viernes, 16 de abril de 2021

Powerful Women of Faith Today

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God Encounters Ministries

Courageous and Prophetic Women of Faith, Part 2 (New Testament & Beyond)

By James W. Goll

April 16th, 2021 | 1-877-200-1604

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From the Desk of James W. Goll

Greetings! In the Great Name of Jesus

In the New Testament, we find many women who display aspects of every gift of the Spirit whether or not they were aware of it. Throughout the history of the church we know of many women of vibrant faith whose gifts and courage made a difference for the Kingdom in many nations of the earth. Today, preaching the Good News, prophesying and praying as the Spirit directs are many women of great diversity. Whether male or female, we can be totally secure in our identity as chosen sons and daughters of the King. In today's article, you'll be inspired to follow the example of these powerful women of faith and make a difference in the kingdom of God for Jesus' sake!

Webinar ReplayMy Waging Effective Warfare webinar on Wednesday (April 14) was filled with revelation. The replay is now available.

Did you know...

  • You can spiritually map your life to predict the times and seasons of the enemy's attack
  • All spiritual warfare centers around the placement of Jesus Christ
  • The main focus of opposition is NOT YOU. It's about hindering what Jesus wants to do and release through you!
  • The shelter of the secret place is central command for your battle plan.
  • The key patterns the devil always uses to keep you down (and how to disarm them)
  • Keys to supercharge effective warfare with your prophecies
  • Spiritual warfare can lead you to discover God's redemptive purposes for your life?

If you want to grow in your understanding of spiritual warfare and how to effectively engage the enemy in your life, you won't want to miss this webinar!

Click Here to watch the webinar replay now!

I'm excited that we have announced a brand new book called Heroines of the Faith! It highlights the true stories of twenty-seven women who forever changed the world through their courage, compassion, and devotion to the secret place.

This new book combines into one volume the books previously released by Michal Ann Goll and me as: A Call to Courage, A Call to Compassion, and A Call to the Secret Place. If you have already purchased this book or previously read one of the earlier editions, we would LOVE to have you write a review for the book on Amazon. Thank you for your assistance!

Blessings to Each of You!
James W. Goll and the GEM Team

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James Goll's Blog
Courageous & Prophetic Women

Courageous and Prophetic Women of Faith, Part 2 (New Testament & Beyond)

By James W. Goll

In the New Testament, we find many women who display aspects of every gift of the Spirit whether or not they were aware of it.

For example, take the Samaritan woman at the well, whose name is lost to history (see John 4:7–29). Jesus singled her out and she is considered by many to be the first true evangelist in the Bible.

When she told the townspeople the Good News about the Christ, many of them believed.

Women of PrayerConsider Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist and cousin of Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus.

Both of these devout women were active in prayer, worship, and faithful waiting on the Lord for the fulfillment of His prophetic promises. The interchange between these God-fearing women resulted in exuberant praises and prophesying concerning the destiny of Mary's Child, the Messiah Jesus. The magnificent prophetic exchange that unfolded is recorded in Luke 1:39–55.

In addition to these prophetic songs of Elizabeth and Mary in the first chapter of Luke, we also see mention of "a prophetess Anna" in the second chapter:
And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers (Luke 2:36–37).

In other words, Anna's prophetic ministry was expressed through intercession. Somehow she had come to know about all of the prophetic promises concerning the Messiah, promises that had not yet been fulfilled.

She was on the lookout for this promised Messiah, the Deliverer and hope of Israel. Like Simeon a moment before, Anna's spirit leapt within her when she saw the little bundle in Mary's arms.

This was the One! She blessed Him, knowing that all of the words of the prophets were coming to pass. I love Anna, and I know that women who are prophetic intercessors love her even more.

Other Notable Women Mentioned in the New Testament

We must cast a light on Phillip's four daughters. Phillip, known to us as "the Evangelist," had "four virgin daughters who were prophetesses" (Acts 21:9).

Apparently all four of Phillip's unmarried daughters had been acknowledged by the local body of believers as having prophetic gifts. We do not know any words or actions specifically attributed to them, but surely the term "prophetesses" must have been well-deserved.

Sometimes I think that God plays favorites, and Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" were surely among them. Those two women arrived first at the empty tomb, were the first to hear the words, "He is risen," and the first to announce His resurrection (see Matthew 28:1–10). Their unwavering loyalty and faith put them in the forefront of prophetic fulfillment.

The Holy Spirit also highlights a distinct woman in the market place. A prominent lady named Lydia, the well-to-do businesswoman from the city of Thyatira in modern-day Turkey whose conversion outside the Macedonian city of Philippi and subsequent outreach opened the door to the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout Europe (see Acts 16:14–15). She is considered the first convert in Europe, since she lived and worked far to the west and north of the rest of the Middle East and Asia.

