lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021

God is putting His finger on this message...

Could this be THE KEY to the Global Harvest of Souls?

Could this message be THE KEY to GLOBAL HARVEST?

"I Am a Son" Class Bonus Expires tomorrow!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Grace and peace to you multiplied Wanda,

I shared two days ago about the compelling message Bob Jones brought back from heaven, "Did you learn to love?"

For the rest of his life, Bob burned with Jesus' question AND a passion for souls. Until the day of his passing, Bob prophesied the coming world-wide harvest of billions of souls.

And I believe it is coming SOON!

Which is why God is putting His finger on the message Marcus Young is carrying. Because at the heart of the gospel of salvation is LOVE.

What message is the world hearing from the pulpit... or your social media feed? Is it one that displays the self-sacrificing love of the Father, or one that reflects fear, hate, and vindication on our enemies?

We pray for miracles, signs, and wonders to break out to confirm the word of the gospel, but are we demonstrating the gospel we preach?

I know, you're probably thinking, "But I'm standing up for my rights..." "Do you know what the other side is threatening to do?"

Believe me, I'm right there with you. We are living in days that are beyond belief in so many ways. Evil is being called good, and good evil. Parents standing up for their children are being officially listed as terrorists while those who would destroy our children are running rampant...

These are crucial issues. But does God have a better way to turn the tide of culture? What is His strategy for the great end-time harvest? What is the role of the Church in our day? For you? For me?

This is what Marcus addresses in his upcoming class, "Love Your Enemy." He has personally witnessed the power of God's love break through the darkest strongholds to bring about deliverance, transformation, and regional revival in some of the most challenging situations.

These were not overnight miracles. They weren't easy to walk out. But instead of simply holding back the enemy at the gates, Marcus saw love turn the enemy turned into a brother in Christ, a culture set free from bondage, and the Church become famous for signs, wonders, miracles, and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If your heart longs to break free from the current culture wars, strife, and see the authentic power of God come transform your life, your family, community, or nation, then you don't want to miss Marcus' powerful class, "Love Your Enemy."

I will not lie, this will be one of the most challenging courses you will ever take. The questions Marcus raises will dig deep into all that you believe to get to the core of God's heart. The actions he proposes are ones that you will not be able to do in your own strength. It will require encounter - encounter with the Father and His perfect love. First for you, and then for your enemies.

If you are up for the challenge, then don't wait. Sign up for "Love Your Enemy" today.

Radical love can be painful, is definitely counter-intuitive, and is costly. But love for enemies is God's strategy to reconcile Himself to the world and the gate through which we must pass if we want to live the authentic gospel and reap a world-wide harvest for the Kingdom.

May we all learn to love like our Heavenly Father does!

LOVE YOUR ENEMY class with Marcus Young

You are on planet earth during this challenging time by divine design—this is the key you need to prevail in this hour!

In this class you will learn...

  • Real strategies to disarm the enemy and tear down power structures of injustice
  • God's perspective on your enemy and a paradigm shift for operating out of His divine lens
  • To rest in God's unstoppable plan, finding courage in God's victory when it seems like the enemy has the upper hand
  • How to reconcile righteous anger with God's command to love
  • To turn the enemy's curses into your blessing and prosperity
  • How loving your enemy ultimately brings you into deep intimacy and prosperity

If you are up to the challenge to accept God's invitation to ferociously loves like He does, you won't want to miss this course!

Love Your Enemy Class


Register for Marcus Young's upcoming class by midnight Eastern TOMORROW (Oct 26) and you will automatically receive Don Nori's 12 lesson class, I AM A SON.

"I AM a son." There is no phrase more comforting, no truth more compelling, no title more honorable. There is no reality more life-changing, no word more powerful, no position more final. There is no phrase more empowering than the truth of these four little words: "I AM a son!"

This class will teach you what it means to be an authentic son (or daughter) of God, rooted in your identity in Christ, and acquainted with God's process intended to change you and keep you humble, teachable, softhearted, and compassionate, giving you power to live perfectly.

Love Enemy Class Bonus

If you have any questions, please email



Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Bonus Cash

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