jueves, 29 de julio de 2021

Replay and highlights for 7 Myths People Believe About Finances

Craig Hill's webinar presentation about finances was the best one (favorite) I have ever heard.

7 Myths People Believe about Finances
with Craig Hill

Go beyond the superficial to the heart of the matter for life-long financial transformation.

"The rich rules over the poor and the borrower is a slave to the lender."
(Proverbs 22:7)

Dear Wanda,

Craig Hill's webinar presentation about finances was the best one (favorite) I have ever heard. His teaching is simple, practical, profound, biblically based, and Kingdom-centric.

The response we had to his message was phenomenal. Thank you to all those who participated in the live broadcast. There is nothing quite like a live event.

People are hungry for and desperately need what Craig is teaching.

I feel this is so important that I am going to ask all the Empower 2000 workers to participate in this class.

Thank you to the many people who already enrolled in Craig's upcoming 13-lesson class.

For me personally, immersing myself in Craig's teaching has had a profound impact. In just a few weeks after I first encountered his teaching, I paid off our car loan and my personal income increased 50%. My goal is to have our home mortgage paid off within 3 years like Craig did.

Here are some highlights from Craig's powerful session:

  • The New Testament includes 215 verses on faith, 218 verses on salvation, and 2084 verses on money and finances!
  • Jesus spoke 10 times more often about money and finances than faith or salvation.
  • 16 of Jesus' 38 parables were about money and finance.
  • Where your treasure is, there your heart shall be... how we think about money and finances has a lot to do with where our heart is focused.
  • MOST financial advisors and financial seminars deal with the superficial management of money.
  • But you can't build a strong house without a strong foundation.
  • God has revealed foundational principles that undergird every other financial decision...but like building a house they have to be followed in sequence in order to work.
  • If God has infinite resources, why do so many Christians, churches, and ministries struggle financially?
  • It's not the AMOUNT of money you make, but how you USE money that makes the difference between rich and poor, wealth and poverty.
  • The most important money myth to break is... "If I just made more money..."
  • You don't need more money. You need God's plan to utilize the money you have for multiplication.
  • When you do the natural, God will do the supernatural.
  • When we follow His principles in the natural, God fills in the gap with His SUPERnatural provision.
  • Sowing and reaping is not for provision...
  • Your provision is because God loved you. Period.
  • God wants to move you from just enough to multiplication. God's nature is to multiply.
  • God can multiply naturally, God can multiply supernaturally, but one thing He can't multiply is ZERO.
  • The devil will keep you focused on what you DON'T have, but God says, "Bring Me what you have, and I will multiply."
  • Our job is not our SOURCE. God is.
  • Our job may be the CHANNEL through which God is supplying, but if that channel closes, the SOURCE remains the same. God will open a new channel to bless you.
  • Money is designed to be a servant, not a master.
  • Make money work for you. Don't ever work for money.
  • When you work, God makes provision. But you never work for money.

God wants to turn your finances around today.

If this is your desire, then click here to watch the replay of yesterday's amazing webinar.

If you were on the live broadcast, I encourage you to watch it again because you will pick up much more. I certainly did. What an eye-opening message.


First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who already enrolled in Craig Hill's upcoming class. It is going to change your life forever!

In order to build a strong financial house, it is critical to build in the proper sequence.

When constructing a house…

1. First the foundation is laid.

2. Then the framing, electrical and plumbing are installed.

3. Finally, the walls can be dry walled and finished, and the outside can be finished.

Getting things out of sequence can create all sorts of problems.

Finance Class

Imagine trying to install electrical or plumbing into walls that are already sealed and painted.

Many people struggle in their financial life simply because they never have learned strong Biblical principles about money and end up doing the exact opposite of the principles they don't even know about!

If you want to debunk the financial myths you have believed, discover principles for building a strong financial house, and allow God to transform your finances like never before, you won't want to miss this class!

In this course, you will learn…

  • How to build a strong financial house
  • Why it is vital to seek vision instead of money
  • Essential principles of money management
  • The difference between wealth and money
  • How to move from debt to multiplication


Register for Craig Hill's upcoming class by midnight Eastern tonight (July 30th) and you will automatically receive his 10 Financial Principles teaching.

Do you want to break free from financial lack?

Many people struggle because they never learned these 10 biblical financial principles.

Break the cycle and get ready for God to open up the windows of heaven as you learn the ten financial principles that are critical to steward and increase in Kingdom provision.

10 Principles Bonus

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings for your journey to financial breakthrough and increase!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

7 Myths Replay
Principles 1
Principles 2
Heart Issues

If you prefer not to receive further emails related to Craig Hill's current Building a Strong Financial House class offer, please click here. If you would like to change your contact information or update the emails you receive, please visit our Email Preferences Center.

You may also Unsubscribe completely, but please be advised—this means we won't be able to deliver your emails, even for things you have purchased. If you have any questions, please send us a reply and we'd be happy to help.

Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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