jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020

Hope Restores in Every Situation

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God Encounters Ministries

"Hope Restores in Every Situation"

by James W. Goll | November 12, 2020

www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604

Hope Restores

Hope Restores in Every Situation

By James W. Goll

Every one of us goes through dark valleys and troubled times. But in Christ Jesus we have hope. And hope restores in every situation—no matter how dark it may seem.

To say that the last year has been challenging would be an understatement for most of the world.

On a national level, almost everyone has experienced a Covid-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty. Added to that, you may have walked through political volatility or personal struggles like a job crisis, health challenges or relational struggles.

Door of HopeAfter you have walked with the Lord long enough, you begin to see the truth that the place of trouble always, always leads to a door of hope.


God takes your deepest valley, your Valley of Achor, and he transforms it into a door of hope.

After the door of hope, Hosea says, comes joyful celebration: "She will sing there as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt."

You will sing and celebrate as Miriam did when God had worked a miracle and delivered the Israelites from Egypt, right through the midst of the Red Sea (Exodus 15:20).

Don't Stop in the Middle

But too many people stop in the middle.

Perhaps you can't get even a glimpse of the door of hope, so you sit down. I know; I've done it.

But if you believe that the valley is only a way of passage through to the mountain heights, the only logical thing to do is get back up and keep moving again.

This means that if you find yourself in a valley right now, keep on walking.

As you walk, you will be gaining new strength so that you will be capable of climbing the mountain when you get there. And once you get high enough up on the mountainside, your perspective will change about the valley of trouble behind you.

You will surely exclaim, Why, that valley is full of flowers. Just look at them! Look at that rushing brook. Look at that green grass. I must have missed it when I was down there!

You will be so glad you kept walking. Because hope restores.

Patricia King quote
Do you need hope? Do you need strength? Do you need a song in your heart as you walk through to victory? I have watched James walk through some of the most horrific challenges that one can endures. He knows how to take God's hand through the valley of the shadow of death and come through with hope as his greatest weapon. This book is for you!

Patricia King
Patricia King Ministries

He Restores What Is Lost

There is a crazy story about the prophet Elisha and an iron ax head that floated on water, and the story foreshadows the events that made Jesus our redeemer.

Here is a quick review of the story:

One day the group of prophets came to Elisha and told him, "As you can see, this place where we meet with you is too small. Let's go down to the Jordan River, where there are plenty of logs. There we can build a new place for us to meet."

"All right," he told them, "go ahead."

"Please come with us," someone suggested.

"I will," he said. So, he [Elisha] went with them.

When they arrived at the Jordan, they began cutting down trees. But as one of them was cutting a tree, his ax head fell into the river.

"Oh, sir!" he cried. "It was a borrowed ax!"

"Where did it fall?" the man of God asked.

When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water at that spot.

Then the ax head floated to the surface. "Grab it," Elisha said. And the man reached out and grabbed it. (2 Kings 6:1–7 NLT)

Have you ever flown off the handle? Have you ever lost your head? Have you ever been defeated right in the middle of your hard work?

Have you ever experienced a loss that you just can't fix? Have you ever forgotten until the mishap occurs that what you have lost was actually borrowed? Your life is not your own, you know.

But the remedy for the lost ax head points to the remedy for every one of your losses. You find it at the end of the story.

Axe headElisha had the man point to the exact spot where the ax head had entered the water. (In the same way, God has you humble yourself and identify honestly what has happened.)

And then, wonder of wonders, there is hope after all!

Elisha cut a stick from a tree. (The cross of Jesus is called the "tree.") He pulled back his arm and lobbed the stick right to that spot. A miracle occurred. The heavy ax head that had just sunk like a stone to the bottom of the river bobbed to the surface as if it were made of wood itself.


Miracles still happen. They never happen the way you may think they should, but in the end, you are altogether grateful.

With God, your valleys of trouble yield to doorways of hope every time. And hope restores.

I'm grateful to report that years ago my cancer miracle happened in Zion, IL. I had to endure some extremely difficult and expensive treatments. I also had some powerful prayer afterward. But as I sat in a small examination room, uncertain of what I would hear, my doctor matter-of-factly told me that my cancer was gone.

"What? Could you repeat that?"

"Your cancer is gone. It melted."

"You said the cancer melted?"

"Yes, it melted and is no longer in your body."

I left the treatment center stunned by what I had just heard. I found a small, quiet restaurant, and took out my phone to share the amazing news with my four children and a few close friends. Waves of gratitude and awe washed over me each time I said, "The cancer is gone. The doctor said it melted."

Miraculously, that cancer has never come back, and it is never going to come back again. I appeared before God in Zion (Psalm 84:5). I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I made it through the valley of the shadow of death.

Iron can float, and cancer can melt away. I know. I am more than a survivor. I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus!

No matter what you are going through right now—nationally, personally, physically, emotionally, spiritually—there is Hope in Christ Jesus.

And hope restores in every situation—no matter how dark it may seem.

Walking in Hope!


