miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021

The story of Job and satan's subtle deception

If he can keep your focus here, you'll never unleash the power of covenant...
WhyBad Class

Satan's Subtle Deception

If he can KEEP your focus here, you'll never unleash the power of COVENANT!

"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him...See now, I have prepared my case, I know that I shall be vindicated."
(Job 13:15, 18)

Dear Wanda,

If ANYONE had a right to ask, "Why do bad things happen to me?" it was certainly Job! He experienced pain, suffering, and sorrow in the extreme.

In fact, a lot of Christians would rather skip over this book than revisit Job's ordeal.

But here's a perspective on Job you've probably NEVER heard before! I certainly hadn't until I heard Craig Hill's outstanding teaching:

In all that time of testing, Job did not once appeal to God on the basis of COVENANT!

Satan's subtle deception was to get Job to relate to God according to works instead of tapping into the power of God's covenant.

It's a tension that every believer faces on a daily basis. In fact, the longer you walk with the Lord, the more vulnerable you become to this spiritual sense of entitlement.

The truth is, God never relates to people according to their righteousness (which Isaiah says is no better than filthy rags). Everything — His salvation, His protection, His resources, and His blessing — is released solely on the basis of covenant.

At the time Job most needed God's deliverance, he self-righteously declared, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him..."

Job believed his misfortune was God's punishment and focused his defense on what "he deserved." This subtle deception meant Job never recognized the source of the enemy's attack nor wielded his greatest weapon against it!

Just think what would have happened had Job understood the authority of his covenant to stop the devil's attack?

In the natural, you wouldn't protect your home by telling a robber you don't deserve to be robbed. You would call the police.

Likewise, in the spiritual realm you have covenantal authority through Jesus Christ that can stop the thief and the robber in his tracks. You only have to learn to know what it is and how to enforce it.

Have your ever found yourself feeling like Job? Now's your time to get delivered from stinking thinking and slam the door IN THE ENEMY'S FACE.


Sign up now for Craig Hill's life-changing class, "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Me?" and get ready to:

  • Revolutionize your understanding of covenant
  • Tap into God's unlimited covenantal provision
  • Increase your spiritual authority
  • Radically transform your prayer life
  • Experience a paradigm shift in how you see God's plan and purpose for your life.

Craig's new class officially starts on April 14. Once you enroll, you will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the first three pre-recorded video training sessions.

Register for the class today, and you will also receive Craig's bonus 5–lesson teaching, Living Naturally in God's Supernatural. This special offer ends April 9th at midnight Eastern.


Many people get so focused on their current life experience that they find it difficult to believe that life could change in the area of their difficulty.

The truth is, God does not want you to live in this false reality! This five part online course is about learning how to release God's supernatural power into your natural circumstance.

To receive this 5-lesson class bonus by Craig Hill, you must sign up for Craig's class by April 9, midnight Eastern.

Naturally Supernatural

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to you to realize the fullness of your covenant authority!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen


Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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