lunes, 2 de agosto de 2021

Craig Hill: Getting out of debt starts with a decision

Plus Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know book bonus expires today.

Getting out of debt starts with a decision.

Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know book bonus expires tonight!

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)

Dear Wanda,

During the "7 Myths People Believe about Finances" free webinar, Craig Hill shared an incredible story about Carlos, a rancher in northern Mexico who participated in one of Craig's live seminars in Mexico.

When Carlos heard Craig say he and his wife Jan got completely out of debt in three years, including their home mortgage, Carlos didn't believe that was possible for him, an uneducated rancher with seemingly limited opportunities where he lived.

At that time, Carlos was struggling to even make his monthly payments on a 40-year mortgage for his ranch.

But after talking to Craig, Carlos and his wife made the decision they were going to do their part to be debt free and trust God to do His part.

When Carlos inquired of the Lord for the strategy, he heard "Sell your cows." This made no sense because cattle was the primary source for his livelihood. Still, Carlos and his wife trusted God and sold their cows, catching the market at its peak and making a significant profit.

Then Carlos inquired of the Lord for the next strategy and heard "Buy sheep." That seemed very odd because he didn't know anything about sheep nor did he particularly like sheep farmers.

To hear the rest of this fascinating story and what sheep and cows have to do with you, click here to watch the testimonial video for "Sell cows, buy sheep."


Craig's new class "Building a Strong Financial House" is unlike any other you have taken on finances before.

We have heard from so many people who have tried and used other methods such as Dave Ramsey Financial University that say that Craig's class is a game-changer.

What's different?

While other programs treat the SYMPTOMS of financial lack, Craig's teaching goes straight to the heart. This is a spiritual class that will clear out the spiritual hindrances that are holding you back from accessing the full provision God intends for you.

If you want to debunk the financial myths you have believed, discover principles for building a strong financial house, and allow God to transform your finances like never before, you won't want to miss this class!

Financial House Class


If you are interested in the Finance class, be sure to sign up before the Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know book bonus expires in 25 hours (i.e. at 11:59 pm Eastern on Monday, Aug 3).

Those who sign up by Aug 3 for Craig's Building a Strong Financial House class will receive these bonuses:

  • 67% cash savings (sign up by Aug 12)
  • Ancient Path to Wealth - 14-Lesson Class by Craig Hill (sign up by Aug 5)
  • Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know - signed Book by Craig Hill (sign up by 11:59 pm Eastern, Aug 3)
Five Wealth Secrets


Heavenly Father, the Bible says You are a debtor to no man. Craig Hill teaches that debt is an aberration that should not be tolerated. Forgive me for myths I have believed about finances and for decisions made in the past to take on unnecessary debt. Renew my mind according to your holy Word to set me free. Guide me to make wise choices so I may be completely debt free within three years. May the teaching and impartation in Craig's class empower students to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and live their lives in victory. In Jesus' name, amen and hallelujah!

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to trust in the Lord when you hear His word!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

You can't afford not to
You can't afford not to
Never work for money
Never work for money
Never work for money

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