sábado, 1 de enero de 2022

A special New Year blessing for you

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Empowering You


We are Catalysts for Transformation - We markedly accelerate the transformation of people, organizations, and communities.

You crown the earth with the fruits of your goodness. (Psalm 65:11, TPT)

Blessings for grace and peace in abundance in 2022, Wanda,

I love fresh starts and resets because I have a chance to begin anew and correct things that could have done better. 

God gives us fresh starts each day, week, month, and year. 

Today we begin a new year. My prayer is the 2022 will be your best year ever. 

Yesterday, we had our 4th annual E2000 New Year Eve's prophetic prayer call on Zoom. That was the highlight for me entire year. 

The thanksgiving, prayers, and prophetic words were so AMAZING that I sensed strongly I was to share the replay with you and others in the Empower 2000 (E2000) family. 

So that's what I am doing. 

As you watch this powerful broadcast, listen from the perspective of being part of the E2000 family (i.e. you are included in the prophetic words and prayers).


Click to watch replay for E2000 New Year blessing


During the E2000 gathering on December 31, 2021, I heard clearly in my spirit, "E2000 is a a BOOMERANGE MINISTRY!!!"

What does that mean? 

Well, my life slogan is "Blessed to be a blessing" and that's what E2000 is all about - blessing others so they can bless others (i.e. creating a culture of blessing). 

What I have observed and firmly believe is that when someone blesses E2000 with Godly intentions (e.g. investing in a class, sharing a testimony, sending an encouraging email, making a donation, etc), that blessing is sent to heaven on a small boomerang. 

God then exchanges the small boomerang for a larger boomerang loaded with more blessings and send that to E2000. As a spiritual HUB and conduit of God's blessings, E2000 receives the big boomerang and sends that on to the original sower. 

E2000 belongs to God, not me. He is the owner, Jesus is CEO, and Holy Spirit is Counselor. You are part of the E2000 family if you choose to be. 
Click to watch replay for E2000 New Year blessing

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings for your best year ever!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor 
Empowering Dreams 
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

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