viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

Learning to Listen with Discernment

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God Encounters Ministries

Learning to Listen with Discernment

By James W. Goll

July 9th, 2021 | 1-877-200-1604

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From the Desk of James W. Goll

Greetings! In the Great Name of Jesus

Learning to listen with discernment means that you begin to recognize the voice of God so well that other voices sound unfamiliar. The gift of discerning of spirits is desperately needed in today's Church culture. This spiritual gift helps you distinguish what motivates spiritual activity. It helps you see through the gray areas and differentiate light from darkness. Today's article will help you discern God's voice from the "voices of strangers" and experience the fullness of the spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing our Lord Jesus.

Discernment ClassIn case you missed it, I am partnering with Dr. Joseph Peck from Empower 2000 in releasing a power-packed bundle that will help you grow in spiritual discernment called Uncommon Journaling for Discernment. It is one of the best offerings of resources at the best price we have ever offered. If you register by Saturday, July 10th at Midnight Eastern Time, you will receive the following:

  • My 12-lesson class, The Discerner (at the best price ever offered)
  • Special Uncommon Journaling resources from Dr. Joseph Peck to take your journaling to the next level
  • 6 LIVE workshops Dr. Joseph Peck is leading (the 6 LIVE interactive Zoom sessions) summarizing the content of the entire Discerner class to reinforce what I teach in the class, compress the learning time frame, and MAXIMIZE YOUR TRANSFORMATION
  • The Scribe: Receiving and Retaining Revelation through Journaling – 6-Lesson Class by James W. Goll ($200 value) (sign up by Jul 10)
  • Plus 83% savings ($100 instead of $600) (sign up by Jul 12)

Click here for information or to register for Uncommon Journaling for Discernment!

Finally, I wanted to let you know about a new resource that will help you grow in discernment. I have just released a brand new YouVersion devotional titled, "God's Emotions—And What They Mean for Us." Click here to read the devotional.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and for donations to God Encounters Ministries. Together we are reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Blessings to Each of You!
James W. Goll and the GEM Team

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For any gift given to God Encounters Ministries, you'll receive a Free Download of Understanding The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence - 4 MP3 messages.
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  • Text GIVE to 615-214-7073
  • Phone: 1-877-200-1604
  • Checks: to God Encounters Ministries, PO Box 1653, Franklin, TN 37065
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James Goll's Blog
Listen with Discernment

Learning to Listen with Discernment

By James W. Goll

Learning to listen with discernment means that you begin to recognize the voice of God so well that other voices sound unfamiliar.

In John 10:5, Jesus told his followers, "And a stranger they simply will not follow." This statement needs to become a reality in your life. It takes practice and requires that you learn well the listening with discernment lessons freely offered to all of us by Holy Spirit.

wreckless drivingDon't be so overly zealous, that instead of making the time to take driver's training classes, you quickly get into the fastest car you can find and go off to the races.

Some, sad to say, end up in a ditch or become a casualty of driving without a license! But you can avoid the ditches.

First, get your permit while being mentored by others, and then graduate to driving alone. Where hearing God is concerned, driver's education consists of discernment lessons.

The Need for Discerning of Spirits

The gift of discerning of spirits, which is listed in the New Testament as one of the gifts of the Spirit, is desperately needed in today's Church culture. This gift helps you distinguish what motivates spiritual activity. It helps you see through the gray areas and differentiate light from darkness.

The following are some examples of the gift of discerning of spirits in operation:

  • Acts 16:16–18, where Paul discerned that the power of a certain slave girl was in fact a demonic spirit.
  • Acts 13:8–11, where Paul discerned that Elymas the magician was demonically energized in his attempt to oppose the presentation of the gospel.
  • Acts 14:8–10, where again Paul discerned ("saw") that a man had faith to be healed.
  • When a person is able to discern whether or not a problem in someone's life is demonic or merely the consequence of other emotional and psychological factors, or perhaps a complex combination of both.
  • When people with this gift are often able to detect or discern the presence of demonic spirits in a room or some such location.
  • In Acts 8:20–24, Peter was said to "see" (not physically, but to perceive or sense) that Simon Magus was filled with bitterness and iniquity.
  • It would seem that Jesus exercised something along the lines of this gift when he looked at Nathanael and described him as a man "in which is no guile" (John 1:47). In John 2:25 it is said that Jesus "knew what was in man."

Bottom line: This gift helps you to see below the bottom line!

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

wolf in sheep's clothingWhen the outward appearance of a wolf is disguised, the human eye cannot immediately discern the wolf. However, the sheepdog will not be deceived, even by the sheep's clothing.

He is not deceived because he does not judge by his eyesight but by his sense of smell. The wolf may look like a sheep, but he still smells like a wolf.

In Scripture, discernment is like a sense of smell, acting independently of the natural eyesight.

Isaiah the prophet, foreseeing the ministry of Jesus as the Messiah, the anointed one, declares that "the spirit of the Lord… shall make him of quick understanding [literally, quick of scent] in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears" (Isaiah 11:2–3).

Those to whom God commits the care of His sheep must likewise, through the Holy Spirit, be quick of scent.

Wisely Judging Revelation

What would you think if you had a spiritual experience that made your hair stand on end? Would you write it off as absolutely satanic or crazy because it didn't fit into your theological grid?

Consider some of the experiences of Daniel, Isaiah or Ezekiel recorded in the Old Testament.

