miércoles, 6 de abril de 2022

Healing Explosion & Testimonies + Bonus expiring shortly

Every time Dr. Myles and Katie teach on Idols Riot, an explosion of healing follows!

Idols Exposed! Your Key to Lasting Victory
and Complete Freedom
with Dr. Francis Myles & Katie Souza

TEACHING AND ACTIVATION bonus expires in a few hours!

"They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have, but they do not see; they have ears, but they do no hear; nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them." (Psalm 135:116-18)

Grace and peace to you, Wanda,

One thing that really caught my attention in yesterday's phenomenal webinar with Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza was the HEALING, MIRACLE TESTIMONIES!

Yes, this webinar was all about identifying and getting rid of the idols and evil altars wreaking havoc in your lives. But, wow! I had never seen the biblical connection between idols and infirmities, cancers, blindness, deafness, and crippling diseases like I did after Dr. Myles and Katie opened my eyes in yesterday's session.


Dr. Francis Myles and Katie shared testimony after testimony of the physical healing that comes when people get free from their idols and evil altars. Cancers and tumors disappeared. Bones that were out of alignment and protruding from the body shifted back into the correct position. Pain, arthritis, blindness...ALL GONE!

Every time Dr. Myles and Katie teach on Idols Riot an explosion of healing follows. The connection between idolatry and disease is so strong that they always see healing miracles break out when the strongman operating in people's lives is dislodged and prosecuted in the courts of heaven.

In fact, because of this connection, Dr. Myles and Katie always end their Idols Riot seminar with a Healing and Deliverance Activation service where students put into practice what they have been learning in the previous sessions. (By the way, if you are considering signing up for this class, today's expiring bonus is a live healing and deliverance activation service from a recent Idols Riot Healing Intensive seminar!)

The miracles that happen in these sessions are astounding—and they are happening when regular people like you and me are praying and operating in our supernatural gifts like never before.

If you missed the live session, click here to watch the replay now!

Not only will your faith grow as you listen to testimony after testimony of the miracles and radical transformation people experienced, but you can expect your own encounter through the revelation, powerful prayers, and declarations Dr. Myles and Katie released in their session.

The response we have received from this webinar is above and beyond. We have already had over 200 people sign up for the upcoming class in less than 24 hours. The comments in the post-webinar survey were off-the-charts, with almost everyone saying this session far exceeded their expectations.

Here's a brief sampling of what we've heard from all of you:

  • "The explanation about alters! WOW. The testimony by Katie & Myles and Katie's prayer at the end!" —L.C.

  • "So much I didn't know that all is significant revelation. Loved what each of these two revelatory had to teach us. Gosh!" —J.G.

  • "Although we had read Idols Riot...being able to ask what idols we're still dealing with in the live presence of Pastor Katie & Dr. Francis helped much! Realizing that this is a continuous Journey of Retrospect and Revelation, Hallelujah! Amen"—S.C.

  • "My favorite part is when Katie was talking about makeup and shampoo were her idols, I never thought stuff like that could be idols." —P.B.

  • "I fully appreciate & needed Katie's prayer at the end … I possibly have tumors & my hips are in very bad condition." —K.C.

  • "Loved Dr. Peck's testimony and the other testimonies of healings. The different diseases that Katie called out that can be caused by idols, some of which i have." —D.B.

  • "I appreciated the frank discussion about alters, I had no idea, it sure explains a lot." —W.D.

  • "I loved the prayers at the end; thank you for walking me through the words to say for grace and healing on our behalf!" —R.F.

  • "The most important lesson I learned about this that idols are not just curved images that we could bow down to, it could be anything we put above God." —P.B.

  • "The transparency of Dr Myles and Katie. They were willing to talk about the idols in their lives. As Katie was talking about the idols she had had in her life I didn't think I had any. I asked Holy Spirit to reveal any idols in my life and immediately He did. God really wants us to be free." —D.H.

  • "The prayer of deliverance that Katie prayed and we had to repeat after her - it was precious, thank you Katie! The testimonies which both Dr. Myles and Katie Souza shared are priceless!" —D.S.

  • "The whole session of Dr Francis Myles and Katie Souza's presentation was super anointed and super powerful. It was mind-opening and life transforming." —G.T.

  • "I started immediately identifying idols in my life." —M.V.

  • "The most surprising part of the webinar was discussing the conflict that can be in your home without realizing you opened the door." —R.W.

  • "My favorite parts was when Katie addressed idols that form gynecological issues such as female problems, tumors, etc. I could relate because spiritually this is what I have cried out to the Lord God to be delivered from." —S.P.

  • "Testimonies of HEALINGS. I believe, I believe, I believe. Now I will see all that I believe."—C.B.

  • "Acts 19: 39-41 How the riot stopped - that was inspiring" —G.D.

  • "The confidence and depth of knowledge for their topic was outstanding. That confidence built trust and hope in me that I can be free of these besetting idols." —G.F.

  • "My favorite thing about this webinar is the dynamic duo of Katie & Francis's power combination. The way the Lord uses them together as a tag team to take out the enemy is amazing. I love it and bless it." —K.K.

I am so excited about this powerful message. If this is the fruit of just on teaching, I can only imagine the transformation and miracles that will flow out the full Idols Riot Class.

If you haven't watched the Idols Riot replay yet, you'll want to make time to watch it today.

Click here to watch the replay and get ready to get new revelation for healing and deliverance in your life!


The Idols Riot HEALING and DELIVERANCE - TEACHING AND ACTIVATION bonus expires at 11:59 PM Eastern tonight!

Satan has convinced believers that idolatry is a relic of ancient times or isolated to pagan religions.

This is how he keeps us in bondage and defeat.

Today, idols may come in the guise of a shiny new car, your favorite dessert, or latest streaming binge…

Idols Riot Class

…but the demons behind these modern-day idols are just as dark and deadly as the ones we read about in the Bible. Every time we worship at their altars, we give them legal right to curse, devour, and even destroy our lives.

The truth is, your idols may actually be the very thing causing you to suffer, blocking your destiny, and keeping you locked in a pattern of defeat.

But you don't have to live a life controlled by idols.

This teaching will set you free and equip you to silence the idols rioting in your life and bloodline.

If you want to step out of bondage and experience an explosion of miracles, breakthroughs, and release into the fullness of your destiny and calling, you won't want to miss this class!


Register for Dr. Myles' and Katie's upcoming class by midnight Eastern on Apr 6 and you will automatically receive this bonus activation and teaching on healing and deliverance.

Why do so many Christians suffer from pain, disease, and infirmities even after prolonged ministry and healing prayer?

In this dynamic session, Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza unpack the biblical link between idolatry and the spiritual roots of disease and infirmity.

Idolatry, even generational idolatry passed down your family line, gives legal right to demonic forces to attack your body and physical health with death. This teaching and activation session will equip you to break the power of death in the courts of heaven and loose healing in the earth.

Expect to receive guidance in ministering healing to others, activation of your spiritual gifts, and ministry for your own healing during this powerful live healing and activation service with Dr. Francis Myles and Katie Souza.

Sign up before 11:59 PM Eastern today (Apr 6) to qualify for this bonus.

The Anointing Class Bonus

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to prosecute idols and destroy evil altars in your life, family and bloodline!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000

Idols Replay
Idolatry is common
Demon behind every altar
Physical manifestations

If you prefer not to receive further emails related to Dr. Francis Myles's current Idols Riot class offer, please click here. If you would like to change your contact information or update the emails you receive, please visit our Email Preferences Center.

You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for things you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'd be happy to help.

Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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