miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2022

Grabbing Hold of the Present Truth (Live Mar 17)

Come join Mickey Robinson for his powerful and encourage global broadcast.
The Battle for Jerusalem

Empower Disciples

Grabbing Hold of Present Truth

LIVE Interactive Zoom webinar with Mickey Robinson
Thursday, March 17, 12:00–1:30 pm Eastern

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
(2 Corinthians 10:5)

Everyone who registers for this webinar will receive access to the replay.


Grace, and peace to you, Wanda,

We are living in days where fear is the currency of the airwaves. From the lead news story to social media to the latest conspiracy theory, everywhere you turn the predominant message is fear, uncertainty, and lack of trust.

This isn't just an area that requires discernment...

...it's an indication of a realm of spiritual warfare being unleashed in the earth that requires wisdom AND a renewed emphasis on the Word of God.

When everything is changing and nothing is certain or even as it appears, there is a tremendous importance in knowing the Word of God–personally knowing it, hearing it through preaching, teaching, and grabbing hold of it in present truth exhortations.

The collateral damage of the intense season of trauma and spiritual warfare has been in the area of emotional and mental health. But there is an antidote!

Mickey Robinson has a powerful word from the Lord regarding "Grabbing Hold of Present Truth."

Mickey says the biggest catalyst for transformation (locally and globally) is people loving God more and loving each other more. It is the presence of the love of God that changes everything.

Come join us for this powerful and encouraging prophetic session with a NOW word for the turbulent and dark times we are living in.

Mickey is one of James Goll's closest friends and lives near him. James recently said Mickey is one of the greatest encouragers he has ever met. That's saying a lot.

I first met Mickey in 2017 when he was one of the 12 guest speakers for Discerning the Times and Seasons, hosted by Dr. James Goll. The title of his message was "Ask for the Ancient Paths".

Since then we have become very good friends. Mickey came in person and spoke at our two Awakening gatherings in Nashville, Indiana in 2021.


Mickey Robinson and his wife Barbara are the founders of Prophetic Destiny International. Mickey's miraculous recovery from a catastrophic airplane crash after a "death's door" experience led to a powerful spiritual awakening in his life. Since then, he has traveled internationally, bringing hope, encouragement, and God's supernatural power to heal and overcome all manner of adversity.

Mickey has been a pastor and teacher, ministering in prophetic, worship, and healing conferences all around the world. He is the author of several books, including Falling into Heaven, The Prophetic Made Personal, and Supernatural Courage.

Mickey and Barbara have four children and seven grandchildren, and they live in the beautiful hills of Franklin, TN.


If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to shift into the new season of reformation!


P.S. Thank you to all the Empower Disciples (ED) members for your generous financial support which helps to make these special broadcasts possible. May the LORD bless and multiply your financial seeds.

P.P.S. If you can't attend the LIVE session, a replay will be made available for those who register, plus all Empower Disciples members.

Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000


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Empower 2000, Inc
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