  • Daniel lay weary for days because of the impact of a supernatural vision.
  • Isaiah had his lips seared by a burning coal.
  • Ezekiel was forced to lie on his side for 390 days straight.

Then there's Zechariah, Paul, and John the beloved disciple. An angel strikes Zechariah dumb, Paul is blinded, and John sees visions of such magnitude that the entire book of Revelation is inadequate to record them.

We need the gift of discernment, don't we?

Most of us in the Western world, if confronted with such events, would tend to chalk them up to psychological disturbances or the devil.

Entire segments of the Body of Christ have written off hearing from the Lord because of fears about being deceived and led astray.

It's true that such experiences can come from the supernatural power of the enemy, from the human mind or from God Himself. Yet, God wants us to recognize His voice, and our Master is very capable of preserving us from harm and deception.

We can trust our Father. If we ask Him for the things of the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ, we will get the real things, not counterfeits. Two of His best gifts are wisdom and discernment. We need to stick close to Jesus and ask God to enable us to grow in them!

9 Scriptural Tests for Receiving Divine Revelation

The only way we can accurately and safely approach interpreting the motivation behind revelatory activity of any kind is to ask God for the spirit of wisdom and understanding. God still speaks today through many different avenues, including visions, dreams, His inner voice, His external audible voice, His creation, and so forth.

Yet our most important source of revelation is the canon of Scripture. Since the Bible is our absolute standard against which we must test spiritual experiences, let's look at nine scriptural tests.

To be assured of receiving accurate and valid revelation, we can apply the following list of nine scriptural tests…

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New Discerner Bundle

P.S. If you want to learn to grow in discerning the voice of God in your life, then you'll love The Best of the Discerner Bundle by James W. Goll! Save 22% when you purchase this bundle of The Discerner Book & The Best of The Discerner 4 MP3 Message Set! Order your bundle today and begin hearing, confirming, and acting on prophetic revelation in your life!

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James Goll video

Listening Prayer

Video by James W. Goll

In this classic video, James gives a short teaching and exhortation on listening in your prayer time. God will speak if you give him time and listen. Hearing God's voice is an important part of spiritual maturity. As you practice this key discipline you will find yourself hearing with greater and greater clarity!

Watch the Video

The Incubation Bed of Revelation

God Encounters Today Podcast, Season 2, Epsode 41

James Goll Podcast

by James W. Goll

In this God Encounters Today Podcast, James W. Goll shares amazing insights from one of his journals on how "Suspension Leads to Inception." The act of suspension requires a divine resolution. Inception is an active process or instance that leads to a new beginning.

Listen to the Audio
NEW: Discerner Bundle

NEW: The Best of the Discerner Bundle

Satan's number one weapon is Deception. The Church's number one need is Discernment. The Best of the Discerner Bundle will take you on a journey of discovery into God's revelation for you today!

Save up to 46% when you purchase this bundle of the The Discerner Book or Audiobook & The Best of The Discerner 4 MP3 Message Set by James Goll!

Includes: Book & 4 MP3 Message Set

by James W. Goll

The Discerner Book:

  • Format: Softcover Book, Audio Book: 7 CD Set
  • **Please Note: The Audio Book is currently on back-order, but expected to be back in stock the week of June 12th**

With clear explanations, scriptural illustrations, and real-life contemporary stories, I share how you can receive revelation through the natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste—and how to open yourself up to the comparable supernatural senses through which God wants to speak to you. He also removes uncertainty about how to discern revelation and test the spirits, so that you can fulfill your ultimate purpose: extending Jesus' powerful kingdom on earth.

4 MP3 Messages include:

  1. Surrendering Your Senses to the Holy Spirit (Lesson 1 from The Discerner Class)
  2. Feeling: From the Heart Flows the Issues of Life (Lesson 4 from The Discerner Class)
  3. Testing the Spirits: Don't Believe Every Spirit! (Lesson 7 from The Discerner Class)
  4. The Spirit of Deception: Seductive and Manipulative (Lesson 8 from The Discerner Class)

Book and 4 MP3 Message set $46 - Only $25
Save up to 46%

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The Feeler:

Discover How Sensitivity Helps You
Discern and Act on God's Voice

By James W. Goll

The Feeler Book
The Feeler delivers a remarkable biblical perspective on our emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God's voice. We experience the love, joy, and presence of God with our feelings. Our emotions have an impact on our bodies, our level of holiness, our relationships, and our decisions. This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God's Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits.

When you purchase The Feeler from God Encounters Ministries, you will also receive through email 12 bonus video devotionals by James W. Goll, one to go along with each chapter of the book!

Signed Hard Cover Book – Only $27
Soft Cover Book – Only $16

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Hearing God Bundle

Hearing God's Voice Today Bundle

By James W. Goll

Includes: Book & 4 MP3 Message Set

This book will equip you to:

  • draw near to God
  • trust that He wants to speak to you
  • recognize His voice
  • overcome obstacles that block His voice
  • avoid being misled by words that do not come from Him

Messages include:

  1. Message One: Practical Suggestions for Hearing God's Voice
  2. Message Two: God's Multi-Faceted Voice
  3. Message Three: Judging Revelation
  4. Message Four: The Geiger Counter of Guidance

Book and 4 MP3 Message set $30 Only $25 – Save 17%

Buy Now
James Goll's Itinerary

Declare His Mighty Acts

Women's Conference

August 20th - 21st - Nashville, TN

As we stand on the brink of revival, are you ready for what the Lord is calling you to do? God is stirring hearts to do great things!

Information and Registration

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