jueves, 1 de abril de 2021

Courageous and Prophetic Women of Faith (Your Invitation)

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God Encounters Ministries

Courageous and Prophetic Women of Faith, Part 1 (Old Testament)

By James W. Goll

April 1st, 2021

www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604

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From the Desk of James W. Goll

Greetings! In the Great Name of Jesus

Women have been faithful and courageous champions throughout the entire history of the people of God. In today's article I highlight exploits of faith and courage of women throughout the Old Testament. Women, I invite you to join the courageous and prophetic ranks of those who have gone before you in doing exploits for Christ Jesus! Men, I invite you to join me in doing those same exploits, while confidently cheering for and encouraging the women champions of our day! In a couple week's I'll highlight women from the New Testament in Part 2.

New BundleI'm excited to announce the release of our brand NEW: Heroines of Faith Bundle, just in time for Mother's Day! It includes the Heroines of Faith book & The Best of Heroines of Faith 12 MP3 Set by James W. and Michal Ann Goll (my late wife).

This book and message set are loaded with the true stories of twenty-seven women who forever changed the world through their courage, compassion, and devotion to the secret place. Women like: Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman, Amiee Semple McPherson, Mother Teresa, Gladys Aylward, Susanna Wesley, Fanny Crosby, and many more.

These women overcame fear to become strong in faith, took God's unfailing love to the world, and passionately pursued the prize of God's presence. You'll be inspired to follow their examples do exploits in your own life. Click Here to buy the bundle for you, your Mom, your spouse, or anyone else you want to encourage.

Thank you for your prayers and donations to God Encounters Ministries. We appreciate your partnership with us in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the earth!

Blessings to Each of You!
James W Goll and the GEM Team

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James Goll's Blog
Courageous Women

Courageous and Prophetic Women of Faith, Part 1 (Old Testament)

By James W. Goll

Women have been faithful and courageous champions over the centuries, for the whole history of the people of God.

We do not know about as many of them as we could, because the (largely male) history-writers have ignored or minimized their accomplishments.

Naturally, another reason we don't know about all the great women of the past is that many of them were restricted from taking leadership. To some extent, this is still the case, which makes women's accomplishments all the more notable.

We are all supposed to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God (see 1 Peter 5:6). By building a culture within the Church of honor and relational authority we can esteem one another across traditional dividing lines because, in Christ, there is no male or female (see Galatians 3:28). The simple fact of the matter is that, in giving His gifts, God does not discriminate because of gender.

Generations"In the last days," God says, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants— men and women alike—and they will prophesy."
Acts 2:17–18 NLT

With the scriptures as our guide, let's take a quick look into the courageous and prophetic women in the Old Testament.

Women Called Prophetesses in Old Testament Scripture

Let's start back at the Exodus with Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron. She was known as a spokesperson for God particularly as a leader in music and dance:

Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took the timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dancing. Miriam answered them, "Sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted; The horse and his rider He has hurled into the sea" (Exodus 15:20–21).

Moving on through the years, we find Deborah, who is mentioned in an unapologetic way as one of the judges of Israel. As a prophetess and judge, she stood before God on behalf of Israel and she was an advisor to the military leader Barak as recorded in Judges 4. Eventually, because of Deborah's leadership acumen, she was called a "mother in Israel" (see Judges 5:7).

Huldah was another early prophetess in Israel. This prophetess and keeper of the wardrobe sought the prophetic word of the Lord on behalf of the young King Josiah (see 2 Kings 22:14). There were other prophets in Israel at the time, but King Josiah sought her out because of her seasoned and influential ministry as a prophetess.

Then we have the unnamed woman who was Isaiah's wife. Almost nothing was recorded about her, as Isaiah mentioned her only once: "And I went to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son" (Isaiah 8:3 NKJV). Some scholars have said that she was called "the prophetess" only because she was Mrs. Isaiah. I have personally come to believe that Isaiah and his wife operated as a prophetic team!

Courageous Women in the Old Testament

Some of the women mentioned in the Old Testament were not called prophetesses, but played important and courageous roles in prophetic events. Their example of godly obedience should encourage you to follow in their footsteps, "doing exploits" (see Daniel 11:32).

Jael was shrewd and brave. She welcomed the fugitive into her domain and gave him milk to drink. At her invitation, he lay down and fell into an exhausted sleep. Then…

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The Prophet book
P.S. If you want to grow in becoming or encouraging a courageous and prophetic woman of faith, then you'll love James Goll's book, The Prophet! When you order the book, you'll also receive 12 video bonus devotionals by James W. Goll that correspond with each chapter. Order your copy and receive faith to do exploits for the kingdom of God today!
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James Goll Video

Well Women Lead Well

By James W. Goll

In this message, given at a Global Women on the Frontlines conference, James shares Biblical examples of Godly leadership traits for both women and men. As God transforms your heart, you are able to lead in His strength. Wholeness is the biblical model for leadership and "Well Women Lead Well." God desires to use both men and women cooperating together to extend His kingdom.

Heroines of Faith Bundle

NEW: Heroines of Faith Bundle

by James W. and Michal Ann Goll


~ NEW: Heroines of Faith – Book &
~ The Best of Heroines of Faith – 12 MP3 Message Set

  • Message 1: Women of Courage (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 2: Joan of Arc (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 3: Annie Get Your Gun (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 4: B-29 Bombers (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 5: Passion for Him Moves Us to Compassion (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 6: The Power of Compassionate Weeping (James W. Goll)
  • Message 7: William & Catherine Booth (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 8: Florence Nightingale (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 9: The Depths of God (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 10: Madame Jean Guyon (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 11: Journey into the Castle (James W. Goll)
  • Message 12: Up Against the Wall (Michal Ann Goll)

Give your mom a "Heroine of Faith"
gift this Mother's Day!

Book & 12 MP3 Set Bundle – Only $45

Save 26%!

Buy Now
NEW Book: The Feeler

The Feeler:

Discover How Sensitivity Helps You Discern and Act on God's Voice

New Book by James W. Goll

Pre-order your copy today and you will receive 12 bonus devotional videos.

When you purchase The Feeler from God Encounters Ministries, you will also be emailed 12 bonus video devotionals by James W. Goll, one to go along with each chapter of the book!

The Feeler by James W. Goll delivers a remarkable biblical perspective on our emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God's voice. We experience the love, joy, and presence of God with our feelings. Our emotions have an impact on our bodies, our level of holiness, our relationships, and our decisions. This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God's Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits.

Signed Hard Cover Book – Only $27
Soft Cover Book – Only $16

Pre-Order Now
James Goll's Itinerary

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