Imagine having a million dollars in the bank, but not knowing what the pin code is.
Strangers no more! COVENANT unlocks the power of your relationship with God.
"Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands— that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." (Ephesians 2:11-13)
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Dear Wanda, Can you imagine having a million dollars in the bank, but not knowing the pin code to access your account? This is the exact situation for many believers in relation to their covenant with God. The simple truth is COVENANT unlocks the power of your relationship with God and your ability to partner with Him to change the outcome of your circumstances and positively impact those around you. However, since covenant is a Middle Eastern concept, most of the Western world has no understanding of what it really is. That is why I am so excited about our upcoming 10-lesson class with Craig Hill! He is such an amazing teacher and brings the richness of our Hebrew foundations to the forefront of every class I have had the privilege of attending so far. Craig shared that the Lord spoke to him at a time he was grappling with what he read in Scripture and what he saw in the world around him saying: - Son, you're a part of the covenant, but you are a stranger to the covenant:
- You don't know what the covenant is.
- You don't know what the provisions are.
- You don't know the authority you have.
- Just having a covenant is not enough!
When you don't understand the power and provisions of the covenant, or have the confidence to implement the covenant, it's like having that bank account with a million dollars but no pin number to access the cash! If you want to walk confidently in your covenant authority, I encourage you to sign up for Craig Hill's upcoming class: "Why Bad Things Happen to Me?" This 10-lesson class is going to give you the bank account, pin number, and password to access and release God's power through your covenant authority. Register for the class today, and you will also receive * Craig's bonus book, If God is in Control, then Why? shipped FREE anywhere in the world. This special offer ends at midnight, Eastern. | |
Craig Hill's new class "Why Bad Things Happen to Me" officially starts on April 14. Once you enroll, you will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the first three pre-recorded video training sessions. Get ready to delve deeper in your understanding of COVENANT, and unlock the power of your relationship with God and release the riches of His blessing available to you. Craig Hill carries an anointing to impart biblical truth and foundations that bring transformation like few I know. This teaching is vital for you to walk in the kingdom authority God ordained for you. Here are the 10 main lessons: - Lesson 1: Is God in Control? | What is a Covenant?
- Lesson 2: Threshold Covenant | The King Comes to Town
- Lesson 3: The New Threshold Covenant | Covenant vs. Contract
- Lesson 4: Three Essentials of Covenant | Four Things Exchanged in a Covenant
- Lesson 5: The Difference Between Saul and David | Five Remnants of a Covenant Today
- Lesson 6: Ambassador or Tourist | Covenant Authority
- Lesson 7: Why Pray? | Wrong Image of God
- Lesson 8: God's Word Remains | Was Judas' Betrayal God's Will?
- Lesson 9: Job's False Image of God | Job Opens Doors in His Life
- Lesson 10: How Did Satan Access Job? | Paul's Thorn
Sign up early and receive these bonuses: - 60% cash savings (sign up by April 14)
- Living Naturally in God's Supernatural5 Lesson Class by Craig Hill (sign up by Apr 9)
- If God Is in Control, Then Why? - Book by Craig Hill - shipped FREE anywhere in the world (sign up by Apr 5)
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IF GOD IS IN CONTROL, THEN WHY? BOOK BONUS EXPIRES TODAY Whether you are a lifetime believer in Christ or have just begun looking for answers, "If God is in control, then why…?" has probably been one you have heard or asked many times in your life. In this book, Craig turns to the Word to answer this difficult question. You will gain insight and understanding about God's sovereignty and be freed to follow a just God in an unjust world. To receive this book bonus by Craig Hill shipped FREE anywhere in the world, you must sign up for Craig's class by midnight Eastern today. | |
If you have any questions, please email Blessings to you to realize the fullness of your covenant authority! Joseph
Joseph Peck, M.D. The Time Doctor Empowering Dreams Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not | |
Unsubscribe Empower 2000, Inc 10313 Walker Rd Culpeper, Virginia 22701 United States (540) 445-1463 | |
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