miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021

Replay Available: Increasing Your Anointing with James Goll

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God Encounters Ministries

Webinar Replay is Now Available —
"Increasing Your Anointing: How to Grow in the Power and Presence of God"


www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604

James Goll replay

Dear Wanda,

Yesterday's webinar Increasing Your Anointing was powerful!

Over 6,500 people registered with over 1,100 attending the LIVE broadcast. The replay is now available.

Webinar ReplayThe anointing is the power and presence of God made manifest in your life.

The measure of anointing you carry is not static. It can be tangibly and intentionally increased as you yield to God and cultivate the areas of your life that touch His heart.

There are many ways to move in the anointing:

  1. Out of a word you have heard without any feelings or special emotions.
  2. Out of a special anointing such as for healing.
  3. Out of reading the Scriptures and then simply doing it.
  4. Out of dimension of compassion—where we are flowing in the mercy of God.
  5. Out of worship and creating a special realm of the Presence or glory

The key to understand is this: There is no one way that is correct. You have to remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit.


Here are a few things that stood out to others from the testimonies we have received from people who attended the LIVE webinar.

  • Jane: Everything was great. When you are a Feeler – how sensitivity to the Holy Spirit makes one discern. Personal testimonies on this were so wonderful. Especially when James Goll shared about, how he saw Bible verses on peoples foreheads. Wow! Amazing. (I am a Feeler, very sensitive person, so I was just getting goose bumps as he shared).
  • Marsali: To be satisfied with what God has chosen to give me while at the same time acknowledging that He has given permission to ask for more!! He has filled me with a passionate, consuming fire for MORE while at the same time He's shown me to repent of envy. This webinar supported and confirmed what Holy Spirit has been showing me in this regard.
  • Linda: Honor comes before humility. (James shared how he worked with a gifted teacher who used his prophetic insights but didn't acknowledge that the Holy Spirit had given it to James and he used it.) James honors people without using flattery!
  • Dalene: I find it such a delight when James shares from his own experiences. It shows to me that he does not teach about things he knows nothing of and had not experienced but that he lived/lives through it and learned from it so that he may enrich my life and the lives of countless others. I appreciated his practical advice on humility, accountability and serving.
  • Patrick: Learning what the anointing is, through the Scriptures. Having the word of God opened up to me an increase my understanding to help me connect more intimately with the Lord.
  • Claire: That anointing can be packaged differently for each of us and our gifting and that God is speaking. Also that there is a book on the Feeler realm!!
  • Stacy: Increasing Your Anointing was powerful!! Right now I'm in awe of the book James wrote called "The Feeler" and would really like to take that class!!

If you want to receive 7 practical keys to increasing your anointing so you can experience the fullness of God's power and the fullness of God's character in your life, you won't want to miss this webinar replay.

Click Here to register to watch the replay now.

Register to Watch the Replay Now

Exploring the Feeler Realm

Exploring the Feeler Realm

First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who already enrolled in my upcoming class, which corresponds to my new book, The Feeler.

God is an emotive God. The Holy Spirit is not moody, but He can be grieved or joyful, give warnings, and share the feelings of the Father's Heart.

As you mature in the supernatural ways of Jesus, He can more effectively use you to minister His life and gifts to others.

With practice and discernment, you can learn to recognize, filter and understand the often-subtle ways the Holy Spirit speaks directly to your heart, emotions and intuition, bringing divine revelation through your sanctified feelings.

This 12-lesson class officially starts on Wednesday, June 23. Once you enroll, you will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the first 12 pre-recorded video training sessions.

Through grounded scriptural teaching, lessons from church history, modern testimony, and personal experience, this class will help you grow in practically receiving and discerning spiritual revelation.

In this class you will learn to:

  • identify the emotions of God
  • recognize how the Holy Spirit communicates gifts and revelation
  • respond appropriately to your feelings
  • embrace your sensitive nature
  • detect the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit through feelings
  • cooperate with and flow in the power of God
Enroll in Exploring the Feeler Realm

Angelic Encounters Today

Angelic Encounters SGPlus, if you sign up by Midnight Eastern time TOMORROW (June 9), you will also receive my Angelic Encounters Today Study Guide in PDF as a FREE bonus!

Did you know that you typically have a lot more angelic company than you realize?

Your prayers release God's power and God often sends angels to bring His powerful response. Angels were at work throughout the Old and New Testaments, and they are still at work in your life today!


  • 78% savings: $200 instead of $900
    (sign up by Jun 23)
  • Angelic Encounters Today – 15-Lesson Class with James W. Goll
    (sign up by Jun 17)
  • The Feeler – Book by James W. Goll (shipped free worldwide)
    (sign up by Jun 13)
  • Angelic Encounters Today Study Guide – PDF Download by James W. Goll
    (sign up by Jun 9)

Please feel free to forward this email on to your friends so that they can register as well!

I hope you will join me for Exploring the Feeler Realm!


James W. Goll with God Encounters Ministries Staff

Enroll in Exploring the Feeler Realm
Anointing Webinar Replay
Register to Watch the Replay Now

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