jueves, 8 de abril de 2021

Why Courage Is Worth Its Cost

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God Encounters Ministries

"Why Courage Is Worth Its Cost"

by James W. Goll | April 8, 2021

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Why Courage Is Worth the Cost

Why Courage Is Worth Its Cost

By James W. Goll

Courage doesn't take a large bank account, big muscles, or impressive beauty.

It simply requires making yourself available and being willing to obey.

And it is ALWAYS worth it.

Some of you may think that you are the most unlikely candidate for God to use to do anything significant.

Most of us think of ourselves in that way.

The world teaches us that it is the rich, the powerful, or the beautiful who are important and make a difference in the world.

That's not what God teaches. He doesn't think or work the way the world does.

The prophet Isaiah recorded, "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts'" (Isa. 55:8–9, nasb).

I like the way Randy Clark puts it: "God can use little ole me!"

God Can Use AnythingGod can use anyone or anything He desires to accomplish His purpose.

In fact, He prefers to use people and means considered insignificant by the world. The apostle Paul told the Corinthians:

"God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]. God has selected [for His purpose] the insignificant (base) things of the world, and the things that are despised and treated with contempt, [even] the things that are nothing, so that He might reduce to nothing the things that are." (1 Cor. 1:27–28, amp)

If you still wonder whether or not God can use you, take courage from the story of a young woman who was one of the most unlikely heroes in history: Joan of Arc.

Her life has been a tremendous tool of inspiration to me.

Joan of Arc: A Time for Leadership

The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were filled with great political and national turmoil for France.

From 1337 to 1453, France and England fought a series of battles that became known as the Hundred Years' War.

Around 1400 an ancient French prophecy was revived that said the kingdom would be brought to ruin by a woman and restored by a daughter of the people.

Many came to believe that Queen Isabella had fulfilled the first part of the prophecy when she signed the Treaty of Troyes, giving the French throne to an English king.

But who would be the "daughter of the people" who would arise to restore the kingdom?

The people of France were in a desperate state; children died of hunger in the streets by the thousands. It is said that wolves even came into Paris at night to feed on the bodies of the unburied dead in the city streets.

There was great lawlessness and immorality, and many people lived little better than beasts. 

The disinherited Charles, from his base in central and southwestern France, attempted to assert his authority and claim to the throne, but with little success.

The French people as a whole would not recognize him as the legitimate king unless he was formally coronated in the traditional place, the cathedral in the now English-controlled city of Rheims.

If ever there was a time for a strong and courageous leader to arise, it was now. 

An Unlikely Champion

In the midst of this political unrest and social upheaval, Joan appeared.

Born in 1412 in the village of Domremy, in the Champagne district of northeastern France, Joan was the youngest in a family of five.

Although skilled in sewing and spinning, she never learned to read or write.

From a very early age she displayed an unusually deep devotion to God. She spent hours absorbed in prayer and was known to have a tender heart for the poor and needy.

From her childhood on, Joan simply loved God.

She never received any theological training and knew very little about the formal structures and official doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, the only church in France at that time.

All Joan knew was that when she went to mass, God met her there.

Joan knew God, loved to spend time with Him, and would do anything for Him.

Shirley Sustar
"While reading the Women on the Frontlines [Heroines of Faith] series, my spirit was stirred, motivated, and encouraged to never settle for less than God's purpose and call for my life. This book will take the reader from feeling unimportant and ordinary to realizing that she is God's chosen vessel with a powerful purpose."
Shirley Sustar
Co-Pastor of Heartland Worship Center, Author of Women of Royalty

In the summer of 1425, when she was thirteen, Joan experienced her first heavenly visitation: a blaze of bright light accompanied by a voice.

She received numerous such visitations during the months that followed.

During this time, she gradually became aware of the call of God on her life.

He seemed to be telling her that she was to go to the aid of the disinherited Charles, the true king of France; drive the English away from Orleans and out of the country; and lead the procession to see Charles enthroned.

At first, she resisted: I'm just a girl. I have no education, no training in military skills. Who's going to listen to me?

By May 1428, Joan was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was leading her to go to Charles' aid.

She believed that God was true and that He would back her up in everything that He called her to do.

After passing numerous tests placed upon her, Joan's faith, simplicity, and honesty made a very positive impression onKing Charles, his court, and later, even a large committee of highly educated bishops, who found nothing heretical in her claims of supernatural guidance.

