miércoles, 14 de julio de 2021

Replay and highlights for Finding Hope, Healing, and Freedom

The Lord was present to heal during this anointed message.

with Lee and Cindi Whitman

Encounter Jesus, the Hope Giver, today!

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives." (Luke 4:18)

Dear Wanda,

You know the Scripture in the Gospels where Jesus is ministering and it says, "the Lord was present to heal." Well, that's what I felt like during yesterday's powerful webinar, Finding Healing, Hope, and Freedom, with Lee and Cindi Whitman.

I was moved to tears as Jesus, the Hope-Giver, showed up in the most beautiful way as Lee and Cindi shared testimonies from Scripture, their own lives, and the lives of people they have seen profoundly touched by the healing presence of Jesus.

If you are reading this, and thinking, "Well that's great, but it's never happened for me." This is the ONE message you need to watch.

Lee and Cindi were right there with you before the Lord brought them to Restoring the Foundations ministries. They had gone from conference to conference, ministry to ministry, looking for the healing and deliverance they knew they needed.

What they found, and what you will learn in this amazing webinar, is that there are four areas that must be addressed to cut off the enemy's attack and remove the authority for the devil to oppress.

If you feel stuck in your struggle - whether it be for physical or emotional healing, or dealing with cycles of sin, addictions, depression, broken relationships...

...or you just know that there has to be more. I encourage you to watch the replay of this anointed webinar.

I believe the Hope-Giver will meet you, speak to you, and begin to lead you on a path to wholeness while you watch.

Here are some highlights from Lee and Cindi's powerful session:

  • The last 18 months have not only been a global season of shaking in the natural, but also in the spiritual realm. Spirits have been released to bring despair, fear, and loss of hope for a better life.
  • You have a destiny and calling. Today is about exposing the lies the enemy has used to hold you back, and bringing truth.
  • We are here to release hope to you today.
  • We were once right where you are. We went to every conference, every healing service, every visiting minister seeking healing that never came. We went from desperate and broken to desperate, broken, and hopeless because nothing seemed to work.
  • Don't give up. Don't settle for anything less than what Jesus died to give you.
  • We see people all the time who are at the end of their rope–who have tried everything–and we have seen Jesus come into that situation.
  • What's different about this message? Most issues we face have deeper roots than the surface symptom. This ministry approach goes to the root so you can have breakthrough and lasting healing, hope, and freedom.
  • Sozo means healed, restored, delivered. This is what Jesus wants to do for you.
  • Jesus is the Answer. Jesus is the Hope Giver.
  • It doesn't matter what sin or issue you have been dealing with, Jesus wants to set you free.
  • You were created to soar. But there are four tethers that are common to all humans that tie you to the ground.
  • They are revealed in Luke 4:18: Poverty (generational sin and curses); Broken-hearted (hurts that life causes); recovery of sight (lies the enemy has used to blind us); set captives free (freedom from the enemy's oppression).
  • These are the four areas that we address in the Restoring the Foundations approach to ministry.
  • Generational sins and curses - from Exodus 20:5 we see that there is generational pressure that is passed down through the family line. It could be addiction, sexual perversion, anger issues, depression, or health issues. Whatever the manifestation, it is a sin in the bloodline that needs to be cleansed before you can be free.
  • Through Jesus, we can identify the iniquity and cut it off from our ilves and the lives of our children.
  • Ungodly beliefs are the lies of the enemy that keep us from walking in freedom. This could be things we think, "I'm not good enough. I've messed up so badly, God could never use me. I don't belong..." The list goes on. Again, most of us have tried to overcome these voices in our head by meditating on Scripture, proclaiming God's truth. But until you get to the root, identify the ungodly belief, repent, and renounce it, you have given the enemy authority to continue to torment you in that area. This is a powerful tool to getting lasting freedom.
  • What you believe will determine our destiny and future.
  • Woundings of the Heart is the third tether. Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted. It doesn't matter the source, how deep the wound, or how devastating the damage. Jesus knows and He knows just how to minister to those places.
  • The final tether is the oppression from the enemy. The first three tethers of generational iniquity, ungodly beliefs, and woundings of the heart become a landing strip for demonic oppressions to come and set up shop.
  • When you deal with these first three areas and break the authority they have in your life, then you can easily deal with the demonic forces. Their legal right to stay is gone.
  • Deliverance from demons should be a regular part of Christian life. (Matthew 16:17)
  • God wants each of us to live in John 10:10 abundant life and hope.

God wants to pour hope into your heart today.

If this is your desire, then click here to watch the replay of yesterday's amazing webinar and get ready to encounter Jesus in a whole new way.

If you know someone who is struggling right now, please share this message so they can experience a fresh infusion of hope, freedom, and healing, too.

LIVING IN HOPE, HEALING, & FREEDOM Class with Lee & Cindi Whitman

First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who already enrolled in Lee and Cindi Whitman's upcoming class. It is going to change your life forever!

There are two kinds of people in the world—those who have been hurt, and those who have been hurt worse.

God knew this would be the case, so He sent Jesus to bring healing, restoration, and freedom.

Sometimes that healing comes in an instant. Like the miracle of new birth at salvation, old patterns, oppressions, addictions, and pain can be immediately and supernaturally wiped away without a trace.

Family ID Class

Other times, the struggle continues… and it's REAL!

Are you battle-weary or losing hope that you will ever overcome? Is there a cry deep inside of you for breakthrough?

Are you currently experiencing…

  • destructive family traits that cause hurt or frustration—but you feel powerless to stop
  • sin patterns you can't overcome
  • repeated cycles of negative relationships with family or friends
  • chronic issues with finances or your health
  • the thought, "This must be as good as the Christian life gets this side of heaven!"
  • a struggle with fear, doubt, and insecurity or the feeling that you are just "surviving"the inability to change in spite of many efforts
  • the inability to change despite many efforts

If you answered, "Yes!" to any of these, then you won't want to miss the Living in Hope, Healing, and Freedom class.

This life-transforming class will walk you through each of the four key areas that hinder permanent healing and freedom.

By addressing these areas with an integrated, biblical approach, you will be empowered to:

  • receive God's hope in your hopeless places
  • experience Jesus' healing for deep personal hurts and wounds
  • apply God's truth to bring freedom where you have been held captive
  • find restoration for your soul

It's time for you to EXPERIENCE the fullness of life and joy that Jesus purchased for you!


Register for Lee and Cindi's upcoming class by midnight Eastern tonight (July 14) and you will automatically receive RTF founder's powerful teaching: Breaking Free from Life's Destructive Patterns.

Do you want to break free from life's destructive patterns?

Shame, fear, and control work together to destroy your life while control, rebellion, and rejection seek to destroy your relationships.

This powerful teaching by Chester and Betsy Kylstra will help you break free and live free.

Study Guide Bonus

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings for your journey to wholeness and freedom!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Family Vision Replay
Where there is no vision.
Why? and How?
Vision from God

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