in his life and ministry has borne fruit in my family and me. Thank you, James!"


To contribute directly to James Goll's salary, we have an option when donating to GEM to designate your gift to "James Goll Personal Support" — these funds go specifically to the underwriting of his salary and benefits. Would you join us in showing support for James? We want to bless and support James as he continues to faithfully carry out his call to ministry. 

Please be sure watch James' video above as he shares more and talks about the Parable of the Soil. 

And be sure to read James' letter below as he shares on one of his core values: Character to Carry the Gift. 

Thank You & Blessings to You,

The God Encounters Ministries Team

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Character to Carry the Gift

By James W. Goll

A river without banks is just runoff water. The charismata, Holy Spirit gifts, without character are a raft heading into swampy waters. But when character is shaped in the image of Christ Jesus, then the presence, power and authority of the Holy Spirit have an effective course through which to be channeled.

Four Characteristics of Authentic Prophetic People

Here are four aspects of prophetic people who are pursuing an intimate and godly walk with Christ:

1. They Are People of Genuine Faith

Abraham was captivated by God with a vision and purpose. But Hebrews 11:8–10 indicates that he stepped out, "not knowing where he was going." With that thought in mind, does he fit the image of a prophetic person of faith?

Abraham was looking for something—actually, for Someone. Like all authentic prophetic pilgrims who came after him, he maintained his gaze upward. He kept looking for the city, whose builder and architect was God.

With this set of lenses, you might see your circumstances differently and take courage. You can qualify to be an authentic prophetic person—a man or woman of genuine faith.

2. They Are Pioneers Taking New Territory

PioneerProphetic people are those who go before and open the way for others. They are called pioneers, forerunners, or "breakers" in the spirit. They pay the price, often as intercessors, plowing up fallow ground so that others can follow in their trail as sowers, planters, waterers, and eventually reapers. Before there is a breakthrough, there must always come a "breaker."

Truly, they are Pioneers. They love the task of plowing new territory, but they cannot wait till the next round of gifted laborers appears, relieving them of their temporary responsibilities. Fresh grace seems to appear as a glint in their eyes over a new assignment revealed. These prophetic pioneers are paying the price as groundbreakers.

Know this for sure—if you are going to be a prophetic person, sooner or later you will be used with a plow in your hand.

3. They Are Messengers with a Clear Word

Prophetic people carry a living word of not being conformed to this world, and they wield this message masterfully like a sharp, two-edged sword. Messengers carry a word with them. Their job is to be mouthpieces on behalf of another. Anna's prophetic message, as recorded in Luke 2:38, was simple: she "continued to speak of [Jesus]." He is our message!

True messengers speak and live the message of the cross. Ultimately the cross must be our passion (1 Corinthians 1:23; 2:2). We must preach Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead. That goes against the grain in a godless society. But there is no deeper life message than the simplicity and centrality of the cross.

The power of God rests not on the wisdom, articulation, and education of men and women, but on the foolishness of the preaching of the cross. We are to be people with a message. Is it possible that you could qualify for such a simple, yet profound task?

4. They Are Members of a Servant Community

The body of Christ are to be a people relationally knit together. They are members of a servant community. We are not called to be lone rangers. Nor are there supposed to be a few elite, awesome superstars in the Church. We are all called to walk in the anointing of a word of knowledge or wisdom, in His character and in His power. We are called to do it together.

CommunityWhen you study the armor of God in Ephesians, you will see that one area of your body is not protected: your hind side. Somebody else covers it for you.

If you are marching in an army, somebody is striding in front of you and someone behind you, watching your heels. In a sense, then, part of your armor is people who walk with you. That means you are part of the armor for someone else, too! That is what it means to be part of a servant community of believers.

Cultivating Character: Fruit That Is Grown

Have you ever noticed how many excruciating lessons there are to learn in character development? It's so good to remember that God does not only want us to give a message; He wants us to become a living word. Because the revelatory-gifted person is extra-sensitive, he or she must give the area of character development special attention.

Growing in the prophetic—hearing God's voice, receiving visions, knowing His heart and so on—is extremely simple. At times we overly complicate this scene. It is a relational issue. It is not hiding, but relating.

Here are some keys I have been learning over the past 45-plus years of ministry in cultivating God's presence in my life. These seven helpful points have been milestones along my own journey of cultivating intimacy and growing in character to carry the gift.

  1. Rest around the Ark of God's Presence.
  2. Love mercy.  
  3. Pray in the Holy Spirit.
  4. Inquire of the Lord. Ask Questions.
  5. Learn to hold a secret like a friend.  
  6. Love the anointing.
  7. Risk! Yes, roll the dice.

Prayer of Genuine Heart

Lord Jesus, I desire to be a person of genuine faith—a pioneer taking new territory, declaring the word of the Lord with clarity, love, and a servant's heart. My heart wanders and I want to go my own way. Help me to stay close to You and grow in strength of character. My goal is to grow in the fullness of the likeness Christ expressed in both godly character and resurrection power. I want to be like You, Jesus. You are beautiful. Amen and Amen!

Blessings to You!


James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries

A Special Gift

Special Gift for Donations

For every Donation of $50 or more designated to GEM's "James Goll Personal Support" given during the 21-Day Campaign from May 31st through June 20th, we will send you a copy of the special God Encounters Edition of The Passion Translation Bible. This gift is for both USA & International donors and FREE Shipping is included! 

(We will send your gift to the mailing address you provide in the donation form.)
The Passion Bible
  • Online: Click Here to Donate Online
  • Text GIVE to 615-214-7073
  • Phone: 1-877-200-1604
  • Checks: to God Encounters Ministries, PO Box 1653, Franklin, TN 37065
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Thank You for Your Support

James W. GollIf the ministry of James W. Goll and God Encounters Ministries has blessed you, please consider giving a financial contribution so that we may continue to serve you and others. Checks can be made out to God Encounters Ministries and sent to our office address or contributions may be made online as well or call 1-877-200-1604. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law and a receipt for your donation will be mailed to you. Thanks for your consideration.

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