martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

Dethroning Jezebel: How I met Sandie Freed

Hosting the Jezebel webinars with Sandie broke something in the spirit realm for E2000.

How I met Sandie Freed

Breaking the Jezebel Yoke book bonus expires tomorrow.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

Dear Wanda,

As I write this email, I have a big smile on my face because it brings back happy memories. Keep reading because this story is fascinating. Pay attention to the details.

On October 27-29, 2016, I hosted the second Dream Retreat in Culpeper, Virginia where I live. We had 28 people come, including about 10 members of a weekly virtual mastermind group I was hosting. On average, people paid about $200-$300 to participate. This price included a buffet lunch and dinner for 3 days.

Empower 2000 (E2000) was responsible for paying for the venue, food, and other things associated with hosting a live event. In addition, it took me about 80 hours of time to plan, host, and follow up rom the event, which cost my company more than $10,000 in lost revenue from other activities I would normally be doing.

When we went to dinner on the second day of the event, Theresa Phillips told me privately that Holy Spirit told her I was to take up an offering that day.

Well that was the last thing I wanted to do. But knowing how prophetic Theresa is, I agreed to it under one condition - that Theresa would do the asking.

To my astonishment, the people there (who were not rich) gave more than $7,000, which was more than everyone together had paid for the event.

Clearly, people were profoundly impacted by the love of this community and the transformation taking place.

Without the financial boost of that offering, it's unlikely I would have hosted the three free Dream webinars in Dec 2016 and Jan 2017.

hose led to starting a virtual Dream Team in Feb 2017. And that opened the door for the subsequent dream gatherings and Awakenings at the Cornerstone Inn in Nashville, Indiana.

And from that, God is now using E2000 as a catalyst to establish a Global Dream Community to transform communities and disciple nations. Amazing.

But, back to the story of how I got connected to Sandie Freed.

While journaling a few days after the 2016 Dream Retreat was over, the Lord told me to thank Theresa by hosting her on two different webinars, one for her Glory Oils and the other for something new she was starting called Global Prophetic Voice (GPV).

The first free GPV webianr was in early December 2016 and for her guest speaker, Theresa chose Sandie Freed, who I had never met and knew nothing about.

I asked Laura Nieminen to facilitate that webinar, so I had no active speaking role in that live webinar.

However, I did have a chance to talk to Sandie for a few minutes in the "green room" before the webinar started.

Immediately after the webinar was over, Sandie emailed me asking to talk about hosting her on webinars for her ministry.

Well, Sandie and I met and agreed to host a free webinar together leading into a class launch. The free webinar was titled "Breaking the Jezebel Yoke" and the class title was "Dethroning Jezebel".

Sound familiar?

Hosting the Jezebel webinars with Sandie broke something in the spirit realm for E2000.

That led to breakthrough after breakthrough, divine protection, and favor at new levels, not just for things I did with Sandie, but with James Goll and other E2000 speakers.

That's why I am excited for you to learn about Breaking the Jezebel Yoke. .


This week Sandie Freed officially starts her LIVE 6-lesson class, which is her favorite and most popular subject because of how prevalent and destructive the spirit of Jezebel is.

The course is intended to help you identify Jezebel's fruits, expose her roots, and throw off her yoke with an overcoming mantle.

In this class, you will learn to:

  • Become an overcomer and refuse to compromise
  • Identify and expose demonic yokes
  • Overcome chronic dissatisfaction and a "works" mentality
  • Denounce your covenant with Baal and Jezebel
  • Receive a fresh mantle of authority that destroys the yokes of Jezebel

Sandie and I invite you to join us on the life-changing adventure.

It's time to tear down the strongholds of Jezebel in your life and family.


Book shipped free worldwide!

Since the Garden of Eden, God's children have let the Deceiver seduce them away from their rightful blessings and their true identities. Most are not even aware they are being deceived. With her trademark boldness and warmth, Sandie Freed exposes spirits of deception and the tactics they use to steal your spiritual birthright. She also provides keys to shifting back to your divine destiny and regaining the road to freedom.

To receive this bonus, you must sign up for the Dethroning Jezebel class by midnight Eastern on Feb 17.


If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to break the Jezebel yoke!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Faith Free Webinar


Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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