jueves, 24 de junio de 2021

Replay and highlights from The Power of a Family Vision with Greg Gunn

I am so inspired by the wind of the Holy Spirit on this...

The Power of a Family Vision with Greg Gunn

The Lord has a vision He desires to impart that will awaken the hearts and imagination of your family for generations to come.
But you must invest the time to discover it.

Where there is no vision, the people perish... (Proverbs 29:18)
Where there is no family vision, families perish.

Dear Wanda,

WOW, WOW, WOW. Greg Gunn's webinar yesterday was over-the-top. I personally experienced a supernatural activation and desire to bless families, starting with my own.

Let me just say, if you missed Greg Gunn's webinar, "The Power of Family Vision," you need to watch it NOW. I am so inspired by the wind of the Holy Spirit on Greg's message. It doesn't matter whether you are single, a parent with a full house of kids, an aunt, an uncle, or an empty-nester, this message is for you!

Greg wasn't kidding when he opened by saying, "The Holy Spirit is going to expand your expectations. Not one person is going to be the same at the end of this webinar." From the response we received from participants, I think it's safe to say everyone was stretched to dream big by the vision Greg cast!

I'm a grandparent with grown children and was so moved that I have already made plans to watch the replay with my entire family so we can take steps now to build a legacy that will impact my great-great-grandchildren and beyond.

Here are some highlights that stood out for me:

  • God's desire is to reveal His vision for your family. When there is vision, there is purpose. And when there is purpose, there is passion, discipline, and commitment.
  • When most people think of estate planning, they are only considering "valuables" (things), not wisdom, family history, and vision.
  • "When a grandparent dies, a library burns" (African Proverb). There is nothing more tragic than when a grandparent passes away and has not shared their wisdom with the next generations.
  • You carry a unique family history, a wealth of wisdom, and a personal journey of redemption that only you can share.
  • Will you be the generation that writes the vision and passes on a legacy for your children and grandchildren?

  • God's plan to disciple the nations begins with families.
  • Family is your first and most important ministry.
  • Knowing the WHY is more important than the HOW. When your WHY is big enough, nothing can keep you from figuring out the HOW.

  • Simply writing down a goal increases the likelihood you will fulfill it to 73%
  • Writing a goal and putting it where others can see it and hold you accountable raises that likelihood to 93%
  • When it is God's Vision and you write it, that likelihood jumps to 100% (see Hab. 2:2-3).
  • Your family vision is the compass that every generation will be able to reference in order to stay on course for God's purpose for your family line.
  • You can set a new course for your family, break off old generational curses, and record and legacy for the next generations to discover their purpose and identity.

  • Grandparents, aunts, and uncles have more influence than they could ever imagine to speak value, identity, and purpose into their grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
  • Discovering your family vision makes world-changers one family at a time.
  • God is calling families to arise and change the trajectory of the nations.

The Lord has a vision He desires to impart that will awaken the hearts and imagination of your family for generations to come. Will you invest the time to discover it?

If so, then watch the replay for Greg Gunn's powerful webinar. It was so good that we are going to follow up with a separate Live Q&A session next week (details to follow in a future email).

Click here to watch the replay and expect the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to a whole new vision for your family!

Family ID: Discovering Your Family's Unique Identity and Vision Class with Greg Gunn

First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who already enrolled in Greg Gunn's upcoming class. It is going to change your future and family forever!

Do you suspect God has a purpose for your family, but you don't know how to get there?

In 1997, when Greg Gunn was challenged by a friend to do an annual family goal-setting weekend, the thought of setting goals for his family wasn't on his radar—even though he was a fanatic about goal setting for the company he led. He thought the problems his family faced and the dreams he had for his children would somehow just fall into place… by accident.

That weekend changed his life and set his family on an entirely new course.

Now, his life mission is to help your family discover yours, too!

Family ID Class

No one ever sets out to have a bad marriage, dysfunctional relationships, or rebellious teens…

But they happen. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Where there is no family vision, the family perishes.

  • Does your family have a strong purpose?
  • Do you know what you were created to do?
  • Do you have a roadmap to guide you through the journey you are on?
  • Does your family have clear core values and a unified vision?
  • Do you need to regroup and rally so everyone in your family can "get on the same page?"

Do you want to discover the vision that God has for you, your family, and future generations?

The Family ID (Intentional Direction) class is a powerful tool to start you on your journey.

In this course, you will be equipped to…

  • Promote an intentional culture inside your home
  • Cultivate an environment where all family members receive the attention, support, and validation they need
  • Break generational curses and set a new course for your future
  • Discover what your family was made to do and a roadmap for how to get there
  • Develop and walk out your Family Mission Statement
  • Leave a legacy for generations to come


Register for Greg Gunn's upcoming class by midnight Eastern tomorrow (June 24) and you will automatically receive a PDF of Greg's Book: The 31 Day Family Dare: Intentional Dialogue About Core Values.

This a tool for parents who believe there is value in talking about core values! Values like Generosity, Kindness, Self-Control and Hard Work aren't talked about much in school, but are extremely important in raising godly children. This book is easy to use: simply discuss a different value with your family every day for 31 days.

Study Guide Bonus

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to discover God's vision for your family!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Family Vision Replay
Where there is no vision.
Why? and How?
Vision from God

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