An Army of the Lord

Joan had such an incredible presence of the Lord on her that she drew people to her everywhere she turned.

By the time she arrived on the battlefield, Charles' army was at a very low point; they were exhausted, defeated, discouraged, and disillusioned.

Many of the soldiers had begun to desert.

Then Joan appeared, proclaiming, "I have a vision from God. He has called me to raise an army for our nation and for Him."

As Joan's presence became known, soldiers began to rush to her side by the thousands.

The call was given, and they came gladly.

Rough, vulgar, immoral, and intemperate as many of them were, the men found her innocence, spiritual piety, and patriotic fervor irresistible.

Her presence filled them with new vigor and courage.

She held up for them a standard of righteousness, purity, and devotion to the Lord, and they rallied around her.

Even though she was a young woman in the midst of an army of men, Joan had a holy quality about her that blocked their tendencies to regard her in a sexual manner.

Joan had absolutely no training in military operations or strategy, but God gave her battle plans on the field.

Under Joan's leadership, the French ultimately captured the city of Troyes, opening the way to Rheims where, on July 17, 1429, Charles VII was solemnly crowned king with Joan standing by as a witness.

This fulfilled the words that she had prophetically declared in a letter three months earlier, that Charles would be crowned king before the end of the summer.

Later, she was captured by the English, tried for heresy, and burned at the stake.

Joan faced the flames fully conscious. As the flames rose, she called out for the cross.

When it was held up before her, she called repeatedly on the name of Jesus, forgiving those who had wronged her and pouring out words of love and devotion to Him.

Walking in Joan's Legacy of Courage

What does the life of this fifteenth-century teenaged girl have to say to us today?

Ordinary GirlWe can take courage from the simple fact that Joan was so ordinary.

There was nothing obvious that made her stand out. By normal human standards she had no qualifications for the mission she undertook.

She had no education, no religious training, no leadership experience.

She was not ordained to the ministry. In fact, she lived during a time when women's freedom in both church and society was greatly restricted.

What made the difference?

Joan possessed the only qualification that mattered: she loved God with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength.

She was completely sold out to Him.

God chose her and used her because she made herself available to Him.

Her executioner claimed that her heart would not burn. If this was so, perhaps it was because her heart had already been burned by her passion for God.

She was so consumed by Him that nothing else could touch her.

We can all take courage in this—the only thing God requires of us in order to be used is that we know Him, love Him, and make ourselves available to obey Him.

I'm available and ready to obey, how about you?

Rising Up in Courage!

James W. Goll 

This article is adapted from Chapter 3: "Joan of Arc: The Cost of Courage" in the Heroines of Faith book by James W. and Michal Ann Goll.
Heroines of Faith Bundle
P.S. If you want to activate your faith and grow in courage to obey God's call on your life, then you'll love the Heroines of Faith Bundle by James & Michal Ann Goll! It includes the Heroines of Faith Book & The Best of Heroines of Faith 12 MP3 Message Set! You'll be inspired by the true stories of twenty-seven women who overcame fear to become strong in faith, took God's unfailing love to the world, and passionately pursued the prize of God's presence. Order your bundle and receive faith to be used by God today!
Buy the Bundle
Heroines of Faith Bundle

NEW: Heroines of Faith Bundle

by James W. and Michal Ann Goll


~ NEW: Heroines of Faith – Book &
~ The Best of Heroines of Faith – 12 MP3 Message Set

  • Message 1: Women of Courage (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 2: Joan of Arc (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 3: Annie Get Your Gun (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 4: B-29 Bombers (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 5: Passion for Him Moves Us to Compassion (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 6: The Power of Compassionate Weeping (James W. Goll)
  • Message 7: William & Catherine Booth (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 8: Florence Nightingale (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 9: The Depths of God (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 10: Madame Jean Guyon (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 11: Journey into the Castle (James W. Goll)
  • Message 12: Up Against the Wall (Michal Ann Goll)

Give your mom a "Heroine of Faith"
gift this Mother's Day!

Book & 12 MP3 Set Bundle – Only $45

Save 26%!

Buy the Bundle

Bundle Includes:


New Book

Heroines of Faith:


Women of Courage, Compassion,
and the Secret Place


~Women on the Frontlines~


by James W. & Michal Ann Goll

Heroines of Faith tells the true stories of twenty-seven women who forever changed the world through their courage, compassion, and devotion to the secret place. They overcame fear to become strong in faith, took God's unfailing love to the world, and passionately pursued the prize of God's presence.