James W. Goll

(This article has been adapted from Chapter 5: "The Door of Hope" in James Goll's book, Tell Your Heart to Sing Again.)

New Curriculum Kit
P.S. If you want to find the hope that restores even the darkest valleys of your life, then you'll love James Goll's NEW Curriculum Kit: Discovering Hope for Your Life! It contains the Tell Your Heart to Sing Again book, complementary Study Guide and 12 Message Set in DVD, CD, Streaming or Download. For a limited time, save up to 58% (only $99)! Order your curriculum kit and find fresh faith to walk through the door of hope and believe the God of the impossible!
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New Curriculum Kit

Discovering Hope for Your Life
Curriculum Kit:



Curriculum Kit Includes:

Tell Your Heart to Sing AgainBook
Discovering Hope for Your LifeStudy Guide
Discovering Hope for Your Life6 Message Set
(CD, DVD, Streaming or Download)
Curriculum Kit – Only $99!
Reg $215

For a limited time, save up to 58%!
Buy Now


NEW Book:


Tell Your Heart to Sing Again


Discovering Hope for Your Life


by James W. Goll


There is hope for you! How do you cope, let alone rebuild your life after a series of trials, stressful difficulties, and traumatic experiences? Is there life after tragedy? How do you move forward into a meaningful life filled with purpose and destiny?

Noted author, James W. Goll, takes us on his personal journey of facing three bouts with cancer, the death of his beloved spouse, becoming a single parent, overwhelming debt, intense sorrow, being left with many profound questions—all while being exposed to public scrutiny as he carried on his global ministry. James shares his story and unpacks wisdom gained when the bottom fell out of his world.

In Tell Your Heart to Sing Again, learn how you can:

  • Catch the little foxes that lead to downward spirals
  • Navigate through the stages of forced change
  • Maintain your faith that God is good no matter what comes
  • Never, never, never give up
  • Become a hope ambassador, and much more…

Deeply personal and intensely practical, Tell Your Heart to Sing Again will give you useful tools whether for you or someone you love. You can rediscover life after tragedy!

Buy Curriculum Kit
Joan Hunter quote

Tell Your Heart to Sing Again shines a light through the darkness for those struggling through situations of loss, pain, confusion, and illness. James combines practical wisdom with his own moments of revelation as he passed through the valley of the shadow of death to produce the reality of overcoming faith.

Joan Hunter
Joan Hunter Ministries

NEW Study Guide:

Study Guide

Discovering Hope for Your Life


Study Guide 
by James W. Goll


**The Softcover Study Guides are expected to be in stock by November 16th**

  • Choose Format: Softcover Study Guide, PDF Download

Have you encountered difficult trials in your life? Over the course of my life, I've battled cancer three times, lost my wife to cancer, and navigated recovery under the microscope of a public ministry. But hope changes everything! No matter what you've been through, you can experience the happy anticipation of good in your own life and then become empowered to release hope, life, and love to others. You can…

  • Learn to take the trials you have encountered and turn them into triumphs for the Kingdom of God
  • Become an agent of transforming light in the midst of darkness
  • Become an ambassador of hope everywhere you go

Deeply personal and intensely practical, these lessons will give you useful tools for discovering life in the midst of difficulty.

The Discovering Hope for Your Life Study Guide is great for individual study in your own home, with a small group, or in a classroom setting. As you work through these lessons and apply them to your life, you will be activated to share the hope and healing you have received to change the world around you!

Buy Curriculum Kit

NEW 12 Message Set:

12 Message Set

Discovering Hope for Your Life


12 Message Set
by James W. Goll


Contains 12 (45–Minute) Sessions

  • Choose Format: 6 DVD's, 12 CD's, Streaming or Download

Have you encountered difficult trials in your life? Over the course of my life, I've battled cancer three times, lost my wife to cancer, and navigated recovery under the microscope of a public ministry. But hope changes everything! No matter what you've been through, you can experience the happy anticipation of good in your own life and then become empowered to release hope, life, and love to others.

You can…

  • Learn to take the trials you have encountered and turn them into triumphs for the Kingdom of God
  • Become an agent of transforming light in the midst of darkness
  • Become an ambassador of hope everywhere you go

Deeply personal and intensely practical, these lessons will give you useful tools for discovering life in the midst of difficulty.

The Discovering Hope for Your Life Class is great for individual study in your own home, with a small group, or in a classroom setting. As you work through these lessons and apply them to your life, you will be activated to share the hope and healing you have received to change the world around you!

Lessons include:

  1. When the Bottom Falls Out
  2. Anybody Got a Road Map?
  3. Catching the Little Foxes
  4. Dusting Off Fatigue and Weariness
  5. The Process of Change: Metamorphosis
  6. The Door of Hope
  7. A Hope that Sings
  8. Let God Put a Dream in Your Heart
  9. Never, Never, Never Give Up!
  10. No Matter What Comes, God Is Good
  11. Beauty from Ashes
  12. Hope Ambassador
Buy Curriculum Kit
James Goll's Itinerary
View Full Itinerary

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