martes, 7 de diciembre de 2021

A proven path to make the most of your time…

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Leverage these 3 dimensions of time for exponential breakthrough and impact!

Day 2 of 5: Last week, Holy Spirit instructed me to relaunch my "I Was Busy Now I'm Not" class at the start of the new year at a deep discount. Today is Day 2 of the 5-day special offer. 

Grace and peace to you, Wanda,

Think you're pressed for time? Think about this...

...Jesus was tasked with completing the MOST IMPORTANT mission on earth in just 3.5 years!

Jesus, the Son of Man, fulfilled God's call on His life, trained up His next generation of leaders, and launched a worldwide network of followers that's still going strong thousands of years later without even establishing a "five year plan" for His earthly ministry.

I don't know about you, but even when you take into account that Jesus is God, this is an astounding record!

Most of us have our sites set quite a bit lower, but did you know that you have access to the SAME time-leveraging power that Jesus walked in?

What's that? Jesus said, "I only do and say what I see the Father is doing." It's as simple as that.

If you are born again, you have Holy Spirit (i.e. God) within you, and can tap into what He wants to say and do through you.

Since God lives in eternity, outside of chronos time (years, months, weeks, days, hours, etc), that means you also have access to eternal time.

But what does that mean from a practical standpoint?

It means, if you ask Holy Spirit the right questions and listen to His leading, you can start to accomplish in a day what used to take you a week or a month or perhaps even a year.

By supernaturally focusing on what God is saying and partnering with Him, you remove distractions and suddenly start experiencing breakthroughs and miracles. Yes, that is really possible for YOU.

There are 3 dimensions of time–Chronos, Kairos, and Eternity.

God is currently weaving these three strands of time together into the tapestry of your life.

Those who understand the supernatural principles of TIME will be able to accomplish far more than they ever imagined. And have fun in the process.

As The Time Doctor, I can definitely help you LEVERAGE (multiply) your time.

But you must first make the choice to change the way you think about time.

The question is, "Are you ready to learn?"

Are YOU willing to invest your time, so you can tap into God's timing for your life?


As you may know from yesterday's email, I am currently offering a 5-day super special for my upcoming "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" class to celebrate the start of 2022.

This special offer expires on Friday, December 10th.

Among other things, I will teach you how to cultivate a lifestyle that is in sync with God's time. Discover the keys God gave me to effectively inquire of the Lord in order to consistently steward your time well and see multiplied increase of good fruit in your life.

I can definitely show you how to apply SIMPLE TIME PRINCIPLES that bring an abundance of Love, Joy, Peace, and Increase.

If you are ready to experience exponential breakthroughs in your time, then I invite you to enroll in my "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" class.

THIS UNCOMMON OPPORTUNITY expires on December 10th at midnight Eastern Time.

You can start leveraging your time today. Ask the Lord, "Is this class for me?" If it is, don't wait. Sign up and lock in your 88% savings plus these two outstanding bonuses:

  • The Hanukkah Awakening 2021 - 8-Sessions with Dr. Francis Myles, Craig Hill, Rick Osborne, Dr. Elie Hasbani, Greg Gunn, Mickey Robinson, and Dr. Bill Greenman (sign up by Dec 9)
  • I Was Busy, Now I'm Not: Changing the Way You Think About Time - PDF Book by Joseph Peck (sign up by Dec 8)
Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class


The I Was Busy Classpurpose of this class is to profoundly CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT TIME. When you change your thinking, you change your life.

As you become more aware of how you are using your time and establish good habits you will learn to:

  •  Identify and eliminate time-wasters (watch out, world)
  • Sharpen your focus
  • Create time margin, which leads to TIME FREEDOM
  • Reduce stress
  • Overcome procrastination (yes, that's possible)
  • Conquer fear (of success, failure, or rejection)
  • Enjoy God more (that sounds fun)
  • Live on purpose

It's time to start pursuing the dreams and desires God has placed within you.  

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class


I Was Busy, Now I'm Not bookDoes your time seem to be in short supply? Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed?

Jesus said the entire Bible can be summarized in one word—LOVE. Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Learning to be a good steward with your time, your most valuable resource, will improve your relationships and help you prosper in all areas of your life.

If you are ready to find time for what matters most, then this book will help you. This book teaches how to simplify your complicated life, make time for what matters most, and live your big dreams!

This bonus expires at 11:59 pm Eastern, Dec. 8th.  

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class

I'd love to have you join me on this Great Adventure!

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to let God breathe eternity into your time!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor 
Empowering Dreams 
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

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