jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

Replay & Testimonies: Let the Seer Discern with James Goll

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God Encounters Ministries

Webinar Replay & Testimonies —
"Let the Seer Discern! Receiving God's Clear Vision for Your Life"


www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604

Webinar Replay

Dear Wanda,

Tuesday's webinar Let the Seer Discern! Receiving God's Clear Vision for Your Life was powerful!

Over 7,000 people registered with over 1,700 attending the LIVE broadcast. The replay is now available.

Webinar ReplayWhile the teaching is a particularly strong one, I ended up going off script numerous times under the anointing and speaking prophetically.

There were several phrases and words of knowledge that I ended up repeating numerous times during the webinar:

  • Let the Seer Discern!
  • Be Sharp
  • Integrity Matters
  • Read Daniel 1-3 over each day for 21 days

Many of the attendees gave testimony of being touched powerfully during this webinar.

Kathleen summarized it like this, "I cannot think of anything that could have made this experience better, short of us all being able to be together in one room in one place. :-)"

You will not want to miss this replay!

Click Here to watch it now.

Watch the Replay Now

Testimonies from the Webinar

Many attendees were wonderfully touched and deeply impacted by this webinar!

Here are some of the answers to the questions "What was your favorite part of the webinar OR the most important lesson you learned?":

  • Antonelli: Integrity matters even in my hidden acts of kindness...the abuse I have experienced from the past had lowered my vision.
  • Beverly: The word about being sharpened, being sharp—Just two days ago I was told that I was like a pencil, the tip had become dulled, and God was sharpening me for what was next. Several weeks ago God had spoken to me, "cutting edge ambassador," and James spoke regarding having a sharp edge.
  • Steffen: That it is good to be a feeler and sensitive. By growing into maturity leads me into overcoming the negative experiences that came from not being able to discern, that things I felt were not my own perceptions of me but they were unctions of the Holy Spirit.
  • Carole: Talking about the "river" being singular and "streams" being plural. I've never thought about that before. This showed me a new vision. THANK YOU, JAMES!!! I loved "integrity matters", "Be sharp", "Be ready", "Be sharpened". Common boundaries-so important. All so very important! Also, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it."
  • Mililani: When James began to prophesy and speak out healing and deliverance. Also when James talked about his son protecting his ear and eye gates. The Father has emphasized that during this season and new era.
  • Kathleen: Keys to avoiding deception, as well as the process/practices of presenting our members, including our imaginations and creative faculties to God for His purposes.
  • Carmelinda: The Holy Spirit is the conductor, and we learn by practice in training our senses to discern. We sanctify our eyes, ears, knowing to surrender our senses. We ask for a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit.
  • Patricia: James Goll's three things to effectively operate in any gift; you need to read the word, pray, walk in worship and walk in forgiveness.
  • Carol: Be SHARP! This is what I needed to hear! About 6 weeks ago the Lord told me to pick up my sword and put it back where it belongs... in my mouth.
  • Chuck: Discernment is the need of the hour because God also spoke to me before this Webinar to keep perceiving in Isaiah chapter 6. This webinar is very timely and divine connection and encouraging me that I am called to higher realm and to discern. Thank you so much.

Click Here to watch the webinar replay.

Watch the Replay

"Uncommon Journaling for The Seer"

UJ-Seer Class

Dr. Joseph Peck and I are combining forces to launch this new class to help people grow in their ability to see in the spirit and discern good and evil.

Uncommon Journaling for The Seer combines the best of two classes—my (Dr. James Goll's) best-selling The Seer class and the Uncommon Journaling curriculum by Joseph Peck, M.D.

I want to help you discover the prophetic power of dreams, visions, and life under open heavens.

Many people have already signed up!

We set an all-time record with 184 people paying to enroll within the first 12 hours.

Those who sign up early will receive these bonuses:

  • 83% cash savings (sign up by Nov 10)
  • The Seer book by James Goll shipped free anywhere in the world (sign up by Nov 1)

If you want to find and release the special gifts God has given you and cultivate the seer realm of the prophetic in your life, you won't want to miss this class!

Please feel free to forward this email on to your friends so that they can register as well!

I hope you will join us for Uncommon Journaling for The Seer!


James W. Goll with God Encounters Ministries Staff

Enroll in UJ-Seer Class
Webinar Replay w/ James Goll
Watch the Replay Now

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