Dear Wanda,
We all know the story, a gangly youth still in his teens took down Goliath, the giant that had terrified all the armies of Israel, with just a slingshot and a stone.
We often reference this incredible story in times of great challenge. We pray. We believe. We bind. We loose. We throw every spiritual weapon in the book at the situation...but nothing changes!
Have you ever wondered, "Why?
Let's take a fresh look at this story for the answer.
When David slew Goliath, he came "in the name of the Lord of hosts." As you will learn in Craig Hill's upcoming class, that's COVENANT language.
So why did David have confidence that God's covenant would insure the victory, while Saul and all the armies of Israel cowered in fear?
- They all were members of God's covenant
- They all knew the provision in that covenant
- But only David had an INNER REVELATION of the covenant and ALL the PROVISIONS and POWER it carried for those who would ENFORCE IT.
Saul and Israel's armies saw a GIANT. David saw an UNCIRCUMCISED Philistine! Why is this detail important? Because circumcision was the outward sign of God's covenant with Israel.
David wasn't looking with natural eyes. He was looking through the lens of God's covenant that had been formed in him through years of testing. He didn't just have head knowledge (like Saul), he had revelation knowledge that gave him the confidence and authority to enforce God's promises to Israel.
Goliath was contending with the covenant-keeping God of Israel, and David knew it. When he loosed that single stone, it ripped open the heavens for an angelic army to swoop down and enforce God's covenant promise!
Wouldn't you like to have that kind of faith and authority for the giants you face? God wants to move you from head knowledge to experiential, personal, revelation of His goodness and blessings available to you through covenant.
What Goliath is taunting God's covenant promises in your life? It may be sickness, financial struggles, broken relationships, children that have strayed from the Lord...
It doesn't matter how daunting the challenge, if you want to slay giants, YOUR JOURNEY STARTS HERE!
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