Prominent Women in Church History

Throughout the history of the church we know of many women of vibrant faith whose gifts and courage made a difference for the Kingdom in many nations of the earth.

You may recognize many of these names; they are some of my favorites:

  • Vibia Perpetua (A.D. 181–203)
  • Joan of Arc (1412–1431)
  • Madame Jeanne Guyon (1648–1717)
  • Susanna Wesley (1669–1742)
  • Catherine Booth (1829–1890)
  • Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)
  • Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844–1924)
  • Aimee Semple McPherson (1890–1944)
  • Amy Carmichael (1867–1951)
  • Lydia Prince (1890–1975)
  • Mother (now Saint) Teresa of Calcutta (1910–1997)
  • Basilea Schlink (1904–2001)

Women on the Frontlines Today

Today, preaching the Good News, prophesying and praying as the Spirit directs are many women of great diversity.

Some of these valiant woman include Jane Hamon, daughter-in-law of Bill Hamon, and also Sharon Stone of England, both accurate prophets of Christian International.

I must point out the tenacious Bonnie Chavda, prophetic lioness and wife of Mahesh Chavda. Joan Hunter doesn't only carry on the mantle of the Happy Hunters, she carries her own healing grace raising up women of faith and courage.

Then there is Cindy Jacobs, founder of Generals International and one of the leading prophetic and prayer voices internationally in modern times. Among her many books is Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, which is about prophetic intercession.

In their diverse ways, prophetic leaders are often forerunners who carry a breaker anointing into the various seven cultural mountains of influence. This is especially true concerning my dear friend in ministry, adventuresome and articulate media entrepreneur, Patricia

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Women of Faith
P.S. If you want to be inspired by the true stories of 27 women who forever changed the world through their courage, compassion, and devotion to the secret place, then you'll love the Heroines of Faith Bundle by James & Michal Ann Goll! Save 26% when you purchase this bundle of the Heroines of Faith Book & The Best of Heroines of Faith 12 MP3 Message Set! Your faith will be strengthened to passionately pursued the prize of God's presence by taking God's unfailing love to the world. Order your bundle today and follow in the footsteps of these powerful women of God!
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Let the Women Arise

By James W. Goll

In our day, God is inviting women to arise. Not to be like men or to replace men, but to walk in the fullness of their destiny and calling in Christ Jesus. In this strategic message, James share how women and men are better when they are unified and working together!

Heroines of Faith Bundle

NEW: Heroines of Faith Bundle

by James W. and Michal Ann Goll


~ NEW: Heroines of Faith – Book &
~ The Best of Heroines of Faith – 12 MP3 Message Set

Heroines of Faith tells the true stories of twenty-seven women who forever changed the world through their courage, compassion, and devotion to the secret place. They overcame fear to become strong in faith, took God's unfailing love to the world, and passionately pursued the prize of God's presence.

You will also receive 12 downloadable timeless messages by Michal Ann and James W. Goll. in these messages, they share secrets and experiences on how to plumb the depths of God in the secret place, courage to step out into unexplored areas of God's will for your life and show the compassion of Jesus to those around us.

The 12 messages include:
  • Message 1: Women of Courage (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 2: Joan of Arc (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 3: Annie Get Your Gun (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 4: B-29 Bombers (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 5: Passion for Him Moves Us to Compassion (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 6: The Power of Compassionate Weeping (James W. Goll)
  • Message 7: William & Catherine Booth (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 8: Florence Nightingale (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 9: The Depths of God (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 10: Madame Jean Guyon (Michal Ann Goll)
  • Message 11: Journey into the Castle (James W. Goll)
  • Message 12: Up Against the Wall (Michal Ann Goll)

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Book & 12 MP3 Set Bundle – Only $45

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NEW Book: The Feeler

The Feeler:

Discover How Sensitivity Helps You Discern and Act on God's Voice

New Book by James W. Goll

Pre-order your copy today and you will receive 12 bonus devotional videos.

When you purchase The Feeler from God Encounters Ministries, you will also be emailed 12 bonus video devotionals by James W. Goll, one to go along with each chapter of the book!

The Feeler by James W. Goll delivers a remarkable biblical perspective on our emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God's voice. We experience the love, joy, and presence of God with our feelings. Our emotions have an impact on our bodies, our level of holiness, our relationships, and our decisions. This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God's Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits.

Signed Hard Cover Book – Only $27
Soft Cover Book – Only $16

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James Goll's Itinerary

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