What does the Holy Spirit have for you to learn from these women?

Pioneers of Freedom, Healing, and Courage: 

  • Joan of Arc, teenage peasant who led France's army
  • Sojourner Truth, leader in the anti-slavery movement
  • Harriet Tubman, pioneer of the Underground Railroad
  • Aimee Semple McPherson, healing evangelist
  • Plus Corrie ten Boom, Vibia Perpetua, Lydia Prince, Bertha Smith, and Jackie Pullinger, with a Foreword by Cindy Jacobs

Carriers of Compassion, Compelled by Love: 

  • Catherine Booth, cofounder of the Salvation Army
  • Mother Teresa, devoted servant to the poor
  • Florence Nightingale, reformer of health care
  • Nancy Ward, "last beloved lady" of the Cherokee Nation
  • Plus Gladys Aylward, Amy Carmichael, Catherine Drexel, Phoebe Palmer, Hannah More, Elizabeth Fry, and Heidi Baker, with a Foreword by Patricia King

Seekers of the Secret Place and Intimacy with God:  

  • Madame Guyon, French writer on union with God
  • Teresa of Avila, Spanish Christian mystic
  • Susanna Wesley, innovator, educator, and mother of revival
  • Fanny Crosby, inspired songwriter of hymns
  • Plus Basilea Schlink, Gwen Shaw, and Elizabeth Alves

Draw near to God's heart and hear your personal invitation to discover the joy of committing your life to Jesus, boldly heeding His call in your generation to be a woman on the frontlines of faith, hope, and love!

**This book combines the three books previously released as A Call to CourageA Call to Compassion and A Call to the Secret Place into one comprehensive volume.

Buy the Bundle
Stephen Mansfield
"This book is intelligent, wise, inspiring, and warm because it flows from the life of the late Michal Ann Goll and her husband, James. Clearly, this remarkable woman was chosen to tenderly lead the women of this generation into their destined wholeness and kingdom impact. Michal Ann is one of the women I would tell my daughter in her formative years of growing up to follow as Michal Ann followed Jesus. I can give no higher praise."
Stephen L. Mansfield
Author and founder of the Mansfield Group

12 MP3 Set

12 MP3 Set

The Best of Heroines of Faith:


12 MP3 Audio Messages


by James W. & Michal Ann Goll

This Best of Heroines of Faith 12 MP3 Set combines the three separate 4 MP3 Sets of: The Best of a Call to Courage, The Best of A Call to Compassion, and The Best of A Call to the Secret Place. These messages are a complement to the Heroines of Faith book by James and Michal Ann Goll.

The Best of a Call to Courage - 4 MP3 Set - By Michal Ann Goll - (Messages 1-4)
Do you want to be courageous? Step out from fear as you listen to these powerful messages from Michal Ann Goll, highlighting testimonies from her own life and simple women of faith throughout the ages who have done great exploits in the name of Jesus. Break free from intimidation and begin to fully obey the call of the Lord upon your life.

The Best of A Call to Compassion - 4 MP3 Set -  By Michal Ann & James W. Goll - (Messages 5-8)
Discover the power of compassion! Michal Ann teaches how passion for the Lord Jesus moved the lives of William & Catherine Booth and Florence Nightingale to show compassion to those around them. James Goll insightfully shares how compassionate weeping in intercession moves the heart of God.

The Best of A Call to the Secret Place - 4 MP3 Set - By Michal Ann & James W. Goll - (Messages 9-12) Do you want to discover the beauty of the secret place? Michal Ann bares her heart through her research and depth of relationship in God. She highlights the life of Madame Jean Guyon and weaves testimonies from her own life. Her life changing and sincere message, "Up Against the Wall", came from her observation of how the swallow built a nest for their young in her own barn. James takes you on a journey through the life of Teresa of Avila bringing forth jewels of the secret place.

Messages include:
  • Message 1: Women of Courage (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 2: Joan of Arc (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 3: Annie Get Your Gun (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 4: B-29 Bombers (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 5: Passion for Him Moves Us to Compassion (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 6: The Power of Compassionate Weeping (James W. Goll)
  • Message 7: William & Catherine Booth (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 8: Florence Nightingale (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 9The Depths of God (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 10: Madame Jean Guyon (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 11: Journey into the Castle (James W. Goll)
  • Message 12: Up Against the Wall (Michal Ann Goll)

Format: 12 MP3 Downloads
Buy the Bundle

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