domingo, 20 de junio de 2021

Walking in the Father's Blessing - Happy Father's Day!

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Personal Update

Happy Father's Day!

— Walking in the Father's Blessing  —

Day Twenty One: 21-Day Campaign Showing Support

June 20th, 2021

A Father's Day Blessing for You

Listen as James Goll declares his Prayer and Blessing for you on this Father's Day. This video finishes our 21-Day Giving Campaign and releases a heart-felt blessing to each and every one of you! After all, "This is our Father's World!"

Watch the Video

Greetings In the Great Name of Jesus!

I am so blessed to be able to walk with you and speak in to your lives by God's grace. My goal is to bring a prophetic understanding of the love of Christ and truths to bring maturity to each person, so that together, we may all gain a deeper understanding of the love of Christ.
As I have matured in my Christian walk through the years, I have experienced many different ways that God speaks. In my early days, one of the ways I learned this was through music. I pray that you will see The Father's blessing in my article below and receive the blessing in my video above.

May God Our Father Bless You With Every Spiritual Blessing,

James W. Goll

21-Day Campaign: James Goll Personal Support


As we close our 21-Day Campaign to raise Personal Support for James, we wanted you to hear from some of James' Sons and Daughters in the Faith as they share their support for him.  

We asked these next gen leaders, "As a Father in the Faith, how has James impacted your life?" We received the following replies from these amazing men and women of God:
Patrick & Andrea PennPatrick & Andrea Penn – Sr. Pastors of The Dwelling Place – Huntsville, Alabama

"One of a father's greatest responsibilities is to create a legacy for his children. For this reason, James Goll will doubtless go down in history as one of the greatest Fathers in the Faith in our generation. When James Goll adopted us as spiritual children in 2005, our lives and ministry changed forever! We invite you to partner alongside of use, not only in giving, but also in receiving from the rich legacy he continues to establish for the generations to come."
Ana WernerAna Werner – Founder of Eagles Network, Founder of Ana Werner Ministries – Kansas City, Missouri

"James Goll's ministry has been one that has significantly impacted the Body of Christ probably more than we realize! He has been a Father in the prophetic movement, bringing clarity to the times and season we are living in. James broke ground for us seers and discerners by giving language and Biblical teaching to the realm of the spirit. I'm personally grateful for the countless hours spent and amount of teaching he has given. Not only is he a personal friend, but WHAT A FRIEND OF GOD James Goll is!"
Munday & Jennifer MartinMunday & Jennifer Martin – Founders of Contagious Love International – Nashville, Tennessee

"Since my early 20's, James Goll has been a mentor to me in the faith. When I was young and on fire for Jesus, he took notice of me and helped propel my wife and I into the things of God as we launched our ministry, Contagious Love International, in 2007. Not only does he serve on our board of advisors, but his companionship and wisdom has been priceless. Let's give honor to whom honor is due as one of our true Fathers in the Faith. We love you James!"
Bjarki Clausen – Founder of I Am Equipping Center, Founder of The Mercy Seat Ministries – Reykjavík, Iceland

"Once I was lost, but now I have been found." CLARITY—this is the best way to describe my heart after my first conversation with James Goll. To me, few things in life are as valuable as the opportunity to listen and learn from Fathers in the Faith, like James. His teachings have given more depth to my relationship with God, as well as insights and wisdom on how to properly handle revelation, such as dreams, visions, and encounters. He has paved the way for teaching on prophetic ministry and the lifestyle of a believer in an easy to understand manner for the body of Christ. I highly recommend every book, class, and seminar he teaches. James is a voice of our Heavenly Father to this generation and the coming generations."
Johnathan Stidham – Pastor of Christ Embassy, Founder of Johnathan Stidham Ministries – Nicholasville, Kentucky

"My list of adjectives to describe James W. Goll could be quite extensive. Years ago in one of the hardest times in my life, God sent me a Gift, a Father, a Mentor, and a Friend. Over the past several years, I have watched, gleaned, and been challenged by his walk with God and it has caused me to pursue Jesus with greater passion and fervency. I have been impacted in measures that cannot be quantified by his love for people and his passion for family. I am today a better husband and father because of you, James W. Goll! Thank you for never allowing pulpit ministry to become greater than the ministry of family. Since the day we said yes to partnering with this ministry, the windows of heaven opened and have never shut. I testify that this is good ground and encourage those who will read this short statement that I am one of thousands who have been impacted by the ministry of James W. Goll to sow and agree for the next thousands that will be impacted as well."


To contribute directly to James Goll's salary, you can designate your gift to "James Goll Personal Support" when donating at our GEM website — these funds go specifically to the underwriting of James' salary and benefits. Would you join us in showing support for James? We want to bless and honor James as a Father in the Faith!

Thank You & Blessings to You,

The God Encounters Ministries Team

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Walking in the Father's Blessing

By James W. Goll

One of the primary tasks of the Lord Jesus Christ is to lead us into a right relationship with His Father. In fact, Jesus is the exact representation of His Father, even though that is not how our Father has often been presented by the church world. Our Father God is approachable and accessible

I have loved Jesus from day one. But like many of you, it has taken me some time to learn that our Abba Daddy God is a good, good Father. I have grown and changed a lot over the years. The singular most outstanding change, that continues to this day, is the transformational internal working of the Holy Spirit in my heart and soul. It all stems from believing that our Father really is a Good, Good Father. He really, really is!

This Is My Father's World

As you know, I love to sing, and I love the anchor that the old hymns provide. For Father's Day, let me share with you lyrics from a cherished old hymn called, "This Is My Father's World," composed by Maltbie Davenport Babcock and published in 1901.

This is my Father's world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sing, and round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father's World:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father's world,
The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white,
Declare their Maker's praise.
This is my Father's world,
He shines in all that's fair;
In the rustling grass I hear him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Father's world,
O let me ne'er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
Why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
God Reigns; let the earth be glad!

Do you hear Him speaking to you now? He is waiting to have a moment with you. Lean in a bit and you will hear more than words. You will hear the sound of love beating in His heart just for you. He is your journey's beginning, and He is your journey's end.

A Prayer of Blessing on Father's Day

"In the amazing name of Jesus, I declare that God is Good all the time and that all things work together for good. I declare that something good is just about to happen in your life. His voice is drawing near to you and to your family. You will find even greater delight than you have ever found before in the loveliness of His brilliant presence. On this Father's Day, may you be blessed. May you find favor and may you experience increase. May the Lord protect you from evil and keep you from temptation and from harm. I declare that our Father's Blessing is upon you in Jesus' name and you will never be the same. Amen and Amen!"

Blessings to You!


James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries

A Special Gift

Special Gift for Donations

For every Donation of $50 or more designated to GEM's "James Goll Personal Support" given during the 21-Day Campaign from May 31st through June 20th, we will send you a copy of the special God Encounters Edition of The Passion Translation Bible. This gift is for both USA & International donors and FREE Shipping is included! 

Today, June 20th, is your last day to get this special thank you gift with your donation! 

(We will send your gift to the mailing address you provide in the donation form.)
The Passion Bible
  • Online: Click Here to Donate Online
  • Text GIVE to 615-214-7073
  • Phone: 1-877-200-1604
  • Checks: to God Encounters Ministries, PO Box 1653, Franklin, TN 37065
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Thank You for Your Support

James W. GollIf the ministry of James W. Goll and God Encounters Ministries has blessed you, please consider giving a financial contribution so that we may continue to serve you and others. Checks can be made out to God Encounters Ministries and sent to our office address or contributions may be made online as well or call 1-877-200-1604. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law and a receipt for your donation will be mailed to you. Thanks for your consideration.

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