miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2021

Day 3: It's about time... + Book bonus expires tonight

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Step out of the rat race and into God's grace...

+ I Was Busy, Now I'm Not Book Bonus expires at midnight, Eastern tonight!

Day 3 of 5: As we prepare to start a new year, the LORD made it clear to me I was to relaunch my TIME class to help the Body be good stewards with their most valuable asset. 

Grace and peace to you, Wanda,

Have you ever wished you had MORE TIME to do the most important things in life?

Do you long for more time to invest with God, family, friends, recreation, work, or ministry?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart on a daily basis?  

When you're worried or confused, wouldn't it be great to be able to see your situation from God's perspective and hear clearly how He wants you to respond?

If slowing down, finding more time, clarity of mind, intimacy with God, peace that passes all understanding, and overflowing thankfulness appeal to you, I can help you.

Twenty years ago I was just like you–overworked, overwhelmed, and over-extended.

I longed for the freedom to do the things that really mattered, but my time was devoured by crisis after crisis as I did my best to just stay one step ahead of the game.

I was exhausted, distracted, and never seemed to find a spare minute to rest...

...until God took me on a journey to learn HIS way of thinking about time.

I stepped out of the harried life I had been living into the rhythms of God's leading and God's timing. And the results have been astounding.

My focus has gone from putting out fires to dreaming with God, AND even more importantly...

...accomplishing those dreams on a timeline far faster than any I could have imagined.

God not only gave me the keys to turn my life around, but He taught me simple and practical principles that work for everyone and put a burning desire in my heart to see others set free, too.

That's why I developed my signature course, "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not."

What I will teach you is intended to make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your personal life, family, and business or ministry. Of course, you must do your part and apply what you are learning.

Most people do not realize TIME is the most valuable resource or they don't understand how to use their time wisely. And as a result, they waste a lot of time.

Wasting time is bad—really bad—because TIME is your LIFE. When you waste your time, you waste your life.

Stewarding your time well is crucial to bringing DIVINE ORDER to your family, home, work, community, circumstances, and God-given dreams. In the Kingdom of God, things are done at the right time, for the right reason, with the right people, for God's glory. And YOU can live in that realm.

If you sense I am passionate about this, you are correct.

That's because this message changed my life and set me on a course of freedom and fulfillment that I want others to experience, too.

If you want to step out of the rat race and into God's grace...

Click here to join me for my upcoming "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" course, and get your bonus PDF of the accompanying book today!

(Don't procrastinate...this book bonus expires at Midnight, Eastern tonight - Dec. 8)

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class


I Was Busy Class"Taking this course was a KEY PIECE for me with what God has called me to do. I have eliminated a lot of things from my life that are not right on target.

I am seeing new ideas and new ways of looking at my business unfold before me. This is spontaneous and just in time. The new ideas just show up."
Marlee Huber 
Founder, Your Flourishing Life
Everett, Washington

Like Marlee, if you do the work and follow the simple and practical steps outlined in this course, you will learn how to partner with the Holy Spirit to:

    •    Identify and eliminate time-wasters (watch out, world)
    •    Sharpen your focus
    •    Create time margin, which leads to TIME FREEDOM
    •    Reduce stress
    •    Overcome procrastination (yes, that's possible)
    •    Conquer fear (of success, failure, or rejection)
    •    Enjoy God more (that sounds fun)
    •    Live on purpose

Join the thousands of Christians who have changed the way they think about time, and start pursuing the dreams and desires God has placed within you today.

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class

I WAS BUSY, NOW I'M NOT BOOK BONUS (Expires at midnight, Eastern tonight, Dec. 8)

I Was Busy, Now I'm Not bookDoes your time seem to be in short supply? Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed?

Jesus said the entire Bible can be summarized in one word—LOVE. Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Learning to be a good steward with your time, your most valuable resource, will improve your relationships and help you prosper in all areas of your life.

If you are ready to find time for what matters most, then this book will help you. This book teaches how to simplify your complicated life, make time for what matters most, and live your big dreams!

Sign up for "I Was Busy, Now I'm Not" Class

I'd love to have you join me on this Great Adventure!

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to experience God's rhythms of grace!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor 
Empowering Dreams 